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Journal : RELE: Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Implementasi Internet Of Things Dalam Pemantauan Optimal Kerja Panel Surya Abdullah Abdullah; Moh Zainul Haq; Cholish Cholish; Maharani Putri; Andri Ramadhan
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (795.472 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v4i2.9565


Kebutuhan terhadap energi semangkin meningkat, sehingga energi_alternatif menjadi solusi terhadap peningkatan energi tersebut, salah satunya pemanfaatan energi matahari menggunakan panel_surya sebagai pengkonversi energi_matahari menjadi energi_listrik. Untuk pengoptimalan kerja panel surya tersebut harus dibuat sistem monitoring dengan mengimplementasikan Internet of Things agar variabel penting dalam panel surya dapat dipantau secara real time. Internet of Things dalam penelitian ini merupakan komunikasi jarak jauh yang memanfaatkan jaringan internet untuk difungsikan sebagai sistem monitoring optimal kerja panel surya. Variabel yang dimonitoring dari penelitian ini yaitu varibel pergerakan dual_axis panel surya yang terdiri dari nilai tegangan analog empat buah sensor cahaya LDR dalam membaca intensitas cahaya matahari, sudut pergerakan dual_axis, posisi dan kondisi cuaca panel surya, tegangan, arus dan daya yang dihasilkan/dibangkitkan oleh panel surya. Untuk melakukan proses monitoring tersebut, sistem dilengkapi dengan komponen utama seperti kontroler Arduino, modul WiFi ESP8266, empat buah sensor cahaya LDR sebagai pendeteksi intensitas cahaya matahari, modul INA219 sebagai pengukur arus dan tegangan pada panel surya dan motor servo untuk mengerakan panel surya sesuai intruksi sensor cahaya. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan sistem telah bekerja dengan baik dan efektif dalam implementasi Internet of Things dalam pemantauan optimal kerja dari panel surya.
Sistem Monitoring Pencahayaan (Lux) Pada Ruangan Aula Gedung Terintegrasi Internet Of Things Maharani Putri; Abdullah Abdullah; Cholish Cholish
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1040.517 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v4i1.7817


AbstrakPenggunaan sistem penerangan sangat dibutuhkan sebagai penambah pencahayaan pada ruangan, dikarenakan cahaya alami tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pencahayaan pada ruangan, terlebih jika ruangan tersebut berukuran besar dan ventilasi cahaya yang kurang seperti pada aula gedung. Sistem monitoring pencahayaan (Lux) pada ruangan gedung terintegrasi Internet Of Things ini bertujuan untuk memonitoring pencahayaan aula gedung agar sesuai dengan nilai lux yang diinginkan. Untuk memonitoring pencahayaan (Lux) sudah dilengkapi 5 (lima) buah sensor intensitas cahaya seri BH1750 yang diletakkan di 5 (lima) titik pada ruangan aula Gedung, kemudian data kelima sensor tesebut akan diproses menggunakan algoritma koreksi rata-rata sensor agar mendapatkan nilai pembacaan intensitas cahaya yang tepat. Didalam sistem ini sudah terintegrasi teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) agar sistem dapat di monitoring dari jarak jauh dengan baik melalui Smartphone. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan sistem telah bekerja dengan baik sebagai monitoring pencahayaan (Lux) pada ruangan gedung terintegrasi Internet Of Things.Kata kunci : Pencahayaan, Internet of Things, Sensor BH1750, MonitoringAbstractThe use of a lighting system is needed as an addition to lighting in the room, because natural light cannot meet the lighting needs of the room, especially if the room is large and has less light ventilation as in a building hall. The lighting (Lux) monitoring system in the building room integrated with the Internet Of Things aims to monitor the lighting of the building hall to match the desired lux value. To monitor lighting (Lux), 5 (five) BH1750 series light intensity sensors are equipped and placed at 5 (five) points in the building hall, then the data for the five sensors will be processed using an average sensor correction algorithm in order to get the intensity reading value the right light. In this system, Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been integrated so that the system can be monitored remotely well via Smartphone. From the tests that have been carried out, the system has worked well as a lighting (Lux) monitoring in an Internet of Things integrated building room.Keywords : Lighting, Internet of Things, Sensor BH1750, Monitoringv
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v6i1.15491


The problem of the need for energy continues to increase, so a solution is needed in the form of alternative energy so that the problem of energy supply can be overcome. One of the solutions is through the utilization of solar energy by using solar panels with their photovoltaic properties. The problem is that solar panels must be optimized to work so that the output power can be optimal. The method in this study is the concept of a cooling system to overcome solar panels that are above their working temperature range where 1oC (starting from 25oC) will reduce the output power generated by solar panels by around 0.5% using two pumps placed on the east and west to flow water on the surface of the solar panels, so that the cooling system can move flexibly for the cooling process, where the condition of the cooling water is water that has been cooled using a combination of heatsinks and peltiers. From the test results it can be seen that the solar panel optimization system with a cooling system obtained a total solar panel output power of 140.64 Watts with an average output power of 14.06 Watts and a solar panel output power without a cooling system of 95.09 Watts with an average output power of 14.06 Watts. the average output power is 9.51 Watt with a percentage increase in the output power optimization system of 47.90% where all control and monitoring systems have worked well by integrating the Internet of Things.
Publisher : RELE (Rekayasa Elektrikal dan Energi) : Jurnal Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/rele.v6i1.15492


The lighting control system by paying attention to the number of lights activated/turning on in the building hall is very important because the building hall must have good lighting for various activities/events in the building hall, especially the nature of the building hall which tends to have a large capacity and is closed so that lighting arrangements become a matter of which must be considered. The method in this study is the AC_light_dimmer technique and the timing system. The designed system has been integrated with the Internet of Things so that all control and monitoring features of the building lighting system can be carried out remotely and in real time as well as a manual light control system for certain conditions. From the test results it can be seen that testing the use of lighting lamps without the use of AC Light Dimmer still has a high percentage of deviation, which is equal to 6.52% and with the use of AC Light Dimmer, which is equal to 0.21%, the input lux setting with an input value that is read already appropriate, the use of time settings that are working properly so that it shows that remote control and monitoring has worked well according to the targets set in the building lighting system based on time and AC Light Dimmer which has been integrated with the Internet of Things.