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Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jsr.v13i12.1510


In today’s digital age, one of the most significant shifts in the field of Islam in Indonesia is the increasing reliance of Muslims on social media when practicing and expressing their faith and religiosity. The expressions generally reflected in the consumer behavior and everyday lives of Indonesian Muslims, with their preference for Islamic banking, Islamic schools, Islamic fashion, Islamic medicines and most importantly, today Indonesian Muslims like to present these practices on their social media accounts. However, public expressions of piety have been apparent in the political life of Indonesian Muslims as Indonesia’s political landscape has undergone significant changes after the controversy surrounding Jakarta Gubernatorial Election. Although religion has often been ignored as an important political factor, but it can’t be denied that both are actually the biggest public parts of many people’s lives. Therefore, this paper argues that political contexts are critical aspects of modern formations of piety. Based on online observations combined with computational method, this paper tries to analyzes intriguing examples of how social media, the religious, and the everyday politics intersect, focusing on contemporary expressions of piety through political attitudes in an online sphere. 
Preparing for the Worst Crisis Scenario on the Flag Carrier Garuda Indonesia in Digital Era Aqida Nuril Salma
Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 6, No 1 (2021): June 2021 - Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
Publisher : Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/jkiski.v6i1.494


Life in the digital era runs instant and fast-paced. The development of science and technology, especially the Internet and social media has a very strong influence. Not only does it affect the daily activities of people's lives, but also the activities of the professional world, especially in crisis communication that is considered more complex, and even raises new possibilities in which each company will be more vulnerable to crisis with a greater impact than ever. Thus, preparing for the worst possible scenario will help a crisis situation go as smoothly as possible. In consequence, organizations today are required to have a structured and internet-based crisis communication plan and policy as an effort to respond to these developments. This research paper presents an exploratory study conducted to understand how the practitioners prepare for the worst scenario and the strategy of handling it, and how the planning is influential to the success of crisis communication. An in-depth interview was conducted to senior corporate communication executives and crisis manager from High Reliability Organization (HRO). This paper concludes by suggesting  and  drawing up  guidelines for practitioners to structuring an effective crisis communication plan as well as directions for future research in this domain for researchers to take up.
Utilization of Instagram by Glamping Legok Kondang Ciwidey as a Promotion Media during the Pandemic Anisa Diniati; Aqida Nuril Salma; Martha Tri Lestari; Ni Luh Putu Febriyanti Suntari Devi; Cassey Adela Tasliman
Jurnal Penelitian Pariwisata Vol 6 No 1 (2022): (TRJ) Tourism Research Journal
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30647/trj.v6i1.134


This research aims to describe how social media Instagram that tourism industry players, and the tourists use during the pandemic, can be utilized as a promotion tool so that more people will be interested in traveling again, especially in the era of the new normal. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type and data collection techniques carried out through in-depth interviews with one key informant, non-participant observation, and document study. The results show that in carrying out its promotion, Glamping Ciwidey utilizes some features of social media Instagram and emphasizes certain content to attract the attention of their target audiences. In modifying the audiences’ behavior, they optimize the ability of the influencer that was involved in building brand awareness and the interest of tourists’ attraction and maximizing the features of posting and reposting content from the influencers also visitors through Insta Story and Instagram Feeds. In providing the information such as product knowledge and persuading the audiences to be interested in visiting, they utilize some of Instagram’s features and emphasize the digital content creation, such as activities and the view around there, the implementation of health protocol, infographic, and repost content. Keywords: Nature Tourism, Promotion Media, Social Media For Tourism Marketing
Analyzing Online Public Sentiment Toward Corporate Crisis in the Age of Big Data and Automation Aqida Nuril Salma
The Journal of Society and Media Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Understanding Communication on Media and Society Life
Publisher : Department of Social Science, Faculty of Social Science &Law, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jsm.v6n1.p188-206


The emergence of social media has created a new environment for digital communities to share their opinions and thoughts. Particularly in times of crisis where online platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have become the first destination for people to express their thoughts and share crucial information. On the other hand, social media and its algorithms have created very large amounts of data to enable Public Relations practitioners to access the data through data mining techniques. As such, this study aims to analyze online public sentiment toward a corporate crisis using big data and automation. Unlike research in the fields of information systems and computer science, which focuses on building methodology and tools, this study demonstrates the possibilities of basic big data utilization as well as linking the findings to the foundations of social theory and public relations crisis. To reach its aims, Twitter data has been collected, analyzed and visualized to perform a text mining and sentiment analysis for analyzing public sentiment about Garuda Indonesia crisis in 2019. Drawing on current literature on public relations and crisis management in digital world, the finding suggests the need of having big data skills for public relations practitioners if they wish to survive in a fully digitized society. Finally, I expect that this project will be important to draw in new discussion for scholars in a variety of area studies, such as strategic communication, corporate communication, digital public relations and even data science.
Strategi Komunikasi Krisis pada Era Digital: Penggunaan Internet Dari Sebelum Hingga Sesudah Krisis Aqida Nuril Salma
Jurnal Penelitian Pers dan Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol 22 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Penelitian Pers dan Komunikasi Pembangungan
Publisher : Balai Pengembangan SDM dan Penelitian Komunikasi dan Informatika (BPSDMP Kominfo) Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (802.518 KB) | DOI: 10.46426/jp2kp.v22i1.71


In recent years, the Internet has evolved into the most popular way for companies to communicate with stakeholders and key public while also changing the practice of corporate communications and public relations professionals. Especially in crisis communications activities that are considered to be more complex in the digital era. Handling of the crisis nowadays is considered ineffective if only using traditional ways, but also requires the use of the Internet within every element of the crisis. The Internet has dramatically changed the way to respond to a crisis. Thus, research on internet usage in crisis communication are getting a lot of scholar attention. But unfortunately, many studies still only focus on internet usage at one stage. This research paper presents an exploratory study conducted to understand how the internet could be used in all stages of the crisis either before the crisis, during the crisis, and after the crisis. Furthermore, crisis communication strategy in the digital age is not limited to the use of the Internet as a medium of communication, but also to note the principles and ways of communicating.Keywords: Crisis Communication, Internet, Corporate Communication, Public Relations ABSTRAKDalam beberapa tahun ini, Internet telah berkembang menjadi cara yang paling populer bagi perusahaan untuk berkomunikasi dengan stakeholder dan publik kuncinya sekaligus juga mengubah praktik komunikasi korporat dan public relations profesional. Terlebih dalam kegiatan komunikasi krisis yang dinilai menjadi lebih kompleks di era digital. Penanganan krisis dianggap tidak cukup efektif jika hanya menggunakan cara tradisional, namun juga mewajibkan penggunaan internet di dalam setiap elemen krisis. Internet telah secara dramatis mengubah cara untuk merespon sebuah krisis. Sehingga penelitian mengenai penggunaan internet dalam komunikasi krisis semakin banyak dilakukan oleh para peneliti. Namun sayangnya beberapa masih hanya berfokus pada penggunaan internet pada satu tahapan saja. Maka dari itu, melalui metode studi kasus, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana internet dapat berperan di dalam setiap tahapan krisis, baik itu sebelum krisis, saat krisis hingga sesudah krisis. Selanjutnya hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa strategi komunikasi krisis di era digital tidak terbatas hanya pada penggunaan internet sebagai media, namun juga perlu diperhatikan perubahan pada prinsip dan cara berkomunikasinya.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Krisis, Internet, Komunikasi Korporat, Hubungan Masyarakat
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Sosial Instagram terhadap Pemenuhkan Kebutuhan Informasi Awindya Wulandari; Aqida Nuril Salma
Kaganga:Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Riset Sosial Humaniora Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Kaganga:Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Riset Sosial Humaniora
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.989 KB) | DOI: 10.31539/kaganga.v5i2.4321


Abstract The use of social media, especially Instagram, is currently the focus of the Indonesian government to be used to fulfill information needs, almost all local governments use social media to communicate with the community. This is also accompanied by the use of the internet and the use of social media which is constantly increasing in Indonesia. This study was conducted to determine the effect of the use of social media Instagram @halobandung on meeting the information needs of the people of Bandung. Researchers used a quantitative research methodology by distributing online questionnaires via Google Form which were then distributed to 100 respondents via WhatsApp, LINE, and Instagram DMs. The population in this study is the people of Bandung City who know the Instagram account @halobandung. The data analysis techniques used in this study were descriptive analysis, MSI test, normality test, correlation test, coefficient of determination test, simple regression test, and the t & f hypothesis test. Based on the results of hypothesis testing using the T test and F test, the results show that there is an influence on the use of Instagram @halobandung social media on meeting the information needs of the people of Bandung City. This is evidenced by the results of the T test calculation, it is found that t_count is 7,879 greater than t_table is 1,984. it can be interpreted that H_0 is rejected and H_1 is accepted. Based on the results of these calculations, it can be interpreted that there is an influence on the use of social media Instagram @halobandung on meeting the information needs of the people of Bandung City. Keywords: @halobandung, Government, Information, Instagram, Social Media, Society
Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Instagram Sebagai Media Komunikasi Pemasaran Capella.Apps Amelia Dieka Pradana; Aqida Nuril Salma
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i2.865


Penelitian ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan media sosial Instagram sebagai media komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Capella.apps. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep elemen komunikasi pemasaran menurut Priansa (2017) yang meliputi periklanan, pemasaran langsung, promosi penjualan, penjualan personal, pemasaran interaktif, dan hubungan masyarakat. Selain itu, peneliti juga menggunakan konsep fitur dan konten Instagram menurut Helianthusonfri (2020) yang meliputi fitur Instagram stories, fitur Instagram feeds, Fitur Highlight Instagram, konten penawaran, konten tanya jawab, konten polling, konten edukasi, konten review, testimonial, kuis, hiburan, live Instagram, dan konten dari pengikut. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan pengumpulan data dengan dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa Capella.apps melakukan kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran seperti periklanan menggunakan Instagram dan Facebook Ads, melakukan kegiatan pemasaran langsung hanya melalui postingan Instagram stories dan feeds karena Capella.apps merupakan online shop yang hanya mengandalkan Instagram sebagai media penjualan dan pemasaran, melakukan kegiatan promosi penjualan dengan cara membuat konten soft selling, melakukan penjualan personal hanya melalui Instagram saja namun tidak sedikit juga konsumen Capella.apps yang mengajak teman-temannya untuk membeli Netflix di Capella.apps, melakukan kegiatan pemasaran interaktif menggunakan Instagram Ads dan membuat konten-konten soft selling di akun Instagram Capella.apps, melakukan kegiatan hubungan masyarakat dengan menangani keluhan yang diberikan oleh pelanggan dengan sebaik dan secepat mungkin. Selain itu, untuk menjaga citranya, Capella.apps biasanya membuat pertanyaan tentang bagaimana pandangan konsumen terhadap Capella.apps? hasil jawaban tersebut dapat menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi Capella.apps untuk menjadi lebih baik kedepannya. Capella.apps juga memanfaatkan semua fitur Instagram dan membuat semua konten Instagram menurut Helianthusonfri (2020). Bentuk konten yang diunggah disesuaikan oleh kebutuhan dan kegemaran pelanggan Capella.apps. Fitur dan konten Instagram tersebut mampu membantu Capella.apps untuk melakukan kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran di akun Instagramnya
Strategi City Branding Bali “The Island Of Gods” Dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Luh Made Kirana Medhawi Tenaya; Aqida Nuril Salma
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research (Special Issue)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i2.1981


Bali dikenal dengan city branding “The Island of Gods” sebagai suatu identitas yang sangat melekat pada masyarakat Bali yang memiliki kehidupan spiritual, keagamaan dan kebudayaan yang kental. Setelah dibuka kembali pasca pandemi Covid-19, Pulau Dewata Bali tetap menjadi tempat wisata favorit bagi wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara untuk berlibur setelah hampir dua tahun tidak melakukan perjalanan akibat dari pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Mengetahui strategi Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Bali dalam mengimplementasikan city branding Bali “The Island of Gods” untuk meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Bali Pasca Pandemi Covid-19. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori city branding oleh sugiarsono (2009) dan teori meeriless (2013) Pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus dan paradigma konstruktivis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Bali dalam menarik kembali wisatawan pasca pandemi Covid-19 adalah dengan melakukan promosi terkait Bali aman dan seluruh masyarakatnya telah tervaksinasi serta seluruh destinasi wisata di Bali telah menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang ketat dan memiliki sertifikat CHSE.