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Bertafsir Ala Schleiermacher Mus'idul Millah; Hikmatul Luthfi
Misykah : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Studi Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Misykah : jurnal Pemikiran dan Studi Islam
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon

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It is undeniable that as one of the sources of Islamic teachings, hadiths have both the authority and the problems that have been dynamically studied until now. The development of hadith studies is not only in demand by Muslims but also non-Muslims who are often represented as West. The study of the authenticity and the authority of hadith are the two focuses of early studies that have caused heated debates between scholars and orientalists, as well as the munkir al-sunnah. At present, the study of hadith interpretation and living sunnah are areas of hadith study that are getting more attention. In the aspect of the interpretation of hadith, hermeneutic is considered to be an alternative method that can provide new interpretations because it is carried out with various existing scientific approaches. Thus, the meaning of hadith is no longer dominated by linguistic and Islamic approaches, but also social and scientific approaches with the hope of being able to answer actual problems in society. Of course the projected application of hermeneutics must be studied intensively and continuously. And this article will examine the application of psychological hermeneutics and grammatical hermeneutics proposed by Schleiermacher in the hadith about patience in facing trials, to see the conceptual similarities between hermenerutics and the science of hadith and the appropriateness of their use in understanding hadith. Abstrak Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa sebagai salah satu sumber ajaran Islam, hadis memiliki otoritas sekaligus ‘permasalahan’ yang sampai saat ini terus dikaji secara dinamis. Perkembangan kajian hadis juga tidak hanya diminati oleh kalangan Muslim tapi juga Non-Muslim yang kerap direpresentasikan sebagai Barat. Kajian mengenai autentisitas dan otoritas hadis merupakan dua fokus kajian awal yang pernah menimbulkan perdebatan sengit antara para ulama dan orientalis, begitu juga dengan golongan munkir al-sunnah. Saat ini, kajian syarah hadis dan living sunah merupakan bidang kajian hadis yang mendapatkan atensi lebih. Dalam aspek pemaknaan hadis, hermeneutika dianggap bisa menjadi metode alternatif yang bisa memberikan interpretasi baru karena dilakukan dengan berbagai pendekatan keilmuan yang ada. Dengan demikian, pemaknaan hadis tidak lagi didominasi oleh pendekatan kebahasaan dan keislaman semata, tetapi juga pendekatan sosial dan saintifik dengan harapan mampu menjawab permasalahan aktual di tengah masyarakat. Tentu saja proyeksi penerapan hermeneutika dalam kajian keislaman harus dikaji secara intens dan berkelajutan. Dan artikel ini akan mengkaji aplikasi hermeneutika psikologis dan hermeneutika gramatikal yang digagas oleh Schleiermacher pada hadis tentang sabar, untuk melihat kesamaan konseptual antara hermenerutika dan Ilmu Hadis dan kelayakan penggunaannya dalam memahami hadis.
Cakrawala Pedagogik Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Cakrawala Pedagogik
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Pendidikan Syekh Manshur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51499/cp.v5i1.247


This article will study and examine the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh which states that relationship can expand sustenance and extend life. This study is very important to investigate the meaning of the hadith proportionally. The object of this research is the hadith narrated by al-Bukhari in his work al-Jami? al-?a??? in Kit?b Al-Buy??, B?b Man A?abba al-Bas? f? al-Rizq no. 2067. The literal meaning of this hadith potentially has to cause problems, because it can conflict with the concept of destiny (taqd?r). Therefore, it is important to examine the significance of the recommendation to connect the ties of relationship and the benefits that can be obtained. In this study, the hadith is no longer examined for the validity of the sanad, the study is focused on examining matan by applying the four parameters that have been compiled by al-Idlibi; 1) does not contradict the Qur'an, 2) does not contradict the stronger hadith, 3) does not conflict with common sense, senses and historical facts, 4) the composition of the statement shows the characteristics of the prophetic word. Through this research, it can be understood that the meaning of "expanded his sustenance" means that someone who establishes a relationship has more opportunities to make his sustenance easier than someone who prefers to be alone. Because people who stay in touch have many relationships that can help them find sustenance. While the expression extending his age can be interpreted as being given strength and physical health so that his age is maintained so that he has many opportunities to do good deeds that can make his life full of blessings and will always be remembered by people even though he is gone.
MUSNAD AL-IMĀM ZAID IBN ‘ALĪ: Kajian atas Autentisitas, Konfigurasi, dan Karakteristik Mus‘idul Millah
Holistic al-Hadis Vol 8 No 2 (2022): July -December 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin, Dakwah dan Adab UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/holistic.v8i2.8180


A cross-ideological based literature review often cannot avoid bias. This will usually become more problematic when the researcher is completely at odds with the ideology of the literature being studied. This article will try to examine the Musnad al-Imām Zaid ibn 'Alī which comes from the Shi'a Zaidiah circle descriptively, regarding its authenticity, configuration, and characteristics. This work is still not getting enough attention. Although several figures have reviewed this book, the ideological bias of the reviewers is sometimes still very prominent. Although some scholars question its authenticity, in this article we will see that Musnad al-Imām Zaid ibn 'Alī is still open for further study and discussion. Differences in concepts and theories related to hadith between Sunni and Shi'i should not negate the existence of dialogue and discourse regarding the literature of the Shia. In general, the opportunity to study hadith in the Shia tradition is still very large and open.
Ta'dibiya Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Ta'dibiya Jurnal Agama dan Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Staisman Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61624/japi.v2i1.9


Majlis Ta’lim sangat berkaitan sekali dengan masyarakat dimana di dalam sebuah Majlis Ta’lim akan terjadi interaksi sosial antara penceramah dengan jamaah, maupun jamaah antar jamaah. di dalam lingkungan masyarakat setempat pengajian hanya dihadiri oleh orang dan nenek yang sebetulnya dalam penerimaan terutama pencerahan kurang optimal dan maksimal. Namun pada kenyataannya ketidak maksimalan dalam menerima pelajaran atau materi paling tidak memberikan orientasi ke arah pola kehidupan yang lebih baik itu sudah cukup bahkan menjadi keuntungan terbesar apalagi mereka ibu-ibu dan nenek pengajian mampu merefleksikan norma kehidupan beragama yang baik dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Kegiatan pengajian rutin pada majlis Ta’lim Tarbiyatul Ummahat menjadi tempat interaksi sosial di lingkungan masyarakat kecamatan Pagelaran kampung walang.