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Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis E-Learning (Studi Inovasi Pendidik MTS. PAI Medan di Tengah Wabah Covid-19) Lubis, Masruroh; Yusri, Dairina; Gusman, Media
Fitrah: Journal of Islamic Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Juni (2020)
Publisher : Prodi PAI STAI Sumatera Medan

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The aims of this research is: 1) the rules related to distance learning during the Covid-19 emergency period, 2) type of learning innovations applied by Islamic study teachers, 3) obstacles faced by Islamic education teachers during e-learning. This research was conducted at MTS. PAI. The research method used is a qualitative research method, with a descriptive study model. The results of the study indicate that the policies adopted in MTS. PAI during the emergency period Covid-19 is still carrying out learning, but carried out with a distance-based internet network system. This policy is always implemented in accordance with government regulations. The variety of learning innovations applied are 1) Innovation In intra curricular activities, such as the presentation of learning with multimedia. PAI learning that emphasizes the motto 'friendly'. online-based discussions and assignments, Application of project-based methods, evaluation of learning based on activities. 2) Innovations in Extracurricular activities, such as routine reading and memorizing the Koran. The obstacles faced are 1) mindset errors, 2) Lack of competence, 3) teacher and student unpreparedness in facing E-Learning learning.
Teori Fitrah dan Pengembangan Agama Anak Lubis, Rahmat Rifai; Gusman, Media
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019): Desember (2019)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51672/alfikru.v13i2.11


Humans are religious creatures, so called because God grants Fitrah from the very beginning of human life. Fitrah becomes a special potential in humans, because it directly becomes the creation of Allah and is directly installed by Allah in man, since humans are in the spirit realm.Even though they have had the nature since the beginning of their creation, the nature must still be maintained especially when the child is at an early age. At this time was touted as the golden age. Success in maintaining fitrah at an early age, will lead to success in the future. Many methods that can be used to maintain this nature include the method of advice, exemplary methods, methods of habituation, and methods of stories or fairy tales.
Living Qur’an Dan Hadis Di Tk Syarif Ar-Rasyid Islamic School Medan (Studi Tentang Internalisasi Akhlak) Gusman, Media
el-Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies EL BUHUTH: BORNEO JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES VOL 4 NO 1, 2021
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/el-buhuth.v4i1.4047


This study aims to analyze the readiness of children in efforts to internalize morals through the Living Qur'an and Hadith, efforts to internalize morals by teachers through the living Qur'an and Hadith, parental participation in efforts to internalize morals through living. This research was conducted at TK Syarif Ar-Rasyid Islamic School Medan. The research method used is qualitative using a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques used interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Data analysis uses data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that Syarif Ar-Rasyid Islamic School Medan Kindergarten students were prepared to accept the process of moral internalization through living Qur'an and Hadith activities. This is evident from the physical and psychological readiness possessed by students. (2) Efforts to internalize morals are carried out in two forms, namely integrated with learning, and outside learning. There are four steps of moral internalization, namely moral determination, practice, habituation, and natural appearance. The media used are posters, MP3 Murotal short suras. The evaluation of moral internalization uses the technique of observing children's developmental achievements. (3) Parental participation is carried out through controlling children's development, supporting and facilitating children's activities, semester meeting activities, getting used to the same attitude at home, participating in parenting recitations. Keywords: Internalization of Akhlak, Living Qur'an and Hadith, Early Childhood