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Adat Pernikahan Melayu Jambi Perspektif ‘Urf dalam Ilmu Ushul Fiqh Sibawaihi , Muhammad; Baharun, Mokhammad
Istidlal: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Hukum Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Ibrahimy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.529 KB) | DOI: 10.35316/istidlal.v1i2.106


Marriage has rules and regulations its implementation. According to Jambi Malay customary law, there are several stages in marriage custom, especially in subdistrict of Muara Tembesi, first introduction period, second preparation period. thirth day scales, fourth betel tanyo Pinang tanyo, fifth tand fill custom lumbago, sixth take delivery customs lumbago, seventh marriages marry, eight old gather, memulang lek pado penangga, ninth Berelek Berkenduri, complain Gather tuo. Next custom marriage is absolutely must be followed by all society of jambi because of the moral sanction if someone doesn’t follow applicable law. The purpose of research is to know the custom marriage of Jambi Malay and position of custom law, especially in subdistrict of Tembesi. research method is Islamic law research, research type used is field research. The research approach used is a normative approach, the problems studied under Islamic law, to underestand the Qur'an, Hadith, and 'Urf in Ushul Fiqh. The research method used is observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis used is qualitative analysis. Based on the research has done, it can be concluded the marriage custom of Jambi Malay in Muara Tembesi Subdistrict, the analysis of `Urf is shohih custom.
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/eh.v23i1.11657


Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) has a great potential for family-based corruption prevention. This study aims to determine the values of pesantren and portraits of sakinah family personalities in the texts of “Zadu Az-Zaujayn” and “Syair Madura” in relation to the prevention of corruption. It uses an ethnographic-hermeneutic qualitative approach. The research concludes that the value of pesantren associated with the prevention of corruption lies in the expression "Mondhuk entar ngabdi bhen ngaji (the intention of going to pesantren is to learn and to serve)" and “Mon ngecok jerum e pondok mon mole ka romana ngecok jheren (if you steal a needle in pesantren, you will steal a horse once you get back home)". Through the values, students are accustomed to serving people and being careful of taking others’ belongings. Meanwhile, the values of sakinah family within the text are wara’ (being cautious and able to self-control), zuhud (living a simple life and prioritizing others’ need), and patient (being tender and dare to face difficulties); qona'ah (accepting life as it is), ridha (accepting the provisions of God); and self-presentation. This research is vital to develop to achieve sakinah families free of corruption.Pondok pesantren memiliki potensi besar dalam mencegah korupsi berbasis keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan nilai-nilai pesantren dan potret kepribadian keluarga sakinah dalam teks kitab “Zadu Az-Zaujayn” dan “Syair Madura” terkait pencegahan korupsi. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif tipe etnografi-hermeneutik.  Hasil penelitian: nilai-nilai pesantren yang terkait dengan pencegahan korupsi yaitu  “Mondhuk entar ngabdi dan ngaji (mondok untuk mengabdi dan mengaji)”. Santri juga menghindari ngecok (mencuri):“Mon ngecok jerum e pondok mon mole ka romana ngecok jheren, (kalau mencuri sebuah jarum di pondok, pulangnya akan mencuri seekor kuda)”. Dengan kedua nilai tersebut, santri akan terbiasa melayani orang lain dan menjauhi mengambil hak milik orang lain. Sedang kepribadian pasangan suami-istri sakinah yaitu mampu mengendalikan diri: yaitu wara’ (hati-hati dan mampu mengendalikan diri), zuhud (hidup sederhana dan lebih mementingkan kepentingan orang lain), dan sabar (lapang dada dan berani menghadapi kesulitan-kesulitan); penerimaan hidup apa adanya: qona’ah (menerima kenyataan yang ada), ridha (ketenangan hati menerima ketentuan-ketentuan dari Allah); dan presentasi diri. Penelitian ini penting untuk dikembangkan, agar tercipta keluarga sakinah yang bebas dari korupsi.