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Pengaruh Terapi Zikir Terhadap Penurunan Tanda Dan Gejala Halusinasi Pada Pasien Halusinasi Emulyani Emulyani; Herlambang
HEALTH CARE : JURNAL KESEHATAN Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Health Care : Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : STIKes Payung Negeri Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.804 KB) | DOI: 10.36763/healthcare.v9i1.60


Hallucinations are one of the symptoms of mental disorder in which the patient experiences sensory changes in perception of the senses, the inability to distinguish internal stimuli (thoughts) and external stimuli (outside world) perceptions about the environment without objects. Dhikr or dhikrullah is etymologically defined as an activity to remember God. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of zikir therapy on the reduction of hallucinatory signs and symptoms in hallucinatory patients at RSJ Tampan Riau Province. This type of research is quantitative with quasi-exprimental design, with a population of all hallucinatory patients in Sebayang and Indragiri room with a total of 21 patients, in which the sample in this study was the entire population of patients undergoing hallucinations who had undergone SP 1 (screaming) and SP 2 (talking with others), and tools for data collection using the format of soul nursing assessment by measuring the calculation of the frequency of occurrence of hallucinations before and after therapy given zikir, using data analysis bivariate analysis with T test, the results found that the value the average success of hallucinatory control in hallucinatory patients before the dhikr therapy was 16.90 and after zikir therapy was 5.48 with p value = 0.000 <0,05 it was found that the effect of zikir therapy on hallucinatory control in hallucinatory patients. The need for zikir therapy is carried out in the management of nursing services in standard service of operational procedures (SOP) on scheduled therapy.
JAMBI MEDICAL JOURNAL "Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan" Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Special Issues: JAMHESIC 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.357 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jmj.v9i0001.12899


ABSTRACTBackground: Pre-eclampsia is a major cause of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. The pathogenesismechanism of pre-eclampsia involves the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Genetic variation in thegene MTHFR C677T (C> T transition) alter activity of MTHFR enzyme and predictrisk for pre-eclampsia but withconflicting results in worldwide population. This study aimed to investigate the association between gene variationof MTHFR C677T with pre- eclampsia in Jambi malay population.Method: This study was a case-control design. We compared the two subject groups; 30 pregnant women withpre-eclampsia and 30 normal pregnant women. Pre-eclampsia was diagnosed by elevated blood pressure (systolicbloodpressure ≥140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg) after 20 weeks of gestation.All samples wereethnic malay living in Jambi. The two groups were matched by age, gravida and parity. The Amplification RefractoryMutation System - Polymerase Chain Reaction was used for genotyping.Result and Conclusion: Association between the gene variation of MTHFR C667T and preeclampsia wasassessed using bivariate analysis with p<0,05. Statistical analysis of the additive model showed that the frequencyof TT genotype in thepre-eclamptic group was higher than normal pregnant women but did not show a significantdifference (OR = 0,833; 95% CI = 0,170 – 4,088; p= 0,568). Our study resultsuggest that the MTHFR C677T genevariation is not a risk factor for pre-eclampsia in theJambi malay population.Keywords: gene variation, Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase gene, MTHFR C677T, preeclampsiaABSTRAKPendahuluan: Mekanisme patogenesis preeklampsia melibatkan interaksi faktorgenetik dan lingkungan. Variasigenetik pada gen Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) C677T (C>T transisition) menyebabkanpenurunan aktivitas enzim MTHFR yang berpengaruh pada peningkatan homosistein dan berkaitan dengankejadian preeklampsia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui asosiasi antara variasi gen MTHFR C667Tdengan preeklampsia pada populasi melayu Jambi.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan kasus-kontrol. Kamimembandingkan dua subyek grup; 30 wanitahamil dengan preeklampsia dan 30 wanita hamil normal. Diagnosis preeklampsia ditentukan dengan adanyapeningkatan tekanan darah (tekanan darah sistolik ≥140 mmHg atau tekanan darah diastolik ≥90mmHg) setelah 20minggu kehamilan. Seluruh sampel merupakan etnis melayu yang berdomisili di provinsi Jambi. Kedua grup telahdicocokan berdasarkan usia ibu, gravida dan paritas. Pemeriksaan genotyping menggunakan metodeAmplification Refractory Mutation System - Polymerase Chain Reaction.Hasil: Asosiasiantara variasi gen MTHFR C677T dengan preeklampsia dinilai menggunakan analisis bivariatdengan p<0,05. Analisis statistik model additive menunjukkan frekuensi genotype TT pada kelompok hamil denganpreeklampsia lebih tinggi dibandingkan wanita hamil normal namun tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna(OR=0,833; 95% CI=0,170 – 4,088; p=0,568).Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian memberikan kesan variasi gen MTHFR C677T bukan sebagai faktor risiko terhadapkejadian preeklampsia pada populasi melayu Jambi.Kata kunci: variasi genetik, gen Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase, MTHFR C677T, preeklampsia