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The Socialization of Breathing Muscle Stratching Therapy on Increasing Vital Lung Capacity of Theasthma at Grandmed Hospital Lubuk Pakam Wati, Syatria; Hijriana, Isni; Simarmata, Juni Mariati; Pitriani, Pitriani
JURNAL PENGMAS KESTRA (JPK) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengmas Kestra (JPK)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35451/jpk.v3i1.1748


Asthma is a disease of shortness of breath due to the narrowing of flight routes. A decrease in the expiratory rate and inspiratory volume lowers the lung fundamentals. Asthmatic patients need exercise to expand the lung boundaries which is very necessary. Respiratory muscle stretching exercises are activities to maintain and build the adaptability or adaptability of the respiratory muscles. This examination aims to determine the impact of prolonged treatment on the respiratory muscles to establish the lung margins that are important for asthmatic patients. This PkM activity is carried out through outreach activities combined with demonstration and discussion methods. The PkM activity begins with the provision of pre-test questions and ends with a post-test to measure the increase in PkM participants' knowledge of the socialized material. This PkM activity has been carried out very well where as many as 17 PkM participants who are nurses at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital have understood the socialization material presented, namely respiratory muscle stretching therapy to increase the lung vital capacity of asthma patients. After the intervention was given, the lung vital capacity of asthma patients changed to be in the good and very good categories. The knowledge and insights of the PkM participants increased with the demonstrations and discussions given. In addition, there was an increase in the knowledge of PkM participants regarding respiratory muscle stretching therapy in asthma patients with an average percent increase of 20%.
Edukasi Perilaku PHBS melalui Cuci Tangan dengan Memakai Sabun sebagai Tindakan Pencegahan Transmisi Penyakit Hijriana, Isni; Yulidar, Yulidar; Luciana, Lisma
Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat: Juni 2023
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/jpm.v5i2.1671


Tangan merupakan bagian tubuh yang langsung bersentuhan dengan kotoran, kebiasaan anak-anak yang tidak mencuci tangan setelah bersentuhan dengan benda yang kotor menyebabkan masuknnya bakteri kedalam tubuh,akibanya penyakit akan bersarang dalam tubuh anak seperti cacingan, diare, batuk, dan penyakit infeksi lainnya. Pendidikan kesehatan tentang mencuci tangan penting diberikan kepada anak-anak untuk menumbuhkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Mencuci tangan dengan memakai sabun merupakan salah satu tindakan dari perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) yang bertujuan untuk memutuskan rantai penyebaran penyakit melalui kontak langsung maupun tidak langsung sehingga dapat menghambat terjadinya penularan penyakit. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran pada anak-anak untuk mencuci tangan dengan berpedoman pada langkah-langkah cuci tangan guna meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dan mencegah terjadinya penyakit infeksi. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini yitu anak-anak usia pra sekolah dan usia sekolah dasar sebanyak 23 orang anak, pelaksanaan kegiatan terdiri dari pemberian penyuluhan atau pendidikan tentang cuci tangan dan dilanjutkan dengan demonstrasi cuci tangan, kemudian dilakukan evaluasi dengan cara menanyakan kembali tentang hal-hal yang menyangkut dengan cuci tangan dan meminta anak-anak untuk mempraktekkan cuci tangan. Hasil kegiatan PKM ini, anak-anak sangat antusias mengikuti demonstrasi cuci tangan, dan dapat mempraktekkan langkah-langkah cuci tangan dengan benar.
Efektivitas Teknik Distraksi dan Relaksasi Terhadap Tingkat Nyeri Pasien Post Operasi di Ruang Rawat Inap Bedah Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tgk Chik Ditiro Sigli Hijriana, Isni; Yusnita, Yusnita
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v9i1.2797


Tindakan operasi menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan kontinuitas jaringan tubuh. Nyeri yang timbul pasca operasi merupakan kejadian yang menekan atau stress dan dapat mengubah gaya hidup dan kesejahteraan psikologis individu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas teknik distraksi dan relaksasi terhadap tingkat nyeri pasien post operasi di Ruang Inap Bedah Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tgk Chik Ditiro Sigli.  Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, pre experimental design, mengunakan One-grup pretest posttest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien post operasi di Ruang Inap Bedah. pengambilan sampel dilakukan teknik porpusive sampling sebanyak 15 orang. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada bulan 01 s/d 19 Juli 2022. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nyeri pasien post operasi sebelum di lakukan teknik distraksi dan relaksasi adalah 6,73 dan standar deviasi 1,163. Rata-rata nyeri pasien post operasi sesudah di lakukan teknik distraksi dan relaksasi adalah 5,67 dan standar deviasi 0,900. Ada efektivitas teknik distraksi dan relaksasi terhadap tingkat nyeri pasien post operasi di Ruang Inap Bedah Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Tgk Chik Ditiro Sigli nilai kemaknaan ρ= 0,000 dimana ρ < 0,05. Penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi pertimbangan oleh pihak manajemen Rumah sakit untuk membuatkan panduan/standar prosedur operasional termasuk peraturan untuk menjaga ketenangan selama pasien dilakukan kombinasi distraksi. Kata kunci :, nyeri, relaksasi, teknik distraksiThe operation causes a change in the continuity of the body's tissues. Pain that arises after surgery is a pressing or stressful event and can change the lifestyle and psychological well-being of individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of distraction and relaxation techniques on the pain level of postoperative patients in the Surgical Inpatient Room of the Tgk Chik Ditiro Sigli Regional General Hospital. This type of research is quantitative research, pre-experimental design, using the One-group pretest posttest design. The population in this study were all postoperative. Sampling was carried out by porpusive sampling technique as many as 15 people. This research was conducted from 01 to 19 July 2022. The results of the research that had been conducted showed that the average postoperative patient pain before distraction and relaxation techniques were performed was 6.73 and a standard deviation of 1.163. The average postoperative patient pain after distraction and relaxation techniques was 5.67 and a standard deviation of 0.900. There is the effectiveness of distraction and relaxation techniques on the pain level of postoperative patients in the Surgical Inpatient Room of the Tgk Chik Ditiro Sigli Regional General Hospital, a significance value of ρ = 0.000 where ρ <0.05. It is hoped that this research will be taken into consideration by the hospital management to develop guidelines/standard operating procedures including regulations to maintain calm while the patient is doing a combination of distraction and relaxation techniques. Keywords: Distraction, Pain, Relaxation 
Sosialisasi Penanganan Demam Pada Anak Dengan Kompres Metode Tepid Water Sponge Miniharianti; Hijriana, Isni; Wahidanur; Yusnita; Urmila; Nadila, Riska
Beujroh : Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Beujroh : Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Sagita Akademia Maju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61579/beujroh.v1i1.105


Children under five years of age (toddlers) are a group that is vulnerable to health problems. During the process of growth and development, children often experience illness, especially illnesses caused by infections which are almost always accompanied by fever. Fever is a natural process as the body's defense mechanism against pathogens, but a fever that is too high in children certainly requires appropriate treatment and care because, if the action taken is inappropriate and slow, it can endanger the child's safety and cause other complications such as seizures and decline. awareness. The aim after this health education is to increase parents' knowledge and skills in treating fever using the tepid water sponge method. The method used in this community service activity is active and participatory learning through several stages, namely the preparation stage, implementation stage and evaluation stage with a total of 15 parents participating. The results obtained increased parental knowledge in treating fever using the tepid water sponge method. To health workers, there is a need to provide outreach to parents about treating children with fever using tepid sponge compresses to parents both in the community and hospital settings.
Sosialisasi Pemantauan Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak dengan Menggunakan KPSP pada Org Tua Miniharianti; Hijriana, Isni; Wahidanur; Sari, Nadia; Nadia; Zahara, Zulfa
Beujroh : Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Beujroh : Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Sagita Akademia Maju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61579/beujroh.v1i1.123


Stimulating the growth and development of toddlers is a very important thing given by parents. If stimulation is inadequate, the growth and development of toddlers will be disrupted. However, in reality there are still many parents who do not understand the importance of screening and stimulating growth and development in children. Screening is carried out to detect irregularities early so that it will be easier to overcome them. One of the efforts to overcome this is by educating parents about stimulating growth and development using the KPSP format. KPSP is a tool/instrument used to determine whether a child's development is normal or whether there are deviations. The aim of this community service is to socialize monitoring of children's growth and development using KPSP among parents. The method used in this community service activity is active and participatory learning through several stages, namely the preparation stage, implementation stage and evaluation stage with a total of 20 parents participating. The results obtained were an increase in parental knowledge, in this case mothers, after being given education about monitoring children's growth and development using the Pre-Developmental Screening Questionnaire (KPSP). It is recommended that health workers need follow-up action from the Community Health Center so that they can facilitate supporting facilities for parents to independently screen their child's development.