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The English Teachers’ Experiences in Applying Teaching Strategies during Covid-19 Lia Haryana; Sri Hardiyanti; Puspita Yudaningrum
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 7, No 2 (2021): DECEMBER
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v7i2.5673


Knowing the teaching strategy is very important in the teaching and learning process because it dramatically influences the students' outcomes. Many studies on teaching strategies have been done in many parts of the world. However, the studies on teaching strategies in the pandemic era applied by the teachers in a reputable school in Indonesia are rarely discussed. Thus, this research aims to explore a reputable school's teachers' experiences in applying strategies during covid-19. There were three senior high school teachers from one of the reputable schools in Bengkulu who participated in this research. This research adapted a case study design by using a semi-structured interview as the research instrument. The interview data were recorded, transcribed, and coded into several themes based on the focus of this research. The result showed that the teachers tended to use the same materials, such as books from the government and materials from the internet. In addition, the teachers dominantly use zoom meetings for the teaching media. Meanwhile, they had their preferences on the teaching strategies. Generally, the teachers prefer to implement online discussion, computer-based learning exercises, online collaboration projects, online lectures, independent study, and online learning using social networking as the teaching strategies. The result of this study can be used as a guideline for teachers from other schools in implementing the teaching strategies, especially in online teaching.
Experiences of ethnic minority students in a culturally diverse school Lia Haryana; Utami Widiati
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya Vol 49, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1021.823 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um015v49i12021p1


Experiences of ethnic minority students in a culturally diverse schoolBeing ethnic minority students in a culturally diverse school is a challenge. This study aims to explore the experiences of students from various ethnic groups as ethnic minority students in a culturally diverse school. These experiences cover both the barriers and the success of those students in adjusting to the culturally diverse school. Five students coming from diverse ethnic groups were recruited as the participants. This study adopted a qualitative design by using a semi-structured interview as the research instrument. The interview data were transcribed and then coded into several themes based on the focus of the research. The results showed that the ethnic minority students might find difficulties adjusting to the school at first. However, they gradually adjusted to the school because of these following factors: teachers’ support, students’ cohesiveness, students’ cooperation, and teachers’ equity. The results of this study imply that the ethnic minority students once experienced some challenges in adjusting to the school environment before they were facilitated with more positive schooling experiences related to student-student relationships and student-teacher relationships.Ketwords: adjusting process, barriers, ethnic minority students, experiences, multicultural education, culturally-responsive schoolPengalaman siswa etnis minoritas di sekolah dengan beragam budayaMenjadi siswa etnis minoritas di sekolah dengan beragam budaya merupakan sebuah tantangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali pengalaman siswa dari berbagai latar belakang etnis sebagai etnis minoritas di sekolah yang beragam budaya. Pengalaman-pengalaman ini meliputi hambatan maupun keberhasilan para siswa tersebut dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan sekolah yang beragam budaya. Lima siswa yang berasal dari kelompok etnis yang berbeda direkrut sebagai responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur sebagai instrumen penelitian. Data hasil wawancara ditranskripsikan kemudian dikategorikan menjadi beberapa tema sesuai dengan fokus penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa etnis minoritas pada awalnya kesulitan menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sekolah. Namun, lambat laun mereka bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan sekolah karena beberapa faktor, yaitu dukungan dari guru, kekompakan siswa, kerjasama siswa, dan perlakuan yang imbang dari guru. Hasil penelitian ini mengimplikasikan bahwa siswa etnis minoritas mengalami beberapa tantangan dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sekolah sebelum mereka difasilitasi dengan pengalaman sekolah yang lebih positif yang berkaitan dengan hubungan antara siswa-siswa dan hubungan siswa-guru.Kata kunci: proses penyesuaian, hambatan, siswa etnis minoritas, pengalaman, pendidikan multikultural, sekolah yang responsif terhadap budaya.
Indonesian EFL Students’ Autonomus Learning Implementation in Online Learning Lia Haryana; Puspita Yudaningrum; Sri Hardiyanti
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): volume 10 No 1 2023
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/25409190.563


Although studies on online learning have been widely discussed, most of the studies still focus on the students’ experiences adjusting to online learning. However, few studies have analyzed students’ experiences in online learning regarding autonomous learning implementation. This study aimed at identifying Indonesian EFL students' autonomous learning implementation in online learning. A questionnaire adapted from Khotimah et al. (2019) and Hidayati and Husna (2020) was used as a single instrument to obtain data from EFL students from 22 universities around Indonesia. This study sample was selected using a random sampling technique, and the data was analyzed using a simple percentage statistics formula. The results showed how students learned English online in four areas: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. They also showed how the students felt about online learning on their own. These experiences relate to students’ experiences selecting learning materials and learning activity preferences. These preferences are divided into learning English for academic purposes and learning English for pleasure. However, regarding students’ efforts to foster their autonomous online learning, the students had implemented three categories of autonomous learning, namely the initiating process, monitoring process, and evaluating process in their learning process. Hence, the research results are expected to provide new insights for the readers about implementing online learning, which can support the students to be more autonomous learners.
The Use of Google Translate in EFL Essay Writing: Is It a Cheating? Adelia Puspa; Dwi Bayu Saputra; Lia Haryana
ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ef.v7i1.6868


During the process of writing an essay, many students are utilizing online translation tools like Google Translate due to the widespread availability of computing technology and the internet. Online translation programming is strong, yet it is inclined to over-exacting interpretation, and cannot represent the setting similar to a human interpreter. As a result, students are left to rely on a tool that promises to "do the hard work" for them by allowing them to only think and write in their native language. This study is aimed to determine the extent to which students at the University of Bengkulu, Indonesia, rely on technology in writing essays and whether they consider its use to be cheating or not. The data was obtained by conducting mixed-method research through survey with a closed-ended questionnaire and interview to the English Department students of Universitas Bengkulu who are currently taking a Critical Writing course. The results discovered that all of the participants have utilized GT as a translation tool for writing essays particularly to translate word from their first language into English. Moreover, they considered using GT for essay writing as cheating depending on how it is used; for graded assignments or writing test.