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Analysis of H/V Ratio Curve to Estimate Seismic Hazard Vulnerability in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Muhammad Randy Caesario Harsuko; Zulfakriza Z.; Andri Dian Nugraha; Muzli Muzli; David Prambudi Sahara; Nanang T Puspito; Yayan M Husni; Billy S Prabowo; Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan
Jurnal Geofisika Vol 18 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Geofisika
Publisher : Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36435/jgf.v18i1.432


In 2018, Lombok Island was hit by a series of destructive earthquakes. According to Indonesian Meteo- rological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency data, about 1,973 felt earthquakes (M > 3) which shaken Lombok were recorded during August 2018 with three earthquakes with the largest magnitude of 6.9 Mw, 6.8 Mw, and 6.2 Mw. National Board for Disaster Management reported about 555 deaths, 1,833 people injured, and 186,010 houses damaged as a result of Lombok earthquake on August 5th, 2018. A number of seismometers were placed on Lombok Island from August 3rd, 2018 to October 19th, 2018 to monitor the aftershock events. There are 17 stations that record seismicity in Lombok consisting of 10 broadband sensors and 7 short period sensors. In this study, we used the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) method to analyze the risk of earthquake in the Lombok region. The basic concept of this method is to do a comparison between the horizontal component spectrum and the vertical component spectrum of a wave, where theoretically the particle movement of the horizontal component is greater than the particle movement of the vertical component on soft ground, whereas on the hard ground both components (horizontal and vertical) will be similar. H/V curve obtained from earthquake record- ings (Earthquake Horizontal-to-Vertical Ratio/EHVR) and H/V curve obtained from microtremor recordings (Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Ratio/MHVR) shows good agreement and high correlation. Empirical correction of EMR (Earthquake-to-Microtremor Ratio) managed to decrease the difference of estimation of predominant frequency and amplification factor between EHVR and MHVR. Predominant frequency, amplification, and seismic vulnerability map agree with the geological condition of Lombok Island, where high value of amplification and seismic vulnerability was found on soft and thick ground. This study conclude that the maximum ground acceleration and the construction of the building should also considered when one wants to investigate the effect of an earthquake to the damage occurred, beside the site effects.
Sosialisasi Keselamatan Berlalu Lintas untuk Mengurangi Angka Kejadian Kecelakaan Bagi Pelajar di SMAN 1 Selong Kabupaten Lombok Timur Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan; Fera Fitri Salsabila; Aryani Rofaida
Unram Journal of Community Service Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): December
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/ujcs.v3i4.167


Abstract: Currently the safety level in the province of NTB is above the national average safety rate, this is indicated by the accident fatality ratio per 100,000 which is 11.07 while the national average safety rate is 10.47, this figure must continue to reduce the risk factors for accidents. Based on NTB, the 2017 figures show that in 2016 the largest number of accident perpetrators were at the Junior High School (SMP) level, namely 38%. Seeing this data, it is necessary to increase public awareness of the importance of safety and how to maintain safety while driving. One of the efforts to increase public awareness of safety can be done by socializing driving safety. Safety socialization is carried out to provide understanding, awareness, and knowledge about driving procedures and how to maintain road safety.
Workshop Komprehensif Pencegahan Banjir Rob di Nusa Tenggara Barat Fera Fitri Salsabila; Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan; Ida Ayu Oka Suwati Sideman
Unram Journal of Community Service Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): December
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/ujcs.v3i4.168


Province of NTB is an area that often experiences floods, which result in moral and material losses such as death, damage to public facilities and infrastructure, material losses, outbreaks of infectious diseases, obstruction of transportation, stagnation of economic activity and leaves trauma to each of them individual. Several factors that cause flooding in NTB are high rainfall and the overflow of sea water to the mainland. This Community Empowerment aims to looking for a comprehensive solution in dealing with the problems of flooding and ROB in Nusa Tenggara Barat and to Encouraging all participants, even from the Government or general public to work together in preventing floods and ROB in Nusa Tenggara Barat. This activity was attended by 60 participants consisting of the Government, Academics, College students, Friends of SWE Affiliate NTB and SWE Affiliate NTB. The activities show that this activities afford a comprehensive solution in overcoming floods and ROB in NTB. We also hoped that the participants who attend can work together to prevent flooding and Rob in NTB
Kajian Geoteknik Bawah Permukaan Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Metode Geofisika Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan; Ismail Hoesain Muchtaranda
Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains, Geologi, dan Geofisika (GeoScienceEd Journal) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Mataram University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/goescienceedu.v4i1.217


Geofisika merupakan studi yang mengkaji kondisi bawah permukaan Bumi berdasarkan parameter fisiknya. Komponen penyusun Bumi masing-masing memiliki ciri fisik yang unik misalnya: kerapatan, kecepatan rambat, konduktivitas listrik, suseptibilitas magnetik, dan konstanta dielektrik dari tiap jenis batuan akan berbeda. Penggunaan metode geofisika telah meningkat secara drastis dalam 50 tahun ini untuk digunakan dalam pelaksanaan eksplorasi sumber daya mineral dan alam. Selain itu, studi geofisika juga dapat berguna dalam membuat evaluasi untuk penilaian stabilitas, perencanaan dan pemantauan infrastruktur yang terdapat dalam bidang Teknik Sipil. Berbagai pendekatan geofisika dapat memberikan informasi penting di lapangan, seperti sifat massa batuan dan anomali strukturnya. Keunggulan dari metode geofisika adalah memungkinkan pengumpulan data di area yang luas yang tidak dapat dieksplorasi secara langsung karena keterbatasan alat maupun biaya, sedangkan kekurangannya adalah data yang dihasilkan tidak unik. Dengan demikian, interpretasi data geofisika harus dibatasi dan divalidasi menggunakan metode eksplorasi langsung maupun uji laboratorium untuk memperoleh hasil yang akurat. Penggunaan geofisika dalam masalah rekayasa geoteknik dikenal sebagai geofisika geoteknik; investigasi ini biasanya mencakup kedalaman total kurang dari beberapa ratus kaki, meskipun terkadang mencapai ribuan kaki. Studi ini mengkaji penerapan metode geofisika yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu pekerjaan geoteknik khususnya dalam pencitraan kondisi bawah permukaan.
Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk Segar Asal Tumbuhan Untuk Mendukung Agrowisata Di Kawasan Sembalun Muhammad Sarjan; Ruth Stella Petrunella Thei; Hery Haryanto; Aluh Nikmatullah; Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan
Unram Journal of Community Service Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): September (In Press)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/ujcs.v4i3.470


Selama ini di Kawasan Sembalun para pelaku usaha atau agribisnis Pangan Segar Asal Tumbuhan seperti sayuran dan buah buahan masih belum maksimal upaya untuk menghasilkan produk yang bermutu dan aman  dikonsumsi. Oleh karena itu pada kegiatan ini, perlu dilakukan Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk Segar Asal Tumbuhan  Untuk Mendukung Agrowisata di  Kawasan Sembalun. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah Metode Kaji Tindak (Action Research) dengan menerapkan pendekatan Program Tindak Partisipatif (Partisipatory Action Program) dari peserta melalui diskusi, dan kerja kelompok pada seluruh kegiatan. Tahapan dalam kegiatan ini meliputi tahapan persiapan, antara lain identifikasi masalah, kemudian survey pendasaran menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif. Tahapan pelaksanaan, diawali dengan pelatihan dengan teknik ceramah. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan peserta memahami arti pentingnya memperhatikan aspek lingkungan dalam budidaya pertanian dengan menerapkan Budidaya Tanaman Sehat  Peserta menyadari bahwa kawasan agrowisata Sembalun perlu terus memperhatikan kualitas lingkungan dan produk pertanian dengan menerapkan praktik Budidaya tanaman Sehat dan sertifikasi keamanan pangan
Mentoring in Proposing Prima3 Food Safety Certification to Business Actors and Farmers in the Sembalun Area Muhammad Sarjan; Moh. Taufik Fauzi; Ruth Stella Thei; Kisman Kisman; Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan
Unram Journal of Community Service Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): September (In Press)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/ujcs.v4i3.471


So far, in the Sembalun area, business actors or agribusinesses of fresh food from plants such as vegetables and fruit have not yet made maximum efforts to obtain safe products for consumption, because they are very dependent on excessive chemical inputs. Likewise, few people in general care about Prima3 or Prima2 certification, because there has not been any socialization of the importance of this certification. Therefore, in this activity, it is necessary to provide assistance in preparing applications for Prima 3 and Prima 2 PSAT food safety certification, so that the number of people doing PSAT and domestic product businesses (rice, corn and other foods in storage) increases. The method used in this activity is the Action Research Method by applying a Participatory Action Program approach from participants through discussion and group work in all activities. The stages in this activity include preparation stages, including problem identification, then a basic survey using exploratory descriptive methods. The activity results show that farmers' assistance in preparing to apply for PSAT, Prima3 and Prima2 food safety certification in the Sembalun area is felt to be very important. Farmers and business groups feel motivated to develop alternative techniques for healthy agricultural cultivation to obtain PSAT products that are safe for consumption. Good horticultural practices to produce safe PSAT products for consumption are considered very important in the Sembalun area. Farmers actually understand the need for efforts to reduce the use of synthetic chemical inputs, both fertilizers and pesticides, in horticultural cultivation to produce products that are safe for consumption. For the continuation of extension activities and its follow-up, it is necessary to continue to provide assistance to farmers and groups of fresh plant origin food (PSAT) entrepreneurs from the Food Security Service, so that the number of prima 3 and prima 2 certificates will increase in the Sembalun area.
PEMETAAN DAERAH RAWAN LONGSOR DI PULAU LOMBOK BERDASARKAN SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS: Mapping of Landslide-Prone Areas on Lombok Island Based on the Geographic Information System Tri Sulistyowati; Didi Supriyadi Agustawijaya; Ismail Hoesain Muchtaranda; Muhajirah Muhajirah; Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan
Spektrum Sipil Vol 11 No 1 (2024): SPEKTRUM SIPIL
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/spektrum.v11i1.345


Pulau Lombok memiliki beberapa kawasan yang berpotensi terjadi bencana longsor karena memiliki kemiringan lereng curam (> 25%) dengan jenis tanah dominan adalah andosol yang memiliki sifat peka erosi dan curah hujan lebih dari 1000 mm. Sepanjang tahun 2023 BPBD Provinsi NTB mencatat 22 kejadian bencana longsor. Dengan adanya kondisi tersebut maka dibutuhkan penelitian pemetaan daerah rawan longsor sebagai upaya mitigasi bencana. Pemetaan menggunakan beberapa parameter yaitu kemiringan lereng, curah hujan, tata guna lahan, geologi, kedalaman solum, tekstur tanah, dan permeabilitas tanah. Metode yang digunakan adalah skoring dan pembobotan, serta tumpang susun (overlay) antar parameter penyusunnya dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak yang bersifat open source, Quantum GIS (QGIS). Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa kerawanan longsor di Pulau Lombok terdiri dari empat tingkatan yaitu wilayah dengan tingkat rawan sangar tinggi dengan luas 611.33 km2 atau 12,90%, wilayah rawan longsor tinggi seluas 1,033.10 km2 atau 21,80%, wilayah rawan longsor sedang seluas 2,506.58 km2  atau 52,90% dan wilayah dengan tingkat rawan rendah terhadap longsor seluas 587.64 km2  atau 12,40%.  Hasil validasi antara model yang telah dibuat dengan menggunakan metode skoring dan weighted overlay menggunakan Quantum GIS dengan kejadian longsor di lapangan menunjukkan hasil yang sesuai sehingga model yang dibuat dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.