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Implementasi Routing Pada Jaringan Local Area Network Menggunakan Router di PT. Surya Baja Teknik dan Surya Rasa Muammar Fahraz Pratama; Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan; Aries Suharso
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 4 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.09 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5267122


Router is a computer network hardware device that can be used to connect the same or different networks. Router is a tool for sending data packets through the network or the internet to get to its destination, this process is called routing. With the purpose of routing to make network communication run well, devices usely processed are called routers. In general, routers can send data packets between networks based on IP addresses. All information / data packets can be known for two ways, namely statically and dynamically. RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is example of a distance vector routing protocol. RIP offers ease of implementation, both in terms of configuration and cost aspects. RIP is suitable to applied in small and medium scale network topologies.
Wi-Fi Jamming Tool With NodeMCU (v.3 Lolin board) ESP8266 Deauther Microcontroller Based Afif Khairullah; Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan; Didi Juardi
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 10 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.04 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6791842


National cyber security is one area that needs to be encouraged and strengthened by the government as an effort to increase economic growth and realize national security because of the rise of crimes that use technology for things that are certainly detrimental to Indonesian security. Therefore, the author has designed and realized a device that can detect and disrupt Wi-Fi signals which are considered problematic and disrupt the course of state activities. This device uses the NodeMCU tool (board v.3 Lolin) ESP8266, this tool will later function for access to Wi-Fi. This tool will later read and provide Wi-Fi information around it which will then display the results on the cellphone or laptop of the owner of the device. Based on the test results, this tool is able to detect Wi-Fi signals with a distance of approximately 100 meters and is able to connect properly
Perbandingan Algoritma Round Robin dan Algoritma Least Connection pada Haproxy untuk Load Balancing Web Server Arip Solehudin; Rini Mayasari; Garno Garno; Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan
SYSTEMATICS Vol 2 No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35706/sys.v2i1.3634


Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) atau yang sederajat menyelenggarakan ujian kenaikan kelas menggunakan Computer Based Test (CBT). Akan tetapi, dalam pelaksanaanya mengalami permasalahan, salah satunya beban server. Hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh permintaan pengguna yang melebihi kemampuan server. Untuk mengatasi permasalah tersebut digunakanya load balancing web server menggunakan haproxy. Namun penggunaan load balancing web server, sering mengalami inkonsistensi data tiap server. Oleh karena itu digunakan replikasi database yang dapat menjamin konsistensi data dalam load balancing web server. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deksriptif dengan metode perancangan sitem jaringan PPDIOO. Ada dua algoritma load balancing yang dibandingkan, yaitu algoritma round robin dan algoritma least connection. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian httperf, parameter throughput kedua algoritma memperoleh nilai rata-rata yang sama yaitu 99,5 Kb / second. Pada pengujian parameter response time algoritma least connection lebih unggul yaitu 6,9 ms dibandingkan dengan round robin yang memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar 7,2 ms, namun pada pengujian parameter CPU Utilization algoritma round robin bernilai 23,7 % lebih unggul dibandingkan algoritma least connection yaitu 24,3 %. 
Sociometric Analysis Using the Sociogram Method to Determine The Quality of Student Friendship Hardi Mahendra; Nono Heryana; Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 22 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.164 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7339048


Soiogram is needed to get the final result of identification in themes, especially in friendship with students, in this modern era the pattern of friendship in students can affect the quality of learning and can affect the surrounding environment. Therefore, the author has analyzed the pattern of friendship with sociometry as one of the fields of science to determine the quality of friendship. By using a sociogram as the final result of the analysis, it is expected to be able to find out the cause of the bad friendship patterns of students.
Klasifikasi Minat Masyarakat Dalam Berlangganan Netflix di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Algoritma Naïve Bayes Andreas Anggono; Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan; Purwantoro Purwantoro
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 9 No 8 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7865546


The first time the Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) outbreak appeared was at the end of 2019 and the first time a Covid-19 case was found in Indonesia was in March 2020. Due to its fast spread, the World Health Organization (WHO) finally declared this outbreak a pandemic global. In order to prevent the spread of this epidemic, various countries implemented policies such as implementing social restrictions, lockdowns, and various other policies. With the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, this has had quite a big impact on various sectors of life which of course has hampered the Indonesian economy. Netflix is ​​a Video on Demand application that is quite popular and has been established since 1997. Therefore, this research was compiled with the aim of obtaining results of the classification of the people's interest in subscribing to Netflix during the Covid-19 pandemic and to find out how many people use it. interested and not interested in subscribing to Netflix by applying one of the data mining techniques, namely classification with the naïve Bayes algorithm. The data in this study were obtained from the results of filling out a questionnaire in the form of a google form which was distributed on several social media such as Instagram, Twitter and Telegram and was filled out by the people of East Karawang District. The total sample data used is 399 records obtained from the calculation of the slovin formula. Then the data will be processed using the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology which consists of six stages. The 399 records will be divided into two, namely training data and testing data. The process of dividing training data and testing data will be grouped into three ratios, including 90:10, 80:20, and 70:30 which will then be applied to RapidMiner tools to determine accuracy, precision, recall, and AUC values. The results obtained from applying data to the RapidMiner tools show that the 90:10 ratio has better results compared to other ratios, where the accuracy value is 92.50%, the precision value is 92.11%, the recall value is 100%, and AUC of 0.857.
INFOTECH journal Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/infotech.v9i2.6536


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengimplementasikan konsep Software-Defined Networking atau SDN menggunakan controller Open Network Operating System atau ONOS dengan penggunaan platform GNS3 pada instansi pendidikan milik pemerintah yaitu SMK Negeri 3 Kota Bekasi. Pengimplementasian konsep SDN ini dapat memudahkan serta mengefisiensikan pekerjaan network engineer dalam mengelola suatu infrastruktur jaringan komputer. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah Network Development Life Cycle atau NDLC. Controller ONOS yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, berfungsi sebagai pusat pengendali jaringan yang sudah terintegrasi dengan berbagai macam API, hasilnya adalah manajemen jaringan dapat menjadi lebih mudah dan simpel. Lalu, monitoring yang dilakukan menggunakan Wireshark, cocok untuk pengawasan terhadap paket-paket data yang ada pada jaringan yang sudah terintegrasi dengan konsep SDN ini. Topologi yang digunakan juga mendapatkan perubahan untuk melakukan penyederhanaan dalam jaringan SMKN 3 Kota Bekasi.
Jurnal Informatika Polinema Vol. 7 No. 4 (2021): Vol 7 No 4 (2021)
Publisher : UPT P2M State Polytechnic of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jip.v7i4.508


Koperasi KAOCHEM Sinergi Mandiri merupakan koperasi yang menyediakan berbagai macam kebutuhan pokok seperti sembako yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan untuk para anggotanya. Data transaksi koperasi tersebut hanya disimpan sebagai laporan. Association rules merupakan metode pada data mining yang berfungsi untuk mengidentifikasi item yang memiliki nilai kemungkinan akan muncul secara bersamaan dengan item lainnya. Salah satu implementasi dari metode association adalah Market Basket Analysis. Data yang digunakan yaitu data transaksi bulan November 2019. Data mining merupakan salah satu proses atau tahapan dari metode KDD. Proses data mining dilakukan dengan menggunakan algoritma FP-Growth yang merupakan salah satu algoritma untuk menghitung himpunan yang sering muncul dari data. Peneliti menganalisis data transaksi dengan menggunakan tools RapidMiner Studio. Pada proses data mining dengan menggunakan FP-Growth peneliti menentukan nilai minimum support 3% dan minimum confidence 50%. Proses association dengan menggunakan nilai tersebut menghasilkan 3 strong rules yaitu if ades 350 ml, then gorengan/lontong dengan nilai support 0,030 dan confidence 0,556 dan if gorengan st, then gorengan/lontong dengan nilai support 0,048 dan confidence 0,639, serta if nasi uduk/bacang, then gorengan/lontong dengan nilai support 0,031 dan confidence 0,824. Hasil dari association rules tersebut dapat diterapkan dengan menggunakan salah satu teknik marketing yaitu cross-selling untuk meningkatkan penjualan koperasi tersebut.
Jurnal Informatika Polinema Vol. 6 No. 4 (2020): Vol 6 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : UPT P2M State Polytechnic of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jip.v6i4.405


Listrik merupakan kebutuhan pokok bagi kehidupan masyarakat saat ini. Salah satu pembangkit tenaga listrik yaitu Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA). Dalam sistemnya, PLTA memanfaatkan tenaga dari aliran/terjunan air, bendungan, atau saluran irigasi. Air merupakan energi utama dalam proses PLTA dan salah satu faktor dalam ketersediaan air adalah curah hujan. K-Means merupakan metode data clustering non-hirarki yang berusaha mempartisi data yang ada ke dalam bentuk satu atau lebih cluster. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu melakukan cluster terhadap produksi daya listrik dan curah hujan serta mengevaluasi hasil tersebut beruhubungan atau tidak. Nilai yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai hasil produksi listrik (KWH) dan curah hujan (RR). Data yang digunakan sebanyak 1826 data produksi daya listrik dan data curah hujan. Pada penelitian ini ingin menganalisis pengaruh curah hujan terhadap produksi daya listrik dengan K-Means Clustering. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah akurasi terhadap clustering produksi daya listrik dengan curah hujan.
Utilization of NodeMCU ESP8266 and RFID Technology as Recognition of Teacher Honors Heri Wiranto; Arip Solehudin; Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan
Jurnal Informatika Polinema Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): Vol 7 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UPT P2M State Polytechnic of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jip.v7i1.404


Internet of Think or so-called IoT is a technology used in all fields, one of which is in the field of school administration. The administration of SMK Sunan Gunung Jati works to manage various data such as the recording of teacher salaries and many others. With a lot of work done by the administration, the researchers utilize nodemcu esp8266 and RFID technology as a recording of teacher salaries. The methodology used is the Software Development Life Circle (SDLC) method with the waterfall model, this is in accordance with the short stages of system use. The results of this study in the form of the creation of an ID card sensor tool product that is integrated with the teacher honorarium recording application to help administrative staff manage teacher honor data and the results of testing this sensor device with 5 ID cards also indicate that the tool is able to read ID cards with a distance of 1- 2 cm.