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MEDIA ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Media Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/mik.v9i1.335


Background: Breastfeeding at the beginning of a infant's life is essential because the enhancement of human quality starts from the baby. Breast milk contains substances that can protect babies from bacteria and viruses that cause infections. The failure of exclusive breastfeeding is caused by various factors, one of them include nutrition of breastfeeding mothers. Breastfeeding mothers need to pay attention to their nutrition by consuming foods that have a lactagogue effect or increase and accelerate milk production. Consumption of breastfeeding mothers towards Indonesian traditional plants which have lactagogue effect is still lacking. One of the plants that contains lactagogue is Torbangun (Coleus Amboinicus L) leaf which has effect to increase the volume of milk production. Objective: To find out he effect of giving torbangun (Coleus Amboinicus L) leaves on prolactin levels and milk production of breastfeeding mothers. Methods: This experimental study was conducted on 32 breastfeeding mothers which divided equally into 16 mothers as a control group and 16 mothers as a treatment group. This stude aimed to determine the effect of consumption of Torbangun leaf tea for 14 days on prolactin levels and milk production. Results: The results showed that supplementation of Torbangun leaf tea increased prolactin levels (significance 0.014 (p <0.05)) and milk production (significance 0.046 (p <0.05). Conclusion: The results of the analysis showed that torbangun significantly increased prolactin levels and breast milk production. Lactating mothers can consume torbangun as supplementation which can increase prolactin levels and milk production.
Jurnal Kebidanan VOLUME 13. NO.01, JUNI 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Estu Utomo Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35872/jurkeb.v13i01.418


ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Masalah gizi yang tidak ditangani segera dapat berdampak pada terhambatnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak serta akan mempengaruhi sistem kekebalan tubuh bagi anak sehingga anak akan rentan terkena penyakit menular dari lingkungan sekitarnya terutama pada lingkungan dengan sanitasi yang buruk maupun dari anak lain atau orang dewasa yang sedang sakit (Sudargo, 2018). Masalah gizi yang diakibatkan kekurangan salah satu zat gizi juga dapat menyebabkan kekurangan zat gizi lain serta dapat berdampak pada perkembangan otak dan kapasitas intelektual di masa kritis pertumbuhannya yang menyebabkan penurunan kecerdasan (Septikasari, 2018). Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi balita (status gizi balita, riwayat infeksi, jeis infeksi, picky eater, masalah makan, jenis makanan yang dikonsumsi), sehingga dapat dilakukan intervensi pada faktor yang berpengaruh. Metode Penelitian: Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis regresi logistik ganda, pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan 218 responden. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh balita di Desa Triwidadi Pajangan Bantul berjumlah 475 balita. Responden penelitian ini yaitu balita di Desa Triwidadi Pajangan Bantul. Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap status gizi adalah jenis makanan. Kekuatan hubungan dapat dilihat dari nilai OR. Kekuatan hubungan yang paling besar adalah jenis makanan (OR=4,16). Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi balita di Desa Triwidadi Pajangan Bantul yaitu jenis makanan yang ditunjukkan dari hasil uji Fisher excact test pada variabel picky eater nilai significancy menunjukkan angka 0,01, oleh karena p <0,05 maka ada hubungan antara picky eater dengan status gizi. Kata Kunci: status gizi, balitaFACTORS RELATED TO THE NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF TODDLERS          IN  TRIWIDADI  PAJANGAN  VILLAGE,  BANTULABSTRACTBackground: Nutritional problems that are not handled immediately can have an impact on stunted growth and development of children and will affect the immune system for children so that children will be susceptible to infectious diseases from the surrounding environment, especially in environments with poor sanitation or from other children or adults who is sick (Sudargo, 2018). Nutritional problems caused by a lack of one nutrient can also cause a deficiency in other nutrients and can have an impact on brain development and intellectual capacity in a critical period of growth which causes a decrease in intelligence (Septikasari, 2018). Objective: To identify factors related to the nutritional status of children under five (nutritional status of children under five, history of infection, type of infection, picky eater, eating problems, types of food consumed), so that interventions can be carried out on influencing factors. Research Methods: Data analysis in this study uses multiple logistic regression analysis model, sampling using the Slovin formula with 218 respondents. The population in this study were all children under five in the village of Triwidadi Pajangan Bantul totaling 475 children. Respondents of this study were toddlers in Triwidadi Pajangan Village, Bantul. Research Results: The results showed that the variable that had an effect on nutritional status was the type of food. The strength of the relationship can be seen from the OR value. The strongest relationship strength was the type of food (OR=4.16). Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, the factors related to the nutritional status of children under five in the Triwidadi Pajangan village, Bantul, namely the type of food indicated from the results of the Fisher excact test on the picky eater variable, the significance value showed 0.01, because p <0.05 then there is a relationship between picky eater with nutritional status.Keywords: nutritional status, toddler