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Religious and Cultural Contestation in Strengthening The Role of Women Through Pedhalangan Art Arauf, Muta Ali
Al-Adyan: Journal of Religious Studies Vol 5, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/al-adyan.v5i1.8550


This article explores the contestation of religion and culture in the context of female puppeteers in Banyumas. Some young female puppeteers in Banyumas show their talent and interest in Wayang Golek performances performed by the Paguyuban Muda Banyumas to preserve existing local culture. This qualitative research uses data collection techniques through observation and interviews with the chairman and members of the Banyumas Young Dalang Art Association. The results of this study show that the role of women in the arts is interpreted from the point of view of religion and culture, so the dynamics are diverse. Religious and cultural contestation regarding the world of Pedhalangan Art provides ample opportunities for the Banyumas female puppeteer community to be more aggressive in facing the increasingly rampant Islamization fever that often marginalizes local culture, which is sometimes considered traditional and always synonymous with heresy. On the other hand, the phenomenon of female puppeteers played by young women in Banyumas is part of an effort to preserve ancestral culture that is increasingly fading on the surface. At least to preserve local culture, maintain and produce cultural products, create cultural agents, and strive to build national character.Artikel ini mengeksplorasi kontestasi agama dan budaya dalam konteks dalang perempuan di Banyumas. Beberapa dalang perempuan muda di Banyumas menunjukkan bakat dan minat mereka dalam pertunjukan wayang golek yang dilakukan oleh Paguyuban Muda Banyumas untuk melestarikan budaya lokal yang ada. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan ketua dan anggota Paguyuban Seni Dalang Muda Banyumas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran perempuan dalam seni diinterpretasikan dari sudut pandang agama dan budaya, sehingga dinamikanya beragam. Kontestasi agama dan budaya terkait dunia seni pedhalangan memberikan peluang besar bagi komunitas dalang perempuan Banyumas untuk lebih agresif menghadapi demam Islamisasi yang semakin marak, yang seringkali meminggirkan budaya lokal yang terkadang dianggap tradisional dan selalu identik dengan bid'ah. Di sisi lain, fenomena dalang perempuan yang dimainkan oleh perempuan muda di Banyumas merupakan bagian dari upaya melestarikan budaya leluhur yang semakin memudar di permukaan. Setidaknya untuk melestarikan budaya lokal, memelihara dan menghasilkan produk budaya, menciptakan agen budaya, dan berupaya membangun karakter bangsa.
The Existence of Women in the Traditional Rituals of the Jatilawang Bonokeling Community in Banyumas Regency Arauf, Muta Ali
International Journal of Social Science and Religion (IJSSR) 2023: Volume 4 Issue 3
Publisher : Indonesian Academy of Social and Religious Research (IASRR)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53639/ijssr.v4i3.187


This research aims to explore the existence of women in the procession of perlon unggahan ritual, one of rituals in Bonokeling indigenous community. This research uses qualitative method with empirical or field research approach. Data collection methods were conducted by means of in-depth interviews, observations, documentations and literature studies. The results obtained indicated that women have a good role and position in the Bonokeling community. This happens because of the awareness of gender equality in Bonokeling community as a representation of egalitarian character. In traditional ceremonies in Bonokeling community, women have productive, reproductive, and socio-cultural roles. Women's interests in perlon unggahan rituals can be involved and carry out worship. For the Bonokeling community or breed, perlon unggahan has a very sacred value and becomes a spiritual path (worship charity). Women as nyai wadon kunci and so on (organizational structure of nyai wadon kunci), nyai wadon bedogol, and so on (organizational structure of nyai wadon bedogol). Their roles include (a) Nyai wadon kunci assisting the task of kyai kunci; (b) nyai wadon bedogol assisting the task of kyai bedogol; (c) women: carrying out tasks in the perlon unggahan’s tradition as specified.Keywords: women's existence, perlon unggahan ritual, Bonokeling community
Examining Prepaid Rent at Arisan Gadai in Review of Positive Law and Islamic Law (Case Study of PT Pegadaian Syariah Tbk) Kurnianingsih, Nurinawati; Siddiq, Achmad; Arauf, Muta Ali; Syufa'at, Syufa’at; Sutoyo, Wiwin
Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32507/mizan.v7i2.2600


The mechanism for the practice of gold pawn arisan at sharia pawnshops is increasingly rapid and in great demand, however this is the subject of a new problem in the concept of the application of prepaid rent which is set for the gold pawn arisan products offered. This research aims to understand how Islamic law views the status of down payments in pawn gatherings at the Purwokerto Syariah Pegadaian. The results of this research explain the issues of Sharia economic law on gold pawn products. The problem occurs with the provision of money being paid in advance. Basically, social gathering is a social system that leads to friendship within neighbors and between families. In Islamic Law, debt and receivables are a form of muamalah which is characterized by ta'awun (help) to other parties to meet their needs. Therefore, in this context, someone who provides debt must not take advantage of the goods owed. Debtors may not accept gifts or other benefits from debt borrowers. The money is paid in advance on the guarantee of a gold pawn gathering, which if you intend to help, you should be sincere and not impose additional burdens on returns, but there are business practices. This creates a bad image for Sharia banking if the down payment provisions become a negative thing in Sharia economic law.