Yayutrisnawati, Yayutrisnawati
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Pengaruh Relaksasi Genggam Jari terhadap Skala Nyeri pada Ibu Post Sectio Caesarea Yayutrisnawati, Yayutrisnawati; Wulandari, Priharyanti; Windyastuti, Windyastuti
Jurnal Ners Widya Husada Vol 5, No 1 (2018): MARET
Publisher : Universitas Widya Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.934 KB) | DOI: 10.33666/jners.v5i1.325


Pasien post section caesarea sering mengalami nyeri dikarenakan insisi pembedahan. Relaksasi genggam jari adalah teknik non farmakologis untuk mengurangi nyeri. Hasil wawancara dengan beberapa ibu post section caesarea, mengatakan jika merasa nyeri pasien hanya menahan dan meringis kesakitan sambil menunggu obat penurun rasa nyeri yang diberkan oleh tenaga medis. Populasi adalah 169 pasien dan Sampel sebanyak 20 responden. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh relaksasi genggam jari terhadap tingkat nyeri pada ibu post sectio caesarea di ruang Baitunnisa 2 RSI Sultan Agung Semarang. Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi – eksperimen pre and post test without control. Pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling sebanyak 49 responden, skala nyeri diukur dengan menggunakan numerik rating scales, dianalisa mengunakan uji statistik wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian yang mengalami nyeri terbanyak sebelum relaksasi genggam jari adalah nyeri sedang yaitu (71,4 %), sedangkan nyeri terbanyak setelah dilakukan relaksasi genggam jari yaitu nyeri ringan yaitu (63,3 %), dengan hasil uji statistik p value 0,000 ≤ 0,05 dan nilai Z hitung -6,260. Ada pengaruh relaksasi genggam jari terhadap skala nyeri pada ibu post sectio caesarea di Ruang Baitunnisa 2 RSI Sultan Agung Semarang.Kata kunci: sectio caesarea, nyeri, relaksasi genggam jariTHE EFFECT OF FINGER RELAXATION OF PAIN SCALES IN POST SECTIO CAESAREA MOTHERABSTRACTCesarean section post patients often experience pain due to a surgical incision. Finger-handed relaxation is a non-pharmacological technique to reduce pain. The results of interviews with several mothers post section caesarea, said if they felt pain the patient only held back and grimaced in pain while waiting for pain-relieving drugs provided by medical personnel.The population was 169 patients and a sample of 20 respondents. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of finger hand relaxation on the level of pain in patient of post sectio caesarea in Baitunnisa 2 room of RSI Sultan Agung Semarang. The research design used quasi – eksperimen pre and post test without control. Sampling techniques is consecutive sampling as many as 49 respondents pain scale was measured using numerical scales rating and analyzed using wilcoxon statistical test. The results of the study that experienced the most pain before finger hand relaxation were moderate pain, namely (71,4 %), while the most pain finger handrelaxation was mild pain ie (63,3 %), with the results of statistical test p value 0,000 ≤ 0,05 and Z – 6,260. There is an effect of finger hand relaxation on pain scale on post sectio caesarea mothers in Baitunnisa 2 Room, Sultan Agung Hospital, Semarang.Keywords: sectio caesarea,pain,finger hand relaxation