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Konvergensi di Ruang Redaksi pada Kelompok Media Tempo Pratopo, Wahyudi Marhaen; Kusajibrata, Nasrullah
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v2i1.510


This study seeks to reveal the implementation of convergence in the newsroom with case study of Tempo Group. This research uses qualitative approach and case study method. This study reveals that Tempo began to implement newroom convergence after publishing Kora Tempo in 2001. The effort toward newsroom convergence was realized by forming Tempo Newsroom which is meant as a news control center. After passing a series of trials and policy changes, the Tempo Group finally adopted full editorial convergence since 2012. In the application of this editorial convergence, Tempo chose the Newsroom 3.0 model, a newsroom management system that brings together news gathering and news processing to provide news needs for some outlet:, Koran Tempo, and Tempo Magazine.
Komodifikasi Wartawan di Era Konvergensi: Studi Kasus Tempo Pratopo, Wahyudi Marhaen
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 6, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini berusaha menjelaskan terjadinya komodifikasi pekerja media (wartawan) dalam industri media massa di era konvergensi dengan studi kasus Tempo. Peneliti mengembangkan kerangka pemikiran dari teori ekonomi politik komunikasi, yang pintu masuk pertamanya adalah komodifikasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kritis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi kasus. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pertumbuhan Tempo dari sebuah majalah menjadi konglomerasi merupakan akumulasi kapital sesuai dengan tujuan kapitalis. Tempo terus mengembangkan bisnis dan inovasi untuk beradaptasi dengan perkembangan industri media serta teknologi media baru, termasuk dengan penerapan konvergensi media dan konvergensi redaksi. Dalam pelipatgandaan kapital dan pelaksanakan konvergensi redaksi itu terjadi komodifikasi pekerja (wartawan) lewat penambahan jam kerja, upah rendah, kejar target, tugas ganda, kewajiban permasaran dan adaptasi. Bentuk komodifikasi yang terjadi adalah eksploitasi tubuh, eksploitasi ekonomi, eksploitasi waktu luang, dan eksploitasi kemampuan. Wartawan menerima eksploitasi itu sebagai kewajaran bagi profesinya karena adanya proses mistifikasi, alienasi, naturalisasi, dan reifikasi. This study seeks to explain commodification of media workers (journalists) in media industry in the convergence era. The researcher develops a framework from political economic of communication theory, the first entrance of which is commodification. This research uses a critical paradigm with qualitative approach and case study method. This study reveals that the development of Tempo from a magazine into a conglomeration is an accumulation of capital in line with capitalist objectives. Tempo continues to develop business and innovation to adapt to the development of media industry and new media technology, including the application of media convergence and editorial convergence. In the multiplication of capital and the execution of editorial convergence, commodification of workers (journalists) occurs through extra work hours, low wages, target orientation, multiple tasks, marketing obligation and adaptation. The forms of commodification include exploitation of the bodies, economic exploitation, leisure exploitation, and exploitation of ability. Journalists accept the exploitation as a fair demand of the profession because of the process of mystification, alienation, naturalization, and reification.