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SOSIALISASI TENTANG JAMINAN KESEHATAN NASIONAL (JKN) BAGI MASYARAKAT DUSUN BUJET, JAMBEWANGI : Socialization On National Health Insurance For The Community Of Bujet Village, Jambewangi Riga, Oktaviani Riga Setyaningrum; Putri, Imram Radne Rimba; Anwar , Choirul
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Medika Vol 3. No. 1, Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhamamdiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jpmmedika.v3i1.1614


ABSTRAK Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) merupakan kewajiban bagi seluruh warga negara Indonesia. Dalam bentuk BPJS Kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan, Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) merupakan program layanan unik yang akan menawarkan rangkaian lengkap layanan kesehatan tanpa batas biaya jaminan yang menyertai asuransi. Namun warga Dusun Bujet, Desa Jambewangi, Kec Pakis, Kab Magelang belum memiliki akses terhadap Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN). Meningkatnya pemahaman dan kesadaran akan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) di kalangan warga Dusun Bujet, Desa Jambewangi, Kec Pakis, Kab Magelang menjadi tujuan dari program masyarakat ini. Teknik yang dilakukan meliputi ceramah dengan menggunakan presentasi power point, angket, diskusi kelompok, dan tanya jawab. Hasil dari kegiatan masyarakat ini memberikan dampak yang sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Dusun Bujet, Desa Jambewangi, Kec Pakis, Kab Magelang, karena masyarakat semakin percaya diri dan semangat untuk mengikuti anjuran pemerintah untuk mendapatkan jaminan kesehatan. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar warga merasa termotivasi untuk segera mendaftarkan diri dalam program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN). ABSTRACT National Health Insurance is mandatory for all Indonesian citizens. In the form of Health and Employment BPJS, National Health Insurance is a unique service program that will offer a full range of health services without any guarantee fee limits that accompany the insurance. However, the residents of of Bujet Hamlet, Jambewangi Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency do not yet have access to National Health Insurance. Increasing understanding and awareness of National Health Insurance among residents of Bujet Hamlet, Jambewangi Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency is the goal of this community program. The techniques used include lectures using power point presentations, questionnaires, group discussions, and questions and answers. The results of this community activity have a very beneficial impact on the people of of Bujet Hamlet, Jambewangi Village, Pakis District, Magelang Regency, because the community is increasingly confident and enthusiastic to follow government recommendations to get health insurance. This is intended so that residents feel motivated to immediately enroll in the National Health Insurance program.
Utilization of Moringa Leaf Extract in Processed Pudding Products as an Effort to Prevent Stunting in Debong Lor Village Tegal City Nugroho, Pramudya Panji; Mahendra, Okka Issa; Shidqi, Adnan Maulana; Nadila M. F., Fristi; Ramadhani, Lusiana; Ramadhani, Safira; Imroatus S., Yusnia; Wati, Rhahma; Afifah, Irun; Oktriana, Oktriana; Arina, Faula; Khofifah, Novia Eka; Putri, Imram Radne Rimba
AMK : Abdi Masyarakat UIKA Vol 3 No 3 (2024): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Stunting is a failure in the development and growth of children due to malnutrition. Nutrition is one of the determining factors for the growth and development of a child. Moringa plants are one of the plants that have high nutritional content, and their leaves can be used as one of the basic ingredients for food or beverage processing. The activity of providing supplementary food (PMT) in the form of moringa leaf pudding to prevent stunting was carried out in various posyandu in the Debong Lor Village, West Tegal District, with the participation of mothers who have toddlers/cludas and pregnant women. The method used in this service is the counseling method by providing supplementary food (PMT) and introducing one of the processed moringa leaves that can be useful to prevent stunting, namely moringa leaf pudding. The result of this activity is that young women have an interest in processing moringa leaves to prevent stunting.
Pengaruh Informasi Kemanfaatan Penggunaan Obat Tradisional dan Suplemen Terhadap Willingness to Pay Dalam Pencegahan NCDs di Kota Yogyakarta Mardiani, Arisa; Dwinta, Eliza; Sarwadhamana, Raden Jaka; Putri, Imram Radne Rimba
Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan Farmasi Klinik Vol 21, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi & Farmasi Klinik
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31942/jiffk.v21i1.8388


The current incidence of NCDs can not only attack the elderly but can start at a younger age. Must carry out prevention efforts as early as possible by consuming traditional medicines (OT) and supplements. Can obtain information on the benefits of the two products through packaging labels. However, many people still need to pay more attention to them, so they need to understand the proper and correct use of OT and supplements. Willingness to pay (WTP) goes hand in hand with the benefit information obtained. Because if it follows the benefits and prices, the community's WTP is expected to increase. This study aimed to determine the effect of information on the benefits of using OT and supplements on WTP in preventing NCDs in Yogyakarta with a cross-sectional study design. They conducted this research for one month in 5 sub-districts of Yogyakarta City, namely Danurejan, Gondomanan, Mantrijeron, Umbulharjo, and Wirobrajan sub-districts with 107 respondents. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling, and the research instrument is a WTP questionnaire. The results of the research on statistical tests using Kendall Tau found that the significance values were 0.225 (OT) and 0.094 (supplements) > 0.05, so it concluded that information on the benefits of using OT and supplements from packaging labels did not affect WTP in preventing NCDs in the City of Yogyakarta.
Implementation of Patient Safety in Hospitals Related to Patient Satisfaction in 2023 Ningrum, Apriliya Tiyas; Putri, Imram Radne Rimba; Sarwadhamana, Raden Jaka
Media Keperawatan Indonesia Vol 7, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/mki.7.1.2024.46-52


The incidence of non-injury incidents at Panembahan Senopati Hospital, Bantul is still the highest case every year, this is still several non-injury incident cases of 45.5% in 2022, this case is because there are still nurses or health workers who have not fully implemented patient safety properly. Patient safety in hospitals is the main foundation for creating safe, comfortable services for the creation of healing for patients, which we hope will affect patient satisfaction. This study aims to determine the relationship between the implementation of patient safety and patient satisfaction in the inpatient ward of Panembahan Senopati Hospital, Bantul. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Sampling using accidental sampling technique with 150 inpatient respondents. The measuring tool used is a questionnaire application of patient safety and patient satisfaction. The statistical test used is the Kendall Tau test. The results of the study show that there is a relationship between the application of patient safety on patient satisfaction in the inpatient room of Panembahan Senopati Bantul Hospital with a close relationship in the sufficient category indicated by a coefficient (r) of 0.345 with a p-value: 0.000 (<0.05). The conclusion in this study is that there is an application relationship between patient safety on patient satisfaction in the inpatient room of Panembahan Senopati Hospital, Bantul.