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Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30650/jik.v8i2.1374


Significant condition occurred in increased rate of breast cancer, based on global statistical data. Awareness of breast cancer prevention methods is very important in reducing morbidity and mortality caused by breast cancer. One of them with breast self-examination (BSE) because it is easy, cheap, privacy, safe and does not require special equipment, but this method is not yet widely applied by most women. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinants of regular breast self-examination once a month by women of childbearing age in the Kubutambahanan Village. The method of research was observational with cross sectional approach. Samples were taken purposively with a large number of samples determined as many as 154 respondents. The independent variables in this study were age, level of education, occupation, family history of breast cancer, distance of health facility coverage, mass media exposure, partner / family support, peer group support, dependent variable in this study was breast self-examination behavior. Data collection using questionnaires with structured interview techniques. The study began in June until September 2019. After the data were collected, univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyzes with logistic regression were performed using software. The results of this study found that the determinant variable of monthly breast self-examination was education level (OR = 5,321.95% CI: -0.324--0.213), mass media access (OR = 3,543.95% CI: -0.213 - 0.124), partner or family support (OR = 7,002.95% CI: -1.342--0.543) and peer age group support (OR = 5,326.95% CI: -3.234--1.342) remain jointly influential for regular monthly breast self examination. Breast self-examination every month is regularly related to factors of education level, mass media access, partner or family support and peer support.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Maternitas Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Indonesian National Nurses Association (INNA) of Central Java

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32584/jikm.v3i2.543


Significant condition occurred in increased rate of breast cancer, based on global statistical data. Awareness of breast cancer prevention methods is very important in reducing morbidity and mortality caused by breast cancer. One of them with breast self-examination (BSE) because it is easy, cheap, privacy, safe and does not require special equipment, but this method is not yet widely applied by most women. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinants of regular breast self-examination once a month by women of childbearing age in the Kubutambahanan Village. The method of research was observational with cross sectional approach. Samples were taken purposively with a large number of samples determined as many as 154 respondents. The independent variables in this study were age, level of education, occupation, family history of breast cancer, distance of health facility coverage, mass media exposure, partner / family support, peer group support, dependent variable in this study was breast self-examination behavior. Data collection using questionnaires with structured interview techniques. The study began in June until September 2019. After the data were collected, univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyzes with logistic regression were performed using software. The results of this study found that the determinant variable of monthly breast self-examination was education level (OR = 5,321.95% CI: -0.324--0.213), mass media access (OR = 3,543.95% CI: -0.213 - 0.124), partner or family support (OR = 7,002.95% CI: -1.342--0.543) and peer age group support (OR = 5,326.95% CI: -3.234--1.342) remain jointly influential for regular monthly breast self examination. Breast self-examination every month is regularly related to factors of education level, mass media access, partner or family support and peer support.
Terapi Distraksi (Musik Klasik) Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Pada Pasien Post Operasi Fraktur Di Ruang Bedah RSUD Kabupaten Buleleng made martini; Ari Pertama Watiningsih; Kadek Lisnayani
MIDWINERSLION : Jurnal Kesehatan STIKes Buleleng Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): Midwinerslion Jurnal Kesehatan STIKES Buleleng
Publisher : STIKes Buleleng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (197.537 KB)


Nyeri yaitu pengalaman pribadi yang diekspresikan secara berbeda. Tindakan medis yang sering menimbulkan nyeri adalah pembedahan seperti post operasi fraktur adalah nyeri. Pasien post operasi fraktur dilakukan dengan pemberian intervensi terapi distraksi (musik klasik). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh terapi distraksi (musik klasik) terhadap penurunan nyeri pada pasien post operasi oleh karena fraktur.Desain penelitian adalah Pra-eksperimental dengan rancangan one group pre-post test design dengan sampel 22 responden yang dipilih menggunakan teknikNonprobality Sampling yaitu purposive sampling dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner Numerik Rating scale. Hasil sebelum diberikan perlakuan Terapi distraksi (musik klasik) adalah skala 4.41 (nyeri sedang).Setelah diberikan perlakuan menjadi skala nyeri 2.77 (nyeri ringan). Hasil menggunakan uji parametric dengan uji paired dependen t-testdidapatkan nilai p=Pre dan Post (0,000) < α (0,05), artinya H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, sehingga disimpulkan ada Pengaruh Terapi Distraksi (musik klasik) Terhadap Penurunan nyeri pada pasienpost operasi oleh karena fraktur.
Hubungan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Spiritual Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Lansia Di Desa Bubunan Putu Agus Windu Yasa Bukian; Ari Pertama Watiningsih
MIDWINERSLION : Jurnal Kesehatan STIKes Buleleng Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): Midwinerslion Jurnal Kesehatan STIKes Buleleng
Publisher : STIKes Buleleng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.741 KB)


Introductions : Spirituality is the relationship with the Almighty and the Creator, depending on the beliefs held by individuals. The purpose : Of the study is to find out is there a relationship to fulfillment of spiritual needs with levels of anxiety. Methods : The design of this study was conducted using descriptive correlational research using a cross-sectional approach. Data collection was carried out using the SISRI (The Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory) questionnaire and HRS-A questionnaire. Result : Correlation test results using the Spearman Rho test get the value of p fulfillment of spiritual needs and anxiety level (0.003) <α (0.05), meaning that. Conclutions : Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a spiritual fulfillment relationship with the level of anxiety of the elderly in the village of Bubunan.