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Pengharapan dalam Terang Ajaran Iman Katolik Situmorang, Markus
Forum Vol 52 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v52i2.574


In the Catholic faith, hope is specifically defined as theological virtue. Hope is not just a psychological impulse or temporary emotion but the fruit of faith in Jesus. The finality of hope does not stop at earthly things. However, this does not mean that we should not hope for good things while in this world. The purpose of this study is to answer the difficulties of Christians in understanding and living the meaning of hope in the midst of a world full of challenges. The method used in this research is a qualitative method using literature study. Scripture texts, Church documents and the thoughts of theologians that discuss hope will be studied using descriptive analysis. The results of this study show that in facing of bitter and dark experiences in life, the followers of Christ must remain steadfast in hope. The correct understanding of hope makes believers strong in facing challenges and problems. A follower of Christ needs to direct every hope to heaven as the finality of life on earth.
‘‘Aggiornamento’ dalam Visi Sinodal untuk Merespon Tantangan Gereja pada Millenium Ketiga Situmorang, Markus
Forum Vol 53 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35312/forum.v53i1.625


Gereja tidak pernah berjalan sendirian tetapi Roh Kudus selalu membimbing perjalanannya. Tantangan dan hambatan yang dihadapinya tidak pernah membatalkan tugas perutusan yang telah diterima dari Yesus. Janji Yesus untuk menyertai Gereja-Nya termanifestasi dalam sejarah baik lewat tokoh-tokoh yang dipilih-Nya maupun Roh-Nya yang menerangi hati dan pikiran umat-Nya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat semangat ‘aggiornamento’ dalam konteks gereja sinodal. Semangat ‘aggiornamento’ dalam Vatikan II dihidupkan kembali lewat seruan untuk berjalan bersama. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat kontinuitas dari Vatikan II dan eklesiologi sinodal dalam roh ‘aggiornamento’. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan tinjauan Pustaka. Peneliti mengkaji dan menganalisa visi Fransiskus tentang sinodalitas yang tertuang dalam berbagai kesempatan, dokumen Vatikan II dan pemikiran para teolog. Roh ‘aggiornamento’ yang bertiup kencang dalam Vatikan II terus berhembus hingga dewasa ini untuk membarui hidup Gereja baik ke dalam maupun ke luar agar karya keselamatan hadir bagi dunia.
Konsep Ajaran Iman Tentang Maria Sebagai Bunda Allah (Theotokos) Menurut Telaah Aidan Nichols Ranubaya, Fransesco Agnes; Situmorang, Markus
Jurnal Masalah Pastoral Vol 12 No 1 (2024): JUMPA (Jurnal Masalah Pastoral)
Publisher : STK St. Yakobus Merauke

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60011/jumpa.v12i1.165


Mother Mary is an example of the Catholic Church in terms of faith, love and perfect union with Christ. Mother Mary is a perfect example of reflecting Christ. Mary is the best example for the Church, because the Church is also called as Mother and virgin, and as the bride of Christ. The Church Fathers linked Mary's role as Mother of God to her role as the new Eve. Mother Mary gave birth to the Lord Jesus who became the savior of humans from the sins inherited from Eve's sins. The writing of this scientific work uses the critical analysis method through an approach study of documents based on Aidan Nichols' research. This research provides several conclusions, including that the dogma of Mary as the Mother of God (Theotokos) through the Holy Spirit of Mary, the virgin, received in her womb Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is one being with the Father, and gave Him to the world so that the Catholic Church calls Mary as Mother of God. The dogmas regarding the Virgin Mary taught by the Catholic Church include the teachings regarding Mary who died temporarily (a temporal death/sententia communior), Mary being assumed body and soul into heaven (De fide), Mary the Mother of God (Theotokos), Mary is the Mediatrix/ Mediator of all graces, with her intercession in Heaven (Mediatio in speciali), Mary is honored in heaven as Queen of the universe, and the teaching about Mary is the Mother of the Church, the Mother of the faithful. A critical analysis of the concept of faith teachings about Mary as the Mother of God (Theotokos) according to Aidan Nichols' study is that all the graces in Mary, expressed biblically as narratives that need to be known and told because they can build Mary's meaning in the divine plan, are the full implementation of her role and sovereign as the Mother of the Word incarnate.
Tinjauan Buku: Spiritualitas Keluarga Arnoldus Janssen: Dari Steyl ke Seluruh Dunia Situmorang, Markus
Perspektif Vol. 15 N.º 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v15i2.146


"Orang Asing”: Berteologi Bersama Mahasiswa Migran di Kota Malang Situmorang, Markus
Perspektif Vol. 1 N.º 2 (2006): Desember 2006
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v1i2.267


The social development has improved many aspect of human life, such as economic benefit, higher life style, easier mobilisation, which enables people to move from one place to another. To some extent, this migration has brought many benefits for people, however, it also creates many problems to sort out. The author notices the situation happening in the city of Malang, where many students from other places around Indonesia come to pursue higher studies. Apart from positive ideas those students bear in mind, the author highlights the fact that there is significant tension between students from different back- ground, such as races, religious beliefs, cultures, traditions, etc. Considering that this issue could raise bigger tension which could lead to broader conflict, the author proposes some theological and pastoral aproach to help these people molto come to terms with the real situation. The approach proposed is based on Biblical reference, with three key figures: Isaiah, Amos and Jesus. And finally the author suggests some concrete pastoral steps in order to promote the harmony and to bridge the gap because of the pluralism.