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An-Nisa' : Jurnal Kajian Perempuan dan Keislaman Vol. 14 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/annisa.v14i1.44


Al-Qur’an sebagai kalamullah mengandung asas pengajaran karena mencakup ajaran-ajaran Islam yang menata kehidupan kaum muslimin dalam segala aspek di dunia dan akhirat. Pemahaman al-Qur’an terutama bagi anak harus dimulai sejak dini melalui kegiatan membaca dan menulis yang dilanjutkan dengan memahami ajaran agama Islam secara bertahap. Namun faktanya, sistem pembelajaran Al Qur’an terutama bagi anak usia dini masih monoton dan kurang menarik karena masih menerapkan paradigma pembelajaran yang berpusat pada pengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sistem pembelajaran al-Qur’an di lembaga Tahsin Qur’an Ka’Uqoy Private dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pembelajaran al-Qur’an di lembaga Tahsin Qur’an Ka’Uqoy menerapkan paradigma konstruksionisme dengan hanya menggunakan satu peraga yaitu alat indera melalui ragam interaksi dengan lingkungan sekitarnya seperti melihat, mendengar, menyentuh, dan merasakannya. Melalui pengaktifan indrawi, seorang anak bisa membangun gambaran dalam dunia belajarnya. Lembaga ini telah mencetak pengajar yang mampu mengajarkan Al-Qur’an dengan mudah untuk difahami terutama bagi anak usia dini dengan cara ikut terlibat langsung dalam mencerna, mengolah, mengalami, memahami, merasakan dan mempraktikkan isi kandungan Al-Qur’an dengan fun learning sehingga para anak usia dini lebih mudah dalam menangkap ilmu Al-Qur’an dan menerimanya dengan senang hati.   Al-Qur'an as kalamullah contains teaching principles because it includes Islamic teachings that organize the lives of Muslims in all aspects. Understanding the Qur'an, especially for children, must start early through reading and writing activities which are continued by gradually understanding the teachings of Islam. However, the fact is that the learning system of the Qur'an, especially for early childhood, is still monotonous and less interesting because it still applies a teacher-centered learning paradigm. This study aims to describe the al-Qur'an learning system in the Tahsin Qur'an ka'Uqoy Private institution with a descriptive qualitative research that uses some data collection techniques. The results showed that the al-Qur'an learning system in the tahsin Qur'an ka'Uqoy institution applies the constructionism paradigm by using only an instrument namely the senses through various interactions with the surrounding environment such as seeing, hearing, touching, and feeling it. Through sensory activation, a child can build a picture in the world of learning. This institution has produced teachers who are able to teach the Qur'an easily to be understood, especially for early childhood by being directly involved in digesting, processing, experiencing, understanding, tasting and practicing the contents of the Al- The Qur'an with fun learning so that early childhood can more easily grasp the knowledge of the Qur'an.
EL-HAYAH : JURNAL STUDI ISLAM Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Pascasarjana UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1903/elha.v8i2.4738


Abstract  : Along with the development of education, curriculum must be able to adjust. Strategy of maintaining curriculum structure without change and innovation will have an impact on bad quality as well as good quality of education. This research is intended to determine: 1) Arrangement of curriculum innovation at Muhmmadiyah Elementary School Special Program, 2) Concept, process, characteristic, and strategy used in innovation management curriculum at Muhmmadiyah Elementary School Special Program Surakarta, 3) Suppoting and inhibiting factors in making curriculum innovation at Muhmmadiyah Elementary School Special Program Surakarta.This research applied descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted at Muhmmadiyah Elementary School Special Program Kota Barat Surakarta. Informants of this research were Principal, teachers, staffs, and students. Technique of collecting data used observation, in-depth interview and documentation. Technique of validity data used interactive model, including data reduction, data collection, data display and conclusion. This research shows that: 1)  Muhmmadiyah Elementary School Special Program having Sharia curriculum is the result of modification between national sharia curriculum of KTSP and curriculum 13 by synergizing knowledge and diniyyah (religion) as a guidance in conducting learning process for its curriculum innovation, 2) Learning type of Sharia school curriculum is done by synergizing Sharia’s values inside learning subjects, without adding new material inside sharia school curriculum, 3) Supporting factors in arranging curriculum innovation  at Muhmmadiyah Elementary School Special Program are daily, weekly, and annually events, extracurricular events and integration of special program, i.e. sharia curriculum and other general subjects. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors are difficulties in conducting and implementing curriculum innovation due to neighborhood and advanced technology. The benefits of sharia school curriculum planning may bring  the change among the students to understand Islam and good attitude to create Muslim generation of Ulul Albab                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Keywords: innovation, management, curriculum, Muhmmadiyah Elementary School Special Program