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Performance Indicators of Basic Infrastructure of Kotaku Program (The City without Slums) Tribhuwana, Awliya; Farhan, Ohan
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 22, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v22i2.24011


Abstract. Wotgali Village is a slum area. The aim of the current research is to find out the performance of slum base infrastructure using Lakip (Government Agency Accountability Report) of KOTAKU (City without Slums) Program. The first step was performed by identifying the initial settlement (base line), then some treatments on the facilities and infrastructure (finish line), performance evaluation stages of the preparation, planning, implementation, and sustainability stages. The research used qualitative and quantitative approach. Qualitative measurement began with a numerical assessment of the results on the level of regional slum. In addition, quantitative data used the Lakip simulation using results of the KOTAKU program stage performance. Results of the initial condition reach value of 32%. It is categorized as slight slums with an average sectoral slum of 36.68%. Basic infrastructure development which has final technical reached 24% and is included in slight slum with an average sectoral of 27.50%. The performance of LAKIP Kotaku was in preparation phase 90.46% (very good performance), planning stage was 89.93% (very good performance), implementation stage was 90.25% (very good performance), sustainability stage was 85.21% (better performance). Thus, the achievement of KOTAKU program is 85.19% with a range of value of 80-90. The value is included as better performance result. Results of the analysis can be concluded that level of slum can be reduced to 19% (not slum) by creating some improvements to basic facilities and infrastructure. In the following year, involving Lakip Performance, the planning stage can be enhanced through community participation and active involvement.
Analysis of Floating Net Cages on The Carrying Capacity of The Darma Reservoir tribhuwana, Awliya; Muttaqin, Zaenal; Farhan, Ohan
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i1.27641


Abstract. Darma Reservoir functions as a reservoir for irrigation, fisheries, and recreational and sports facilities. Currently, it only functions for irrigation and fish farming by floating net ponds. The development of floating net frameworks was so rapid that it conflicted with reservoir management. This study aims to determine the density of the floating net framework of the sedimentation conditions of the Darma Reservoir and to determine the development of the sedimentation rate of the Darma Reservoir in relation to the service life of the reservoir characterized by reduced dead storage. The first step was carried out by surveying the presence of the number of floating net cages, the distribution of the feed, the percentage of feed demand, the carrying capacity of the reservoir, then a topographic survey of the depth of the Darma reservoir to determine the capacity, rate and volume of sediment deposits. This study used quantitative approach, it began with distributing questionnaire forms and measuring the depth of the reservoir. The current condition of floating net cages is 4916 occupying 5.819% of the inundation area of 312.15 ha with an elevation of 712.50 m, while floating net cages are allowed according to the carrying capacity of Darma Reservoir waters amounting to 1,021. tons / harvest while the spawning pond is 3.483 tons/harvest. The volume of normal active storage for elevation 712.50 in 2020 is 28.086 million m3, while the volume of sediment deposits is 9.262 million m3 32.98%, the average sediment rate in the reservoir from 1988 to 2020 is 0.2894 million m3/year, while the sediment rate in catchment area Dam Dharma with an area of 23.5 km2 of 71.873 mm/year. Sedimentation in the Darma Reservoir has exceeded the limit of the base elevation of the reservoir, the elevation of the dead reservoir and the lowest elevation, but the reservoir is still functional. The planning life of the darma reservoir is up to 50 years, the suitability of the initial planning of operations in 1970 with operations until 2020.
Performance Indicators of Basic Infrastructure of Kotaku Program (The City without Slums) Tribhuwana, Awliya; Farhan, Ohan
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 22, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v22i2.24011


Abstract. Wotgali Village is a slum area. The aim of the current research is to find out the performance of slum base infrastructure using Lakip (Government Agency Accountability Report) of KOTAKU (City without Slums) Program. The first step was performed by identifying the initial settlement (base line), then some treatments on the facilities and infrastructure (finish line), performance evaluation stages of the preparation, planning, implementation, and sustainability stages. The research used qualitative and quantitative approach. Qualitative measurement began with a numerical assessment of the results on the level of regional slum. In addition, quantitative data used the Lakip simulation using results of the KOTAKU program stage performance. Results of the initial condition reach value of 32%. It is categorized as slight slums with an average sectoral slum of 36.68%. Basic infrastructure development which has final technical reached 24% and is included in slight slum with an average sectoral of 27.50%. The performance of LAKIP Kotaku was in preparation phase 90.46% (very good performance), planning stage was 89.93% (very good performance), implementation stage was 90.25% (very good performance), sustainability stage was 85.21% (better performance). Thus, the achievement of KOTAKU program is 85.19% with a range of value of 80-90. The value is included as better performance result. Results of the analysis can be concluded that level of slum can be reduced to 19% (not slum) by creating some improvements to basic facilities and infrastructure. In the following year, involving Lakip Performance, the planning stage can be enhanced through community participation and active involvement.
Analysis of Floating Net Cages on The Carrying Capacity of The Darma Reservoir tribhuwana, Awliya; Muttaqin, Zaenal; Farhan, Ohan
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i1.27641


Abstract. Darma Reservoir functions as a reservoir for irrigation, fisheries, and recreational and sports facilities. Currently, it only functions for irrigation and fish farming by floating net ponds. The development of floating net frameworks was so rapid that it conflicted with reservoir management. This study aims to determine the density of the floating net framework of the sedimentation conditions of the Darma Reservoir and to determine the development of the sedimentation rate of the Darma Reservoir in relation to the service life of the reservoir characterized by reduced dead storage. The first step was carried out by surveying the presence of the number of floating net cages, the distribution of the feed, the percentage of feed demand, the carrying capacity of the reservoir, then a topographic survey of the depth of the Darma reservoir to determine the capacity, rate and volume of sediment deposits. This study used quantitative approach, it began with distributing questionnaire forms and measuring the depth of the reservoir. The current condition of floating net cages is 4916 occupying 5.819% of the inundation area of 312.15 ha with an elevation of 712.50 m, while floating net cages are allowed according to the carrying capacity of Darma Reservoir waters amounting to 1,021. tons / harvest while the spawning pond is 3.483 tons/harvest. The volume of normal active storage for elevation 712.50 in 2020 is 28.086 million m3, while the volume of sediment deposits is 9.262 million m3 32.98%, the average sediment rate in the reservoir from 1988 to 2020 is 0.2894 million m3/year, while the sediment rate in catchment area Dam Dharma with an area of 23.5 km2 of 71.873 mm/year. Sedimentation in the Darma Reservoir has exceeded the limit of the base elevation of the reservoir, the elevation of the dead reservoir and the lowest elevation, but the reservoir is still functional. The planning life of the darma reservoir is up to 50 years, the suitability of the initial planning of operations in 1970 with operations until 2020.
Journal of Green Science and Technology Vol 5, No 1 (2021): JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY VOL. 5 NO. 1 MARCH 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33603/jgst.v5i1.4954


The rain that fell in the city of Cirebon, especially the drainage on Jalan Pemuda, could not accommodate and drain the water so that it could create puddles on the roads and surrounding areas. Hourly rain intensity, planned flow rate and channel cross-sectional dimensions are the first steps for flood prevention. Hydrological analysis is used to calculate the discharge capacity of the drainage plan. The results were then analyzed the dimensions of the channel, the drainage ability to accommodate the falling rainwater where Qs is bigger than Qp. the channel discharge has not been able to accommodate the Q plan in the channel so that there will be a runoff of 17.759%. So to anticipate runoff, it is necessary to have a channel improvement plan of 33.477%. In addition to channel improvement solutions, arrange and define the boundaries of water storage areas by measuring and mapping boundaries and issuing regulations that prohibit or limit the construction of buildings that can reduce the ability of areas to store and absorb rainwater by referring to the basic building coefficient (KDB) permitted as stated in the RT/RW.
Journal of Green Science and Technology Vol 4, No 3 (2020): JOURNAL OF GREENSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL.4 NO.3 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33603/jgst.v4i3.3996


ABSTRACTSoil types have different infiltration rates and vary depending on the characteristics of the soil, how the infiltration relationship occurs with dry water content and saturated water content, infiltration relationship with the soil after being compacted and before compacted and how the infiltration rate of the two types of relationship and how infiltration water that happened. Soil tests are carried out in the laboratory, soil water content before and after the soil has been solidified, changes in the time of infiltration capacity with the Horton equation, rain hydrograph for overall infiltration analysis, including cumulative infiltration and runoff rates.Soils experience porosity filling not as great as in normal soil conditions, normal soil conditions changes in water content reaches 5.22 mm/hour while in soil conditions that experience changes in water content compaction at 30 minutes by 0.14 mm/hour and experiences a constant rate in the 40th minute at a rate of 0.20 mm/hour, so there is a difference in water content of 5.08 mm/hour between normal soil and soil after solidification, due to compacting it causes runoff of 8.92 mm/hour, normal soil with runoff of 3.78 mm/hour.Keyword :  Infiltration, soil physical properties, runoff.
PERENCANAAN GEOMETRIK JALAN RUAS JALAN MUNJUL - JATIGEDE Muhammad Lukie Yudhistira; Awliya Tribhuwana; Saihul Anwar
Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur Vol 6, No 4 (2017): JURNAL KONSTRUKSI (APRIL 2017)
Publisher : Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33603/jki.v6i4.3851


ABSTRAKPerencanaan Geometrik Jalan Ruas Jalan Majalengka-Jatigede direncanakan dengan maksud Membangun infrastruktur baru berupa jalan raya yang dapat mengakomodir kegiatan masyarakat dengan menyediakan alternatif baru bagi pengguna ruas jalan Kabupaten yang menghubungkan Kabupaten Majalengka dan Kabupaten Sumedang, dapat meningkatkan mobilitas angkutan manusia dan barang, menunjang bidang perekonomian, pariwisata dan pendidikan dalam arti luas serta meningkatkan pelayanan prasarana transportasi kepada masyarakat pengguna jalan.Perencanaan Geometrik Jalan menggunakan peta kontur untuk mengetahui elevasi daerah tersebut agar dapat merencanakan trase jalan, pada perencanaan ini di dapat panjang trase 9,8 km. Dalam penentuan trase jalan akan menemukan garis lengkung atau tikungan, dalam perencanaan ini terdapat 2 tikungan yaitu full circle dan spiral circle spiral. Selain trase jalan akan di cari kelandaian tanah pada daerah yang di lewati trase jalan untuk mengetahui kemiringan, pada perencanaan ini kelandaian maksimal adalah 2%. Kata Kunci       : Tikungan dan Kelandaian. ABSTRACT               Geometric Planning Road Majalengka-Jatigede planned with the intention Building new infrastructure such as roads that can accommodate community activities by providing a new alternative for the road district that connects Majalengka and Sumedang can increase the mobility of transport of people and goods, support for the economy , tourism and education in the broad sense and improve services transportation infrastructure to the user community road.               Geometric Path Planning using a contour map to determine the elevation of the area in order to plan the road alignment, the planning of this can trace length of 9,8 kilometers. In determining the alignment path'll find the curve or bend, in this plan there are two twists namely full circle and spiral circle spiral. In addition to the road alignment will be in search of the flatness of the land in the area in skip trace to determine the slope of the road, in this planning is the maximum slope of 2%. Keywords         : Curve and Slope
Jurnal Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur Vol 9, No 1 (2020): JURNAL KONSTRUKSI (JANUARI 2020)
Publisher : Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33603/jki.v9i1.3250


Kecamatan Ciawigebang mempunyai satu pasar tradisional yang menjadi pusat perdagangan terbesar, dengan letak pasar yang strategis dan jenis pedagang yang berbeda-beda, serta penjualan produk unggulan kecamatan ciawigebang terletak dipasar tersebut menjadikan pasar ini ramai oleh konsumen.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kondisi eksisting pasar dari hasil aspirasi konsumen dan pedagang, proyeksi pertambahan pedagang, analisis pengembangan pasar dengan metode POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controling), pembuatan desain pasar menggunakan Autocad 2007 dan Sketch Up, serta analisis kelayakan ekonomi dengan benefit cost ratio (BCR), dan Internal Rate Of Return  (IRR).Kesimpulan yang didapat dari hasil analisis adalah perlu adanya penambahan ruang pasar berdasarkan analisis proyeksi jumlah pedagang untuk tahun 2023.Kata Kunci : Pasar Ciputat Ciawigebang, Pengembangan Pasar, Metode POAC, Analisis Kelayakan EkonomiABSTRACTCiawigebang sub-district has a traditional market which is the biggest trading center, with a strategic market location and different types of traders, and sales of superior products Ciawigebang sub-distrit located in the market makes this market crowded by consumers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing market condition from the results of consumers and traders, analysis of market development using the POAC Method, making market designs using Autocad 2007 and Sketch Up, as well as economic feasibility analysis with Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) and Internal Rate Of Return (IRR).The conclusion obtained from the results of the analysis is the need for additional market space based on an analysis of the projected number traders for 2023.Keywords : Ciputat Ciawigebang Market, Market Development, POAC Method, Economic Feasibility Analysis