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PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP MUTU PELAYANAN PROGRAM PEMBANGUNAN DI BAPPPPEDA KABUPATEN SUMEDANG Indra Wahyudinata; Basarudin; Devitka Serin Indrianto; Devi Amalia Hidayati; Rika Fuzi Astuti; Yoga Daswara
Journal Of Regional Public Administration (JRPA) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): Journal Of Regional Public Administration (JRPA) Desember 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Sebelas April Sumedang

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The research objective of the researcher is to find out the Organizational Culture and Service Quality of the Development Program, to find out the relationship between Organizational Culture and the Quality of Development Program Services and to find out the magnitude of the influence of Organizational Culture on Service Quality in in BAPPPPEDA Sumedang Regency. The method used in this study is a quantitative research method which is used in research based on the philosophy of positivism in order to test the hypotheses that have been set. And the type of statistics used is inferential sampling technique used in this study is the Simple Random Sampling technique, with a population of 80 people then researchers used the Slovin formula to obtain a sample of 44 respondents. The analysis used includes the calculation of percentages, correlation tests, normality tests, significance tests, and coefficient of determination tests. Based on the results of the study, researchers can describe that the organizational culture in BAPPPPEDA Sumedang Regency is in very good criteria with the results of the analysis reaching 84.54%. Likewise, the quality of development program services in BAPPPPEDA in Sumedang Regency is in very good criteria with an analysis reaching 86.33%. From the correlation analysis, the correlation value is 0.419, which indicates a positive and significant relationship between Organizational Culture and Service Program Development Quality. While the influence of organizational culture on the quality of development program services in BAPPPPEDA in Sumedang Regency reached 17.6%, the remaining 82.4% was influenced by other factors not examined by researchers called epsilon factor.
ANALISIS KOMPETENSI PEGAWAI DINAS PENDIDIKAN KABUPATEN SUMEDANG Indra Wahyudinata; Epi Susilawati; Muhammad Haekal; Rifqi Naufal Muzzaki; Wike Siti Dayanti
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This study aims to determine, obtain objective data and information regarding Competency Analysis in Improving Employee Performance at the Education Office of Sumedang Regency. In this study, using qualitative research methods with data collection, observation steps, in-depth interviews and documentation. From this research, it was found that the factors that support Competence in Improving Employee Performance at the Education Office of Sumedang Regency as a whole can be said to be quite good, but there are problems regarding the lack of ability of employees in carrying out tasks, in using technology, lack of ability or skills so that it occurs. non-conformance in dealing with competency issues. Obstacles were found regarding Competence in Improving Employee Performance at the Education Office of Sumedang Regency, namely: in terms of budget, interest or awareness of employees, facilities, and when employees face new things, lack of funds and environmental atmosphere or organizational climate that is less supportive, lack of areas of expertise expertise in the analysis phase of a problem at hand, poor capacity in thinking about complex problems, does not meet predetermined standards, errors occur if collecting data too quickly. Efforts to overcome obstacles include developing potential, learning and developing continuously, using analytical techniques in problem solving, anticipating complex problems, working beyond/meeting standards, and job opportunities are carried out accurately according to the competence of employees at the District Education Office Sumedang.
PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP MUTU PELAYANAN PROGRAM PEMBANGUNAN DI BAPPPPEDA KABUPATEN SUMEDANG Indra Wahyudinata; Basarudin; Devitka Serin Indrianto; Devy Amalia Hidayati; Rika Fauzi Astuti; Yoga Daswara
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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The research objective of the researcher is to find out the Organizational Culture and Service Quality of the Development Program, to find out the relationship between Organizational Culture and the Quality of Development Program Services and to find out the magnitude of the influence of Organizational Culture on Service Quality in in BAPPPPEDA Sumedang Regency.The method used in this study is a quantitative research method which is used in research based on the philosophy of positivism in order to test the hypotheses that have been set. And the type of statistics used is inferential sampling technique used in this study is the Simple Random Sampling technique, with a population of 80 people then researchers used the Slovin formula to obtain a sample of 44 respondents. The analysis used includes the calculation of percentages, correlation tests, normality tests, significance tests, and coefficient of determination tests.Based on the results of the study, researchers can describe that the organizational culture in BAPPPPEDA Sumedang Regency is in very good criteria with the results of the analysis reaching 84.54%. Likewise, the quality of development program services in BAPPPPEDA in Sumedang Regency is in very good criteria with an analysis reaching 86.33%. From the correlation analysis, the correlation value is 0.419, which indicates a positive and significant relationship between Organizational Culture and Service Program Development Quality. While the influence of organizational culture on the quality of development program services in BAPPPPEDA in Sumedang Regency reached 17.6%, the remaining 82.4% was influenced by other factors not examined by researchers called epsilon factor.
IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN SERTIFIKASI GURU SEKOLAH DASAR DI KABUPATEN SUMEDANG Indra Wahyudinata; Abdul Jalil; Daffa Nugraha; Racka Nandra Gumilar; Rafli Fathurrohman
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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Education is the most important aspect in efforts to optimize human resource services, in order to be able to compete amidst the competencies of an increasingly advanced and modern nation. Sumedang Regency Education Office by optimizing education services through implementing the teacher certification policy regulated in Permendiknas No. 11 of 2011 concerning in-service teacher certification and the latest Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 37 of 2017 concerning certification for teachers in positions which aims to increase teacher professionalism in carrying out their duties and functions.The aims of this study were 1) to examine and describe the implementation of the primary school teacher certification policy at the Sumedang District Education Office, in terms of communication, resources, position, and organizational structure. 2) To find out the efforts made by the Sumedang district education office to overcome the teacher's ability to use IT.This research is a qualitative type using a phenomenological approach. with data collection techniques through structured interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study show that 1) of the four aspects of communication, resources, disposition and organizational structure, the fourth shows that the implementation has been well implemented, so that overall the implementation of the primary school teacher certification policy in Sumedang district is considered to have gone well. 2) the determinant factors supporting the success of the primary school teacher certification policy in Sumedang district which are considered well implemented due to organizational structure factors that have occurred a good division of tasks and the existence of procedural operational standards (SOP) or technical certification manuals. Apart from that, another supporting factor is the aspect of communication carried out through various socialization activities. 3) Efforts by the education office to overcome teachers' abilities in using IT, namely through technical guidance activities (BIMTEK) related to offline and online based teacher certification implementation systems.