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Dynamic Balanced Scorecard Approch for Government Organization Strategy Development : A Case Study of Education and Training Unit for Underground Mining (ETUUM) Agung Prasojo, Hendris; Sunitiyoso, Yos
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract. Purpose- the purpose of this research is to analyze the development of Balanced Scorecard by strategy map that has been done in the Education and Training Unit for Underground Mining (ETUUM) using a system dynamic. Design/methodology - the use of system dynamic to develop the conceptual model from the balanced scorecard perspective which requires a variety of information that collected through observation, interview and document collection and secondary information. The conceptual model is intended to describe the condition of the organization as a virtual world that can provide a clearer picture of how the complexity of the organization. The conceptual model is also used as a tool to test the performance and strategies for the future. That it is important to note is that the model is the actual condition of the organization in the real world and focus on key variables even though some assumptions. In this study using four scenarios.Finding- to get sustainable business and the competitive advantages ETUUM strategy must include development in the learning and growth perspective (organization competency), the internal business process (NSPC and training program), as well as the customer perspective).Limitations– The research was done only in ETUUM organization and based on the hypothesis of literature and cases in ETUUM. The research can be spread more by analyze a whole of ETUUM Balanced Scorecard.Implications - research models can be developed further more to analyze the causal relationship between various indicators in the non-profit organization. With understand the causal relationship, the organization strategy more easy to decide, and the research can be developed in other government organizations, and comprehensively conducted from various Balanced Scorecard perspectives.Originality - this research is only a small part of the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard research, especially with system dynamic for government agencies are engaged training business in Indonesia. Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, dynamic system, organization strategy, cause and effect. Abstract. Purpose- the purpose of this research is to analyze the development of Balanced Scorecard by strategy map that has been done in the Education and Training Unit for Underground Mining (ETUUM) using a system dynamic. Design/methodology - the use of system dynamic to develop the conceptual model from the balanced scorecard perspective which requires a variety of information that collected through observation, interview and document collection and secondary information. The conceptual model is intended to describe the condition of the organization as a virtual world that can provide a clearer picture of how the complexity of the organization. The conceptual model is also used as a tool to test the performance and strategies for the future. That it is important to note is that the model is the actual condition of the organization in the real world and focus on key variables even though some assumptions. In this study using four scenarios.Finding- to get sustainable business and the competitive advantages ETUUM strategy must include development in the learning and growth perspective (organization competency), the internal business process (NSPC and training program), as well as the customer perspective).Limitations– The research was done only in ETUUM organization and based on the hypothesis of literature and cases in ETUUM. The research can be spread more by analyze a whole of ETUUM Balanced Scorecard.Implications - research models can be developed further more to analyze the causal relationship between various indicators in the non-profit organization. With understand the causal relationship, the organization strategy more easy to decide, and the research can be developed in other government organizations, and comprehensively conducted from various Balanced Scorecard perspectives.Originality - this research is only a small part of the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard research, especially with system dynamic for government agencies are engaged training business in Indonesia. Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, dynamic system, organization strategy, cause and effect.
Analisis Strategi Marketing dan Daya Saing Organisasi di Balai Diklat Tambang Bawah Tanah Agung Prasojo, Hendris; Desrizal, Desrizal
JURNAL APARATUR Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Aparatur
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52596/ja.v4i1.17


The Organization of Underground Mining Training Center (BDTBT) which operates in the field of training services requires a strategy to maintain its survival. Competition between organizations is also getting tougher in this era. This condition requires an organization to have a good strategy. BDTBT which focuses on underground mining, makes this organization limited in its market share. The purpose of this study is to determine the current position of BDTBT and obtain organizational strategies that can be implemented properly in BDTBT. In an effort to get a good strategy, it takes a method that is able to beapplied properly in this organization. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire. Data processing is done through the input process through the SWOT matrix, then evaluation of the internal factor matrix and external factors. With Ifas and Efas scores, the determination of strategies that must be carried out by BDTBT can be done. ABSTRAKOrganisasi Balai Diklat Tambang Bawah Tanah (BDTBT) yang bergerak di bidang jasa training membutuhkan strategi untuk mempertahankan keberlangsungan hidupnya. Persaingan antar organisasi juga semakin ketat di era sekarang ini. Kondisi ini mengharuskan sebuah organisasi memiliki strategi yang baik. BDTBT yang fokus pada tambang bawah tanah, membuat organisasi ini terbatas pangsa pasarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui posisi BDTBT saat ini dan mendapatkan strategiorganisasi yang dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik di BDTBT. Dalam upaya mendapatkan strategi yang baik, dibutuhkan metode yang mampu diterapkan secara baik diorganisasi ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner. Pengolahan data dilakukan melalui proses input melalui matrik SWOT, kemudian evaluasi matrik internal faktor dan ekternal faktor. Dengan score Ifas dan Efas maka penentuan strategi yang harus dilakukan oleh BDTBT dapat dilakukan.
Strategi Organisasi Melalui Balanced Score Card (BSC) dan Casual Loop Diagram (CLD), Studi Kasus Balai Diklat Tambang Bawah Tanah (BDTBT) – Sawahlunto – Sumatera Barat Agung Prasojo, Hendris; Nashirudin Haramaini, Muhammad
JURNAL APARATUR Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Aparatur
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Aparatur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52596/ja.v3i2.24


The Underground Mining Training Center (BDTBT) engaged in training services requires a strategy to maintain its survival. Competition between organizations is also getting tougher in the current era. This condition requires an organization to have a good strategy. The market share which is the niche market of BDTBT causes it to be increasingly difcult for organizations to get participants so the market becomesimmune. The purpose of this study is to obtain an organizational strategy that can be implemented well by BDTBT. In an effort to get a good strategy, it requires methods that will be able to be applied well by this organization. Data collection is done through deep interview, focus group discussion and literature study. For this reason, appropriate management tools are used, namely balanced scorecard (BSc) which iscombined with causa loop diagram (CLD). This method is used to avoid the application of organizational policies that are trial and error. BSc is a tool to develop an organization strategy. BSc is static so it needs to be combined with a device that can be used dynamically, CLD to anticipate the ever changing conditions. It is expected that with BSc and CLD simulations, the implementation of non-trial and error strategies and more can be implemented for current organizational conditions. ABSTRAKBalai Diklat Tambang Bawah Tanah (BDTBT) yang bergerak dibidang jasa training membutuhkan strategi untuk mempertahankan keberlangsungan hidupnya. Persaingan antarorganisasi juga semakin ketat di era sekarang ini. Kondisi ini mengharuskan sebuah organisasi memiliki strategi yang baik. Pangsa pasar yang merupakan ceruk pasar (niche market) dari BDTBT menyebabkan, organisasi ini semakin sulit untuk mendapatkan peserta sehingga pasar menjadi imun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmendapatkan strategi organisasi yang dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik oleh BDTBT. Dalam upaya mendapatkan strategy yang baik tersebut, dibutuhkan metode yang mampu diterapkan secara baik oleh organisasi ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui deep interview focus group discussion dan studi literatur. Untuk itu digunakan perangkat manajemen yang sesuai yaitu balanced scorecard (BSc) yang dikombinasikan dengan causal loop diagram (CLD). Metode ini digunakan untuk menghindari penerapan kebijakan organisasi yang bersifat coba-coba (trial and error). BSc merupakan alat untuk mengembangkan strategy oganisasi yang bersifat statik sehingga perlu di kombinasikan dengan perangkat yang dapat digunakan secara dinamik yaitu CLD untuk mengantisipasi adanya kondisi yang selalu berubah.Diharapkan dengan simulasi BSc dan CLD, implementasi strategy tidak trial and error serta lebih dapat diimplementasikan untuk kondisi organisasi sekarang ini. Fokus pada kerjasama dan promosi dapat menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan yang terjadi di BDTBT terkait sebaran dan jumlah peserta diklat.