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Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNESA

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Praktikum pengujian opasitas gas buang mesin diesel pada mata kuliah Analisa Performa Mesin di Laboratorium Pengujian Performa Kendaraan Jurusan Teknik Mesin FT UNESA belum menggunakan modul Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor tipe G-820. Selama ini, hanya terdapat buku petunjuk berbahasa Italia untuk menggunakan alat uji tersebut. Sedangkan dalam pembelajaran juga masih menggunakan metode konvensional (ceramah) sehingga tidak sebanding antara materi yang harus disampaikan dengan waktu yang tersedia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan modul Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor tipe G-820 dan mengetahui tingkat validitasnya, mengetahui respon mahasiswa dan respon dosen terhadap penggunaan modul, serta mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan modul tersebut terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development)/R&D. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 fase, yaitu: 1) fase analysis (analisa), 2) fase design (perancangan), 3) fase development (pengembangan), 4) fase implementation (penerapan), dan 5) fase evaluation (evaluasi). Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi dosen ahli, lembar angket respon dosen dan mahasiswa, serta lembar tes. Analisa data menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil validasi modul dari ahli materi/isi sebesar 4,41 termasuk kategori valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 88,28% termasuk kategori sangat layak. Sedangkan hasil validasi modul dari ahli bahasa sebesar 4,04 termasuk kategori valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 80,83% termasuk kategori layak, kemudian hasil validasi modul dari ahli desain sebesar 4,38 termasuk kategori valid dan persentase kelayakan modul sebesar 87,68% termasuk kategori sangat layak. Respon mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan modul yang dilihat dari tiga aspek yaitu aspek tampilan, aspek penyajian materi, dan aspek manfaat mendapatkan persentase hasil sebesar 86,04% termasuk kategori sangat baik. Sedangkan hasil dari respon dosen terhadap penggunaan modul mendapatkan persentase hasil sebesar 91,97% termasuk kategori sangat baik. Peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa setelah menggunakan modul sebesar 54%. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor tipe G-820 yang dikembangkan dapat menunjang mata kuliah Analisa Performa Mesin pada materi pengujian opasitas gas buang kendaraan berbahan bakar solar (mesin diesel). Kata Kunci: Modul, Smoke Opacity Meter, Opasitas, model ADDIE, Respon, Hasil BelajarOpacity testing of exhaust diesel engines on the subject of Engine Performance Analysis in the Engine Performance Testing Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UNESA does not use the module of Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor type G-820. During this time, there is only a manual book in the Italian Language to use the test equipment. While the study also still using conventional methods (direct instructional model) so that no comparison between the material must be submitted by available time. The purpose of the research is to develop a module of Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor type G-820 and find out the level of validity, knowing student?s response and lecturer response on the use of modules, and to see the influence of the user module to the student learning outcomes. This research is research and development (R & D). Development model used is the ADDIE model consisting of 5 phase, 1) analysis phase, 2) design phase, 3) development phase, 4) implementation phase, and 5) evaluation phase. The form of instrument research is experts lecturer validation sheet, lecture and students response questionnaire sheet, and a sheet of the tes. Data were analyzed by using quantitative descriptive methods. The results of this research are validity modules from experts material of 4,41 including valid category and the percentage of the feasibility of module for 88,28% including very decent class. While, the results of validation module from experts language of 4,04 including valid category and the percentage of the feasibility of modules for 80,83% including worth category, then the results of validation from experts design of 4,38% including correct category and the portion of the possibility of modules for 87,68% including very decent type. Student?s response to the use of modules seen from three aspects that is display aspect, element of the presentation of the material, and perspective of the benefits of getting the percentage of the results of 86,04% including excellent category. While the result of the lecturer response to use the module to get the portion of the effect of 91,97% including perfect category. Percentage increase students are learning outcomes after using module for 54%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the module of Smoke Opacity Meter Tecnomotor type G-820 developed worth used and can be supportive course of Engine Performance Analysis on the opacity testing of exhaust diesel engine. Keywords: Module, Smoke Opacity Meter, Opacity, ADDIE models, Response, Learning Outcomes.