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Dari Mitos Menstrual Taboo Ke Dunia Kecantikan dan Fashion Yuswati, Yuswati
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 5 No. 1 (2007)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2007.51.123-138


Menstrual Taboo is a never ending phenomenon. We can study about it from different points of view: medical, psychological, anthropological, mythological, theological as well as ideological perspectives. Talking about the popular myth of menstrual taboo, there are "evil eyes", "huts" etc, that protect women in her monthly period. Right now, the myth of menstrual taboo has deviated into the farms of menstrual creations such as the present of cosmetology like Kohl, eye liner, shoes and fashion. Jilbab, as a code of women's dress has actually been widely practiced far before emergence of Islam. Nevertheless, when Islam come to be spread, jilbab was associated with several superstitions, one of them is menstrual taboo. In the last ten years, Jilbab for teenagers and young women has been "booming in Indonesia. Many schools from elementary to university, and governmental offices as w~U have made jilbab as part of their official uniforms.
Penggunaan sabun lemon grass essensial terhadap kulit berjerawat pada mata kuliah perawatan wajah elektrik Juniastuti, Eni; Yuswati, Yuswati; Novita, Elok
Home Economics Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019): May
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/hej.v3i1.24673


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Pengaruh penggunaan sabun terhadap kulit berjerawat; (2) Efektifitas penggunaan sabun untuk perawatan kulit wajah berjerawat; 3) Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam penggunaan; (4) Hasil akhir perawatan wajah elektrik pada kulit berjerawat dengan pemakaiaan sabun. Desain penelitian quasi eksperimen dilaksanakan di Laboraturium Rias Jurusan Pendidikan Boga dan Busana dengan membagi dua kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Subyek penelitian adalah semua mahasiswa rias yang memiliki kondisi kulit berjerawat dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan (1) Penggunaan sabun memiliki pengaruh sebesar 88.63% untuk kondisi jerawat dan kondisi minyak 89.28 % pada kulit berjerawat; (2) Efektifitas penggunaan sabun pada masa penyembuhan jerawat 87.5 % lebih cepat waktu yang dibutuhkan; (3) Kendala yang sering muncul pada proses pemakaian meliputi faktor menstrulasi, pola makan, kurang istirahat dan pemakaian make up yang terlalu lama pada wajah; (4) hasil akhir perawatan wajah yang menggunakan sabun lemon grass essensial 89.28% dinyatakan berhasil mengurangi jerawat, kondisi minyak dan mempercepat masa penyembuhan jerawat. Dapat disimpulan bahwa penggunaan sabun berpengaruh terhadap kulit berjerawat pada mata kuliah perawatan wajah elektrik.AbstractThis study aims to determine (1) the effect of using soap on acne prone skin; (2) Effectiveness of using soap for acne-prone facial skin care; 3) Usage Constraints; (4) Final of result electrical facial care on acne prone skin with the use of soap. The quasi-experimental research design was carried out in the Cosmetology Laboratory of the Department of Culinary and Fashion Education by dividing the two experimental and control groups. The research subjects were all Cosmetology’s students who had acne prone skin with purposive sampling technique. The results are (1) The use of soap has an effect of 88.63% for acne conditions and oil conditions 89.28% on acne prone skin; (2) Effectiveness of the use of soap during acne healing period 87.5% faster time needed; (3) Constraints that often in the process of use include menstrual factors, dietary habit, rest deffiency and the use of makeup that is too long on the face; (4) the final result of facial treatment using essential lemon grass soap 89.28% was successful in reducing acne, oil conditions and accelerating the healing period of acne. It can be concluded that the use of soap has an effect on acne-prone skin in electric facial care courses.