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Jurnal Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika Vol 7 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika
Publisher : Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36754/jmkg.v7i1.215


Mechanically, earthquakes can be triggered by changes in static and dynamic stress. In terms of static stress change, it occurs when earthquake energy is released which then changes the stress conditions around the fault (for example at the end of the fault). The process of changing static stress in an area will cause seismic activity to occur in the surrounding area and in other areas with a great distance. The amount of change in Coulomb Failure stress (∆CFS) is quantifiable and has proven to be a powerful tool in explaining the movement and accumulation of stress caused by the mainshock and its aftershock. This study was conducted to calculate the distribution of stress changes due to the main Lombok earthquake (Mw≥6) during 2018 and its effect on Mount Rinjani activity, using the Coulomb 3.3 software. The earthquake data used were taken from the earthquake catalog of Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT), International Seismological Center (ISC) and United States Geological Survey (USGS). The lateral difference in the value of ∆CFS shows the movement of energy from the main earthquake that triggered another earthquake as shown by the aftershock data. The results of this analysis of the movement and accumulation of ∆CFS will be used to identify the correlation with the activity of Mount Rinjani.
Implementasi Peraturan tentang Kepemilikan Apoteker Pada Usaha Kecil Obat Tradisional di Kabupaten Sumenep RIZKI WULANDARI; ENY SULISTYOWATI
NOVUM : JURNAL HUKUM Vol 5 No 4 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2674/novum.v5i4.28188


Abstrak Obat bahan alam yang lebih dikenal dengan obat tradisional adalah bahan atau ramuan bahan yang berupa bahan tumbuhan, bahan hewan, bahan mineral, sediaan sari atau galenik, atau campuran dari bahan tersebut, yang secara turun menurun telah digunakan untuk pengobatan berdasarkan pengalaman. Memproduksi obat tradisional harus memenuhi unsur keamanan, khasiat/manfaat, dan mutu obat tradisional yang dihasilkan. Survei perilaku konsumen yang dilakukan di Indonesia menyatakan 61,3% responden memiliki kebiasaan meminum obat tradisional yang merupakan tradisi masyarakat yang berkembang di masyarakat secara turun-temurun, hal ini merupakan potensi yang cukup besar dalam pengembangan pasar dalam negeri dari produk obat tradisional. Peningkatan konsumsi ini dapat dilihat dari semakin meningkatnya pemakaian obat tradisional dan perkembangan industri dan usaha obat tradisional. Memproduksi obat tradisional harus memenuhi unsur keamanan, khasiat/manfaat, dan mutu obat tradisional yang dihasilkan hal ini sesuai Pasal 101 ayat (1) dan (2) Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 36 tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan. Memproduksi sediaan farmasi termasuk obat tradisional diatur lebih lanjut di Pasal 7 ayat (1) Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 51 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pekerjaan Kefarmasiaan. Salah satu bentuk Industri dan Usaha Obat Tradisional yaitu, Usaha Kecil Obat Tradisional (UKOT) memiliki ketentuan dalam memproduksi bentuk sediaan kapsul. Menurut Pasal 27 ayat (1) huruf a dan b Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 006 Tahun 2012 terdapat aturan UKOT agar produknya dapat diedarkan di masyarakat supaya menjamin manfaat dan keamanannya dalam memproduksi bentuk sediaan kapsul Usaha Kecil Obat Tradisional harus memiliki apoteker sebagai penanggung jawab yang bekerja penuh dan memenuhi persyaratan CPOTB (Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi Peraturan tentang kepemilikan apoteker pada UKOT di Kabupaten Sumenep dan Untuk mengetahui hambatan dari implementasi Peraturan tentang kepemilikan apoteker pada UKOT di Kabupaten Sumenep. Jenis penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penyusunan penulisan skripsi ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris dengan model penelitian yuridis sosiologis yaitu penelitian yang berbasis pada peraturan perundang-undangan dan mengamati reaksi serta interaksi masyarakat terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dalam penelitian ini adalah implementasi Peraturan tentang kepemilikan apoteker pada UKOT di Kabupaten Sumenep belum diterapkan secara sempurna yaitu, tidak memenuhi persyaratan mutu obat tradisional yang dihasilkan, tidak ada tindakan lebih lanjut oleh Dinas Kesehatan pada pemilik UKOT yang tidak menerapkan aturan perundang-undangan, sanksi administratif terhadap UKOT tidak terlaksana karena 4 UKOT di Kabupaten Sumenep tidak memiliki izin UKOT. Beberapa hambatan dari implementasi Peraturan tentang kepemilikan apoteker pada UKOT di Kabupaten Sumenep yaitu, biaya kepemilikan apoteker yang tidak sesuai dengan penghasilan yang diperoleh, persyaratan izin UKOT yang sulit dan Kepala BPOM tidak bisa melalukan pengawasan. Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Obat Tradisional, UKOT, Apoteker. abstract Medicines from natural ingredients which better known as traditional medicine are materials or ingredients in the form of plant materials, animal materials, or mineral materials cider preparations or galenic, or the mixtures of those ingredients which have been used for treatments from generations to generations based on experience. In producing traditional medicines have to qualify factors of security, efficiacy/benefits, and the quality of traditional medicines produced. The consumer behavior survey conducted in Indonesia stated that 61.3% respondents has a habit of drinking traditional medicine which is a tradition of people that had developed in the community from generations to generations, it is a large enough potential in developing the domestic market of traditional medicine products. The increase in consumptions can be seen from the increasing usage of traditional medicine and development industry and enterprises of traditional medicine. Producing traditional medicines has to fill the factors of security, efficiacy/benefits, and the quality of traditional medicine produced corresponding with Article 101 Paragraph (1) and (2) of Republic Indonesia’s Law Number 36 Year 2009 About Health. Producing pharmaceutical preparaions including traditional medicines are regulated further in Article 7 paragraph (1) of The Government Regulation of Republic Indonesia Number 51 Year 2009 About Pharmaceutical Work. One form of the industry and enterprises of traditional medicines are, Small business of Traditional Medicines (SETM) has a provision in producing the capsule dosage forms. According to Article 27 paragraph (1) letter a and b of Minister of Health Regulation Number 006 Year 2012 there is a SETM regulation for the products can be distributed in the society to guarantee the benefits and security in producing capsule dosage form, small enterprises of traditional madisines have to had a pharmacist as a person in charge who works fully and fulfilling the requirements of HMGTM (How to Make a Good Traditional Medicines). This researchs aims is to know the implementation of regulation about ownership of pharmacist in SETM in Sumenep District and to know the obstacles of implementation of regulation about ownership of pharmacist in SETM in Sumenep District. The type of the research used in this essay is empirical legal research with a sociological juridical research model which based on legislation and the reactions and interactions of the community towards related laws and regulations. The results of this research and the discussion in this essay are the implementation of regulation about ownership of pharmacist in SETM in Sumenep District has not been implemented perfectly, because it did not fulfill the quality requirements of traditional medicines produce, there are no further action taken by Health Departement to the owner of SETM that does not obey the legislation, administrative sanction against SETM was not been done because 4 SETM in Sumenep District did not have SETM permissions. Some of the obstacles of the implementation of regulation about ownership of pharmacist in SETM in Sumenep District are, the cost of owning a pharmacist that was not fit the income earned, SETM permit requirements are difficult and the Head of National Agency of Drug and Food Control cannot do the supervision. Keywords: Implementation, Traditional Medicine, Small Enterpreneur of Traditional Medicine, Pharmacist
OPTIMALISASI pH PRODUKSI SELULASE DARI BAKTERI ENDOFITIK Pseudomonas stutzeri LBKURCC53, Pseudomonas stutzeri LBKURCC54, dan Actinobacter antratus LBKURCC60 Rizki Wulandari; Silvera Devi; Andi Dahliaty
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Wisuda Februari 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

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Cellulase is an enzyme that can hydrolyze the β-1,4 bonds on cellulose and productionof glucose so that the enzyme is widely used in various industries. Cellulose enzymes can be produced by microorganism such as endophytic bacteria (LBKURCC53, LBKURCC54, and LBKURCC60). The activity of cellulase enzyme was determined by measuring the glucose produced using Nelson-Somogyi method. The optimum activity of cellulase enzyme from theisolates of LBKURCC53, LBKURCC54, and LBKURCC60 we measured at different pH. The enzyme of LBKURCC53 isolate was optimum at pH 7 with enzyme activity of 11,31 ± 1,69 x 10 -3 U/mL. While the enzyme of LBKURCC54 and LBKURCC60 isolates were optimum at pH 6,5 with enzyme activity 14,44 ± 2,94 x 10 -3 U/mL and 8,33 ± 1,11 x 10 -3 U/mL respectively. These comparison of cellulase enzyme activity of isolates LBKURCC53, LBKURCC54, and LBKURCC60 were determined by using Duncan multiple range test at 5% level (α≥0,05).
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wisuda Oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

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Three regression ratio estimators are used to estimate the population mean Y under simple random sampling.  Using two auxiliary variables X and Z, it should be conditioned that there is high correlation between Y and X, Y and Z, whereas there mayor may not be any correlation between X dan Z.  These estimators are recommended by Singh, Upadhyaya and Premchandra [5] which is a review of the article “An Improved Version of Regression Ratio Estimator with Two Auxiliary Variables in Sample Surveys.”  All estimators are biased. The efficient estimator is one with the least Mean Square Error (MSE), determined by comparing each type of estimator.