Faisal, F.
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Choristoma kartilaginosa pada lidah: kasus langka Zachreini, Indra; Faisal, F.; Lubis, Muhammad Najib Dahlan
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol 49 (2019): Volume 49, No. 2 July - December 2019
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (383.035 KB) | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v49i20.322


Latar belakang: Choristoma adalah suatu pertumbuhan jaringan normal di daerah yang tidak semestinya. Choristoma kartilaginosa pada lidah adalah pertumbuhan tulang rawan normal, yang berbentuk seperti tumor, terdapat pada lidah, pertumbuhan lambat, berbatas tegas, dan bersifat jinak, yang berkembang dari jaringan tulang rawan yang matang. Kelainan ini jarang ditemukan. Etiologi dan patogenesisnya sampai saat ini belum jelas namun diduga terjadi akibat malformasi perkembangan, atau reaksi pasca trauma. Tujuan: Melaporkan satu kasus choristoma kartilaginosa pada lidah, yang jarang ditemukan. Laporan Kasus: Kasus langka ini ditemukan pada seorang wanita berusia 39 tahun dengan keluhan terasa ada benjolan di pangkal lidah. Pada pemeriksaan tampak massa tumor di pangkal lidah, bertangkai, tidak nyeri dan tidak mudah berdarah. Penatalaksanaan berupa eksisi bedah secara lengkap. Pemeriksaan histopatologi didapati choristoma kartilaginosa pada lidah. Metode: Penelusuran bukti kepustakaan menghasilkan 11 jurnal dan hanya 3 jurnal yang relevan. Hasil: Dari hasil 3 jurnal yang relevan dengan kasus yang kami laporkan, mempunyai kesamaan dalam lokasi dan penatalaksanaannya. Kesimpulan: choristoma kartilaginosa pada lidah merupakan lesi jinak yang jarang ditemukan.Kata kunci: Choristoma kartilaginosa lidah, histopatologi, eksisiABSTRACT Background: Choristoma is a tumor-like growth of normal tissue in unusual location/site. Cartilaginous choristoma of the tongue is a normal cartilage growth which shaped like a tumor, located in the tongue, slow growing, well defined, benign, developed from mature cartilage tissue. This disorder is rarely found. Up till now, the etiology and pathogenesis is still unsure, but it is assumed to be the result of developmental malformations or post traumatic reactions. Purpose: To report a rare case of cartilaginous choristoma of the tongue. Case: A 39 years old woman came with a lump at the base of her tongue. Physical examination found a stalked tumor mass in the tongue, which was painless, and not easily bled. Management of this lesion was a complete excision. Histopathology examination found a cartilaginous choristoma of the tongue. Method: Searching for literature evidence produced 11 journals, and only 3 journals were relevant. Result: From the 3 relevant journals, there were similarities on location and case management with this reported case. Conclusion: Cartilaginous choristomas of the tongue is a benign lesion of the tongue that is rarely found.
Analysis of Government-Funded Research in Indonesia from 2014-2018: Implications for Research Trends in Science Education Faisal, F.; Gi, G. M.; Martin, S. N.
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPA Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v9i2.23174


Government funding has the potential to increase research on particular topics that represent an integral focus of governmental policy. The reason is that researchers who seek funding from government sources need to target specific calls for research on topics that the government has identified as necessary for society. Analysis of funding trends can raise awareness about what topics are receiving adequate attention and can demonstrate how funding schemes may serve to limit (intentionally and unintentionally) researchers’ authority to design and manage projects and disseminate findings that are not financially supported by government funding agencies. In this study, we used a content analysis approach to analyze all projects awarded to the top five public teacher education institutions (TEIs) in Indonesia from 2014-2018. From the research project list from the five TEIs, we identified 225 science education projects for the sample of analysis. We extracted all keywords (nouns and adjectives) from the research project titles and grouped all extracted keywords into four categories: research topic, research subject or context, research product and outcomes, and content target. From the analysis, we offer some educational context for why scientific literacy and character and values education have emerged as such prominent topics in Indonesia, and we highlight the importance of greater involvement of teachers in research projects, the significance of research outcomes for improving science teaching and learning in schools, and the need to promote research on pedagogical coursework.