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Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan pada SMP IT RPI Dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Aji, Achmad Maezar Bayu Aji
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 6 No 2 (2017)

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Abstract—In the hook with education world, effective with up to date be a demand that must be filled. Computer as a means of data, be correct tool to cultivate every Bussiness transaction, remember documentation according to manual has not make possible again, at because more and more transaction volume that, very influential loaning and return by itself computerization has been a need very vital for every organization or company in accelerates the effort area optional, especially school’s that active in education.To make easy livelihood and use, usually transaction data at save and documented in a container that called database, that is data aggregate of a kind that integration in a file to simplify database editor. So, make an easy bussiness application program understand by use (user friendly) as liaison (interface) that connects user with database.In this time author uses Visual Program Visual Basic 6.0 marginally focus weigh against to the loaning and return program in SMP IT RPI cover member data processing, user data, book data, loaning transaction data that at will print in the form of report every month Intisari— Dalam kaitannya dengan dunia pendidikan, efektifitas dan efesiensi serta up to date merupakan suatu tuntutan yang harus dipenuhi. Komputer sebagai alat data, merupakan sarana yang tepat untuk mengolah data yang ada pada perpustakaan mengingat dokumentasi secara manual sudah tidak memunginkan lagi, dikarenakan semakin banyak volume transaksi yang terjadi, yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap peminjaman dan pengembalian buku. Dengan sendirinya komputerisasi sudah menjadi suatu kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi setiap perpustakaan dalam memperlancar minat membaca.Untuk memudahkan pencarian dan penggunaan, biasanya data transaksi disimpan didokumentasikan dalam suatu wadah yang disebut database, yaitu kumpulan data sejenis yang telah diintegrasikan suatu file, untuk mempermudah penyuntingan database, maka dibuatlah suatu program aplikasi bisnis yang mudah dimengerti oleh pengguna (user friendly) sebagai penghubung (interface) yang menghubungkan pemakai dengan database. Saat ini penulis menggunakan program Visual Basic 6.0 yang secara garis besar menitikberatkan kepada program peminjaman dan pengembalian buku yang meliputi pengolahan data buku, data anggota, data petugas.. Kata Kunci— SistemInformasi, Perpustakaan, Ms.Visual Basic 6.0
Analisis Kualitas Produk dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Pelayanan Indihome di Jakarta Pusat Putra, Resky Illahi Dwi; Aji, Achmad Maezar Bayu
TIN: Terapan Informatika Nusantara Vol 2 No 9 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/tin.v2i9.1346


PT. Telkom (Telekomunikasi Indonesia) is a state-owned enterprise that has an important contribution to society because it is engaged in telecommunications services. Indihome is one of the service products from PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, which provides packages of landline, internet, and television services. In an effort to provide information services, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of internet services so that the service provider is able to maintain performance and improve performance where there are still shortcomings in performance from the user's point of view. To determine the level of service performance, this research was carried out by applying the servqual method and Importance Performance Analysis. The assessment of user satisfaction is based on five dimensions, namely Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Tangibles which later on each attribute performance will be classified into quadrant I which is the main priority to improve its service, quadra II attributes that need to be maintained because they have provided satisfactory service, quadrant III attributes that have low priority and quadrant IV attributes that are considered less important but have good performance. The results of this study indicate that the largest gap or gap lies in the Responsiveness dimension with a value of -1.00 and the smallest gap in the Empathy dimension with a value of -0.43. while based on the calculation of the Importance Performance Analysis the overall user suitability level is 83% which means that the services provided by the agency/company are in accordance with the user's perception. Where the user's perception of website services has been fulfilled