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High Boy Karmulrubog Hutasoit
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Gejala Psikotik pada Pasien dengan Epilepsi Tidak Terkontrol Osy Lu’lu Alfarossi; High Boy Karmulrubog Hutasoit
Medula Vol 10 No 1 (2020): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v10i1.19


Five until six percents patients with chronic uncontrolled epilepsy have shown with psychotic symptoms and increase eightfold risk for schizophrenia, especially temporal lobe epilepsy. Even the mechanisme still unknown, however family history, early onset epilepsy, and seizure type are the predictors of pshychotic in epilepsy. A 29-year-old man hospitalized after raged and destroyed neighbour’s house. The patient has history of uncontrolled epilepsy for 10 years and psychotics syndrome 1 year after the first seizure. In the psychiatricus status obtained dirty and untidy appearance, cooperative, dysphoric mood, flat affect, auditory, visual, and tactile hallucinations, paranoid delution, poor cognitive, and insight degree one. The multiaxial diagnosis with axis I: other determined mental disoder caused by brain damage and dysfunction and other illness, axis II: have not diagnose yet, axis III: idiopathic general epilepsy and epileptic syndrome, axis IV: economic, family, and social environment problems, and axis V: GAF 60-51. The patient treated with oral haloperidol 2x1,5 mg, oral tryhexiphenidil 2x2 mg, oral chlorpromazine 1x50 mg, oral phenitoin 1x100 mg, and oral depakote 1x250 mg. The patient got discharged after 21 days care with no auditory, visual, and tactile hallucinations.
Faktor Risiko Penyalahgunaan Narkoba pada Remaja Sheira Indah Anjani; High Boy Karmulrubog Hutasoit
Medula Vol 12 No 3 (2022): Medula
Publisher : CV. Jasa Sukses Abadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53089/medula.v12i3.471


  Adolescence is a time of physical, psychological, and social and emotional changes. At this stage of life, adolescents adopt behaviors that can lead to various health risks, including drug use. For adolescents, substance use tends to be acquired through experimentation and curiosity, especially through peers. Risk factors that potentially predispose adolescents to substance use include experimentation, lack of awareness, poor parental monitoring, peer influence, family and psychological problems. Risk factors can influence drug abuse in several ways. The more risk a child is exposed to, the more likely the child will abuse drugs. Some risk factors are very strong, but may not affect drug abuse unless certain conditions apply. Having a family history of substance abuse, for example, puts a child at risk for drug abuse. However, in an environment without drug-abusing peers and strong anti-drug norms, the child is less likely to abuse drugs and the presence of multiple protective factors can reduce the impact of some risk factors. For example, strong protections such as parental support and involvement can reduce the influence of strong risks, such as having peers who abuse substances. Adolescents have poor knowledge, attitudes and perceptions about pre-intervention of drug abuse. Interventions including health and psycho-education had effective results on knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of adolescents about substance abuse. In dealing with drug prevention in adolescents, much special attention needs to be paid to individual factors because most of the findings are discussed in relation to these factors. With the increasing trend of drug abuse, it will be very important to focus research specifically on this area. This literature review discusses risk factors and prevention of drug abuse in adolescents