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Jurnal Penelitian Transportasi Laut Vol 17, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Penelitian Transportasi Laut
Publisher : Puslitbang Transportasi Laut, Sungai, Danau, dan Penyeberangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25104/transla.v17i1.1416


Mesin diesel sebagai mesin utama di kapal dapat berfungsi dengan baik apabila ditunjang oleh sistem-sistem pendukung yang baik pula. Sistem penujang diatas kapal meliputi sistem bahan bakar (fuel oil system), sistem pelumasan minyak (lubricating oil system), sistem pendingin (cooling system) dan sistem udara start (starting air system). Semua sistem tersebut memiliki fungsi serta peran yang sangat penting bagi operasional motor induk, hal ini dikarenakan apabila terjadi kerusakan pada salah satu sistem penunjangnya, motor induk pasti akan mengalami masalah dan mungkin motor induk tidak dapat beroperasi dengan baik. Oleh karena itu dirasa perlu untuk melakukan suatu analisa terhadap kerusakan suatu komponen dari sistem dikapal. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kegagalan sistem pelumasan di kapal dan pemilihan metode parawatan motor induk di kapal menggunakan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dalam rangka menunjang kelancaran transportasi laut. Dengan menggunakan FMEA Worksheet metode kegagalan serta effect yang ditimbulkan oleh tiap-tiap komponen dapat diketahui. Selanjutnya dengan melakukan analisa menggunakan risk matrik dapat diketahui tingkat kekritisan dari masing-masing komponen tersebut. Dari analisa yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa lubricating oil tank dan sump tank memiliki rating risk yang rendah, kemudian lubricating oil cooler memiliki nilai rating mayor dan lubricating oil pump, lubricating oil filter, purifier, transfer pump serta lubricating purifier heater memiliki nilai rating risk yang sama yakni high risk. Berdasarkan analisa yang telah dilakukan, metode perawatan yang sesuai adalah preventive maintenance dan corrective maintenance. Diharapkan dengan adanya pemilihan metode perawatan yang tepat dapat mendukung kelancaran dari operasi transportasi laut di Indonesia.
Analysis of the Effect of Changes in Pitch Ratio and Number of Blades on Cavitation on CPP Arifin, Mohammad Daniel; Faturachman, Danny; Octaviani, Fanny; Sulaeman, Karina A
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 5, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1009.301 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v5i4.8285


Cavitation is a detrimental phenomenon to ship operations because it causes many losses. It caused some effects i.e decreased propeller efficiency, damaged propeller material, lower ship speed, vibration, and extreme noises. In that regard, this research conducts cavitation analysis on controllable pitch propeller (CPP) by varying number of blade i.e. 3, 4 and 5 blades; diameter i.e. 30, 40 cm and 50 cm; also pitch i.e 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8.  The research method is carried out by the author in this study by conducting a simulation method based on the CFD approach. The simulation process consists of 3 stage-post processor, solver manager, and post-processor. From the simulation based on the CFD approach result, it was found that propeller rotation has an effect on the pressure ratio value. As the propeller rotation increase, the value of the pressure ratio will increase as well. The value of the pressure ratio in propeller design affects the cavitation area that occurs in the propeller. The percentage of the cavitation area on the propeller has an increasing tendency with the number of blades, rotation, and pitch. On the propeller with diameter 300 mm, 3 blades, pitch 0.8 at rotation 125 rpm no indication of cavitation, then it increases to 1.41% at rotation 175 rpm and keeps getting higher at rotation 225 to be 4.22% from total propeller expanding area. Whereas at rotation 225 rpm and pitch 0.4 is 3.38 %, then it becomes 3.85 % at pitch 0.6, which is getting bigger at pitch 0.8 that is 4.22 %.
Analisa Kegagalan Sistem Pelumasan dan Pemilihan Metode Perawatan M/E di Kapal Menggunakan Metode FMEA Dalam Rangka Menunjang Operasi Transportasi Laut di Indonesia Mohammad Danil Arifin; Fanny Octaviani; Theresiana. D. Novita
Jurnal Penelitian Transportasi Laut Vol 17, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Penelitian Transportasi Laut
Publisher : Puslitbang Transportasi Laut, Sungai, Danau, dan Penyeberangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25104/transla.v17i1.1416


Mesin diesel sebagai mesin utama di kapal dapat berfungsi dengan baik apabila ditunjang oleh sistem-sistem pendukung yang baik pula. Sistem penujang diatas kapal meliputi sistem bahan bakar (fuel oil system), sistem pelumasan minyak (lubricating oil system), sistem pendingin (cooling system) dan sistem udara start (starting air system). Semua sistem tersebut memiliki fungsi serta peran yang sangat penting bagi operasional motor induk, hal ini dikarenakan apabila terjadi kerusakan pada salah satu sistem penunjangnya, motor induk pasti akan mengalami masalah dan mungkin motor induk tidak dapat beroperasi dengan baik. Oleh karena itu dirasa perlu untuk melakukan suatu analisa terhadap kerusakan suatu komponen dari sistem dikapal. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kegagalan sistem pelumasan di kapal dan pemilihan metode parawatan motor induk di kapal menggunakan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dalam rangka menunjang kelancaran transportasi laut. Dengan menggunakan FMEA Worksheet metode kegagalan serta effect yang ditimbulkan oleh tiap-tiap komponen dapat diketahui. Selanjutnya dengan melakukan analisa menggunakan risk matrik dapat diketahui tingkat kekritisan dari masing-masing komponen tersebut. Dari analisa yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa lubricating oil tank dan sump tank memiliki rating risk yang rendah, kemudian lubricating oil cooler memiliki nilai rating mayor dan lubricating oil pump, lubricating oil filter, purifier, transfer pump serta lubricating purifier heater memiliki nilai rating risk yang sama yakni high risk. Berdasarkan analisa yang telah dilakukan, metode perawatan yang sesuai adalah preventive maintenance dan corrective maintenance. Diharapkan dengan adanya pemilihan metode perawatan yang tepat dapat mendukung kelancaran dari operasi transportasi laut di Indonesia.
Exploiting Marine BD to Develop MLDB and Its Application to Ship Basic Planning Support Mohammad Danil Arifin; Fanny Octaviani
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 6, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (677.141 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v6i4.11790


Recently, the global marine logistics industry has changed significantly because of the global movement of goods. Where the amount of available data and attention paid to extensive data analysis in various topics exponentially grows, it is possible to obtain vast amounts of marine BD. However, the collection of BD groups is difficult to organize and frequently redundant. This is why the database can be so important. If these BD are effectively utilized, great innovation can be achieved in the marine industry. In this study, we develop a marine logistics database to ship basic planning support in the future. The database under study consists of BD sets, i.e. port, ship, route, international trade, and ship operation information from automatic identification system data. As a result, the relational database was developed. The effectiveness of the database is evaluated and extracted data from the database necessary for ship basic planning is discussed.
Study of The Technical Approach on Recent Fuel Efficiency to Reduce Ship Emissions Mohammad Danil Arifin; Frengki Mohamad Felayati; Fanny Octaviani
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (758.423 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v7i1.11789


Engine emissions of ships have been highly concerned in the last decades. Most of the current ship operations worldwide are powered by the combustion engine. Advance ship powering is still on research and hard to implement directly. High cost in the application is the main issue. Meanwhile, the fuel engineering approach is proposed in the recent research to advance engine combustion, thus increasing the combustion efficiency and lowering the emissions target. This study aims to evaluate the development trend on the fuel efficiency technique to lower ship emissions. Emissions management, fuel conversion, and power conversion are the most research focus to improve fuel efficiency. However, implementing some of that research is still hard on ship operation. Technical and economic issues are the main reason. Moreover, fuel efficiency on ships is still highly based on management. Low cost, new combined fuel without separation, and less fuel treatment technology are proposed to avoid confusion on fuel consumption in the near future. 
Numerical Study of B-Screw Ship Propeller Performance: Effect of Tubercle Leading Edge Mohammad Danil Arifin; Frengki Mohamad Felayati
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (710.01 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v6i1.8702


Various attempts to modify the ship's propeller have been made to improve performance as a propulsion component. This paper analyzes the effect of modification of the B-Series propeller by adopting a whale fin shape (Humpback Whale). Also, it analyzes the flow in the propeller before (standard) and after modification. Modifications are made to the leading edge, which is called the tubercle leading edge (TLE). It adds and subtracts sections with a wavelength of 0.2R and amplitude of 2.5% of the chord section length in the propeller leading edge. The numerical study is used using CFD on different J values (0.2, 0.4, and 0.6). It was found that the modification of TLE has a less significant effect on performance. Instead, it decreased at a low J value (0.2). Meanwhile, the largest decrease was at a high J value (0.6), namely up to 10.4% for thrust, 4.3% for torque, and 6.4% for efficiency. Whereas at J=0.4, the torque increases only 0.4%, and the torque and thrust decrease, although less significant. The flow analysis indicates that the shape of the TLE provides a decrease in pressure. However, on the positive side, this modification provides a reduction in noise on the propeller surface.
Cavitation Analysis of Kaplan-Series Propeller: Effect of Pitch Ratio and nProp using CFD Mohammad Danil Arifin; Frengki Mohamad Felayati
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1119.944 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v6i2.8747


Cavitation is defined as a phenomenon or action of the traveling bubbles that pass through the hydrofoil in which the reduction of pressure below the liquid’s vapor pressure leads to the formation of small vapor bubbles (or cavities) caused by the dynamic pressure of the propeller blades. It caused some effects on the propeller of the ship i.e. it can greatly reduce a ship’s propelling efficiency, damaged propeller material or blade erosion, vibration, and disturbance noises. Cavitation can be minimized by proper attention regarding the design of the propellers and variation of propeller variables parameters. For that reason, this research conducts a cavitation analysis on the Kaplan-Series of the CPP by varying P/Db=0.4, P/Db=0.6, and P/Db=0.8; also the rotational speed of the propeller (nProp) i.e. 125 rpm, 175 rpm and, 225 rpm. The numerical analysis was made based on the Computational Fluid Dynamic Method (CFD) to calculate the pressure ratio (ΔP) and percentages of the cavitation area (Rs) due to a configuration of the propellers parameter. The simulation consists of the 3 steps; pre-processor, solver manager, and post-processor. The result shows that the value of the pressure ratio increased significantly at the higher P/Db and nProp. Also, the variation of P/Db and nProp has a significant effect on the development of Rs (%) at the higher P/Db and nProp.
Establishment of Ship Allocation Model by Using Marine Logistics Database (MLDB) Mohammad Danil Arifin; Fanny Octaviani
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.234 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v7i2.12817


Recently, marine big data are significantly increased. If the data are effectively analyzed, it can give an advantage, and we can harness the data that is useful for a decision-maker in maritime industries. The Marine Logistics Database (MLDB) was successfully developed in the previous studies. It was developed by integrating big data into a relational database. By utilizing the extracted data from the developed database (DB), the model of ship allocation will be established. In this study, the main purpose is to develop a ship allocation model that matches the results with the existing ship allocation. In this study, the effectiveness of the allocation model was examined by checking the port constraints, ship specification, and allocation process itself. Moreover, some simulations were executed and discussed to develop new ship allocation and analyze the effective ship specification.
Occupational Health and Safety Analysis Using HIRA and AS/NZS 4360:2004 Standard at XYZ Shipyard Mohammad Danil Arifin; Fanny Octaviani
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 7, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.653 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v7i3.14151


A shipyard is defined as a place where ships are repaired and built. Where, various risks from the work process i.e., ship repair, hull cleaning, hull coating, etc., exist. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out risk analysis in the work process at XYZ Shipyard. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach through interviews and based on hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA) using the AS/NZS 4360:2004 standard to calculate the risk value. Occupational health and safety assessments are carried out to evaluate risks that exist in the workplace intending to eliminate, reduce, and replace sources of risk with safer equipment or processes, or to reduce risks to the health and safety of workers. In this study, we are focused on the three working processes i.e., ship repairment process, hull cleaning, and coating. As a result, it can be concluded that all the risks which occurred in the work process at XYZ Shipyard i.e., ship repair, hull cleaning, and coating process were controlled.
Analysis of Thrust & Torque B-Series Propeller using CFD: Variation of Blade and nProp Mohammad Danil Arifin
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 7, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v7i4.14871


The propeller is an important part of determining the ship's maneuverability. The propeller itself is a tool to produce thrust that comes from engine power which is transmitted through the shaft. At their defined radial position, Propeller thrust (N) and torque (Nm) are formed from propeller blade foil sections at the local lift and drag. Particularly, the total propeller thrust will be integrated into an axial lift vector for the sections from root to tip. The selection of a good propulsion device will affect the force of the ship. One way to choose the propulsion of the ship is the selection the type of propeller and the provision of new propeller variations to produce maximum thrust. For that reason, this study aims to analyze of thrust and torque of B-series propellers using CFD by varying the number of blades: 3, 4, and 5 blades; and the propeller speed (nProp) i.e., 325, 525, and 725 rpm. The numerical analysis using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was conducted to identify the thrust (N) and force (Nm) of the propeller. The CFD simulation consists of three main steps: pre-processor, solver manager, and post-processor. The results show that the thrust and torque significantly increased at the higher number of blades and nProp.