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Willow Project Socialization As An Introduction To Petroleum Engineering At Yos Sudarso Metro High School Yulia, Prayang Sunny; Wastu, Apriandi Rizkina Rangga; Ristawati, Arinda; Pauhesti, Pauhesti; Husla, Ridha; Timpal, Gracia Betaria Jacqueline; Wijayanti, Puri; Aryanto, Reza; Yanti, Widia
International Journal Of Community Service Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): February 2024
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijcs.v4i1.247


The Willow Project is located on Alaska's north slope, within the National Petroleum Reserve, which is held by the United States federal government. Based on the topics being discussed, a strong desire was developed, particularly among Yos Sudarso Metro High School students, to learn about the causes for oil drilling, as well as the impacts and benefits of drilling from diverse perspectives. Concerning the community service that according to Willow Project theme, the lecturers as the facilitators of this community service assisted students who wanted to find a solution to the Willow Project issue, where they hoped that there would be several points regarding the impact and benefits of academia in the energy sector, particularly petroleum engineering. As a result of socialization regarding the Willow Project drilling, impacts and benefits have been imparted in the Community Service activities, which are separated into environmental impacts, climate impacts, and social impacts. Following an overview of the impact of the Willow Project drilling, the benefits of the drilling are explained, including job creation and economic benefits, energy independence, and tax revenue. The crux of the impacts and benefits given is that it is still envisaged that fossil energy would be used to increase jobs in the nearby community and globally. Aside from that, it is desired that the development of renewable energy, the reduction of drilling in conservation areas, and the preservation of environmental integrity would continue.
Analysis the Effect of Activated Natural Zeolites for Fe Metal Adsorption Fadliah, Fadliah; Palit, Christin; Pratiwi, Reno; Aryanto, Reza; Putri, Tri Widayati
Walisongo Journal of Chemistry Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Walisongo Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science and Technology Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wjc.v6i2.17291


Zeolite, as an adsorbent, can be improved by a chemical activation process. In this study, zeolite was activated using the acid activation method by soaking natural zeolite with HCl and HF, and the activated zeolite was then used to adsorb Fe metal. Zeolite was characterized using SEM and XRD, and the adsorption capacity of the zeolite was analyzed using AAS. The results of SEM analysis show that zeolite after activation has a more significant number of pores than zeolite before activation. The results of XRD analysis show that zeolite that has been activated has a higher content of quartz (SiO2) and clinoptilolite than zeolite that has not been activated. The results of the zeolite adsorption capacity and efficiency test on Fe metal showed that the most excellent adsorption capacity was when the contact time was 60 minutes, with adsorption capacity and adsorption efficiency values of 3.2403 mg/g and 97.21%.
Analisis Pengaruh Grade Jalan Pada Proses Pengangkutan Overburden Terhadap Fuel Consumption Alat Angkut Dumptruck di PT.Bara Energi Lestari, Nagan Raya, Aceh Barat Akbar, Damitra Faris; Aryanto, Reza; Herdyanti, Mixsindo Korra
Geosapta Vol 8, No 2 (2022): JULI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jg.v8i2.13369


PT. Bara Energi Lestari terletak di Kabupaten Nagan Raya, Aceh Barat. PT. Bara Energi Lestari melakukan kegitan penambangan batubara menggunakan sistem tambang terbuka (surface mining) dengan sistem metode penambangan open pit dan menggunakan metode ripping untuk pengupasan tanah penutup (overburden). Belum adanya pengukuran aktual fuel consumption alat angkut serta terdapat grade jalan pada segmen belum memenuhi standard mendasari penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode action & research dan metode stastika kuantitatif. Hasil analisa dan pengolahan didapatkan pemakaian konsumsi bahan bakar akatual rata-rata selama bulan April 2021 untuk unit alat angkut Iveco Trakker adalah 12,78 L/Jam sedangkan untuk unit alat angkut Mercedes-Benz 4340 adalah14,78 L/Jam, dengan grade overall pada tiap fleet sebesar 6%. Dengan menggunakan metode regresi dan model scattering maka didapatkan nilai pengaruh kenaikan setiap 1% grade jalan pada pemakaian bahan bakar untuk unit alat angkut Iveco Trakker adalah 0,12 L/Jam dan untuk unitalat angkut Mercedes-Benz 4340 adalah 0,14 L/Jam.
SOSIALISASI JARINGAN GAS PERKOTAAN BAGI MASYARAKAT Ristawati, Arinda; Prima, Andry; Yulia, Prayang Sunny; Kurniawati, Riskaviana; Puspitosari, Meldinar Riska; Fattahanisa, Aqlyna; Wijayanti, Puri; Aryanto, Reza
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia (JAMIN) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): JURNAL ABDI MASYARAKAT INDONESIA (JAMIN)
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/jamin.v5i1.15730


Socialization of the utilizations and advantages of city gas is a community service that aims to make people understand the growth of the urban gas distribution sector in Indonesia and provide information to the public about LPG substitute economic energy sources. Gas network for households means distributing gas through pipes to households. The limited availability of household gas in DKI Jakarta made this socialization theme raised. The location chosen is the Tanjung Gedong area, Tomang-sub distrct, Grogol Petamburan district, West Jakarta, which in this case, the area is a densely populated area, especially family settlements. The participants who took part in this community service were housewives.  The method used is to provide socialization about the urban gas network developed by the government for household gas purposes, the socialization is carried out online with the zoom facility and some others offline in the community while still using the existing health protocol. The result of this community service activity is that the public is able to recognize and understand the existence of a gas network whose infrastructure development is being developed by the government through PT PGN Tbk. This community service makes the community clearly aware of the flow in the “jargas” development program.
SOSIALISASI DAMPAK DAN MANFAAT WILLOW PROJECT SEBAGAI PENGENALAN TEKNIK PERMINYAKAN DI SMA YOS SUDARSO METRO Yulia, Prayang Sunny; Wastu, Apriandi Rizkina Rangga; Ristawati, Arinda; Pauhesti, Pauhesti; Husla, Ridha; Timpal, Gracia Betaria Jacqueline; Wijayanti, Puri; Aryanto, Reza; Yanti, Widia
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia (JAMIN) Vol 5 No 2 (2023): JURNAL ABDI MASYARAKAT INDONESIA (JAMIN)
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/jamin.v5i2.17404


Willow Project berada di north slope Alaska, area National Petroleum Reserve, milik pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat. Berdasarkan isu yang beredar, adanya keingintahuan para siswa SMA Yos Sudarso Metro untuk mengetahui alasan dilakukannya pengeboran minyak, dampak serta manfaat dari pengeboran yang dilihat dari berbagai aspek. Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) dengan tema Willow Project ini bertujuan untuk membantu para siswa menemukan solusi terkait hal ini, dengan pembahasan mengenai dampak dan manfaat dari sisi akademisi, khususnya teknik perminyakan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan jarak jauh dengan mitra (Jakarta-Lampung) dan korespondensi secara digital. Para penyuluh mencari literatur yang relevan, baik dari sisi energi, serta dampak dan manfaat dikutip dari berbagai sisi seperti ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan. Pada PkM ini dijelaskan dampak yang terjadi terhadap lingkungan, iklim, dan sosial. Selain itu dipaparkan pula manfaat pengeboran Willow Project, yaitu penciptaan lapangan kerja dan manfaat ekonomi, kemandirian energi, dan pendapatan pajak. Inti dari dampak dan manfaat yang disampaikan, tetap diharapkan adanya pemanfaatan energi fosil guna meningkatkan lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat sekitar maupun internasional. Selain itu, juga tetap mengharapkan adanya pengembangan renewable energy, guna meminimalisir pengeboran di daerah-daerah konservasi, sehingga dapat mempertahankan keutuhan lingkungan.
TRAINING FOR HOUSEHOLD WASTE INTO EFFECTIVE MATERIALS FOR COMMUNITIES RT06/16, TOMANG, JAKARTA BARAT Fadliah, Fadliah; Dahani, Wiwik; Pratiwi, Reno; Subandrio; Aryanto, Reza; Kurniawati, Riskaviana
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia (JAMIN) Vol 5 No 2 (2023): JURNAL ABDI MASYARAKAT INDONESIA (JAMIN)
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/jamin.v5i2.17418


The production process with the green synthesis method is a method that is being developed in the production process for daily household needs. One of the green synthesis methods that has been developed is using waste products such as waste cooking oil (WCO) as a raw material in the soap production process. In the process of making soap, saponification reactions occur between triglycerides and fats and oils that occur in alkaline solutions. The materials used are a mixture of WCO, distilled water, and sodium hydroxide. The WCO used in this training is purified WCO with the addition of natural zeolite. Acid-activated natural zeolite, to increase its catalytic ability, is used as an adsorbent to adsorb impurities contained in WCO. The training consists of three stages: providing material about the dangers and negative effects that can be caused by using used cooking oil in everyday life for both the environment and health, the WCO cleaning process, and the utilization of purified WCO into an efficient product in the form of laundry soap. The results of the activities carried out can be seen from the discussion activities carried out after the activity took place with the partner community, which show an increase in community knowledge about how to treat waste and the potential for improving the economic situation of the community through knowledge of the soap-making process.
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/pdk.v6i2.9532


Pada Blok Existing Utara untuk mengalirkan air limpasan dibuat saluran terbuka yang mengalirkan air ke kolam pengendapan lumpur yang kemudian diolah dengan menurunkan nilai TSS (total suspended solids). Data yang diambil berupa data daerah tangkapan hujan yang berasal dari peta topografi yang dihitung luasannya dan data curah hujan 8 tahun terakhir yaitu dari 2012– 2019. Hasil dari pengolahan data yaitu berupa debit air limpasan dan dapat merancang sebuah sistem penyaliran tambang berupa dimensi gorong-gorong. Debit air limpasan sebesar 5,3 m3/s sehingga diameter gorong-gorong yang diperlukan untuk menampung debit tersebut sebesar 2,43 m dengan bahan saluran menggunakan beton dengan kekuatan yang diperlukan untuk menahan beban diatasnya sebesar 3.451,2 kg/m.