Prasetyo, Martinus Eko
Bunda Mulia University

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Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa April 2022
Publisher : Prahasta Publisher (manage by: DRPM Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v5i2.1036


The design of this work was made with the aim of increasing the enthusiasm of children aged 5-8 years to read and providing insight into the history of the Neolithic Age by using a 2D illustration approach so that visuals can look more fun and not boring for students. Because not many students aged 5-8 years are interested enough in learning about history but most of the history books nowadays look boring with too many texts. The need for a media book that is able to make students interested in learning, therefore with this illustration book it is hoped that it can make it easy for children to understand and understand history lessons because this illustration book uses sentences that are easy for children to understand. 5-8 years. The research method was carried out by conducting interviews with informants, distributing questionnaires, and collecting and reading literature. The final result of this design is a 2D illustrated history story book using a family approach so that children can feel close to the storyline and the characters in the illustrated stories in the book. This illustrated book generated a positive response to the students, because the appearance of the history learning book with an illustration style at least did not make them bored quickly to read. Of course, it is hoped that it can provide insight to children about the history of the neolithic era which can increase interest in reading for children aged 5-8 years.
Jurnal Titik Imaji Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Titik Imaji
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/titik imaji.v4i1.2802


Sejak pandemi berlangsung pada bulan Februari 2020 hingga saat ini terutama di Indonesia, banyak teater Bioskop ditutup dan tidak lagi diperbolehkan beroperasi oleh Pemerintah karena alasan menekan penyebaran Covid-19 dan demi Kesehatan masyarakat. Hal ini membuat banyak penggemar sinematografi berubah haluan untuk mencari hiburan dalam film, yakni salah satunya menonton serial drama dalam platform Netflix. Netflix menjadi salah satu alternatif pilihan yang sangat diminati oleh masysrakat Indonesia untuk menikmati hiburan. Melihat hal ini, penulis ingin melakukan observasi langsung pada salah satu karya sinematografi terbaik yang ditayangkan di media digital Netflix, yang merupakan karya dari Jason Rothenberg, yakni film berjudul “The 100”. Film ini tidak hanya sekedar film yang hanya menceritakan tentang kehidupan manusia, kemanusiaan, tetapi mengangkat mengenai kemajuan teknologi, dan seakan-akan akhir dari planet bumi karena peperangan dan kegagalan antar umat manusia dalam mengelola teknologi. Perjalanan panjang film ini menghadirkan komposisi film yang tidak biasa sehingga penulis yakin bahwa film ini bisa memberikan sudut pandang berbeda dari sebuah film drama fiksi ilmiah yang tentunya film ini ditayangkan di media digital yang menjadi salah satu favourite masyarakat di tahun 2020-2021 yaitu Netflix. Film "The 100" sudah sampai pada season 7 terakhir dirilis pada tanggal 20 mei 2020, selama enam tahun perjalanan dari film ini konsistensi dari gaya pengambilan gambar yang diterapkan menjadikan peneliti ingin melakukan obeservasi lebih jauh beberapa cuplikan scene penting akan karya Jason Rothenberg dengan menggunakan pendekatan komposisi dan the rule of third dari Paul Wheeler pada bukunya yang berjudul "practical cinematography" khususnya pada seluruh episode cerita pada season pertama. Dimana diharapkan dengan adanya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mengukur sampai sejauh mana dampak penyampaian pesan dan kesan yang dihasilkan dari penerapan komposisi terhadap sebuah karya film khususnya film "The 100" karya Jason Rothenberg.Kata Kunci:  Komposisi Sinematografi, Drama Fiksi Ilmiah, Media Digital
Jurnal Dimensi DKV Seni Rupa dan Desain Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Dimensi DKV Seni Rupa dan Desain
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2706.528 KB)


AbstractThe Children’s Storybook Design Review of “Chaka & Chiki: Knowing Lovebird”.For the people of Indonesia, keeping pets is a habit that does not subside. When thepandemic lasts, all activities outside the home when becomes home so that people fillit with positive activities. Lovebird is one type of pet bird that is currently popular aswell as to be contested and cultivated by the community. In addition to the melodiousand beautiful chirping sound, the color of the fur manages to make people’s eyesimmediately fall on you. The design of the work in the form of a children’s storybookwhich aims to provide information about lovebirds and increase awareness, especiallychildren aged 5-9 years who are grouped into growing ages of the importance ofkeeping pets, especially lovebirds, to develop active simulations in the form of love andhave responsibility height as a provision when growing up. This research method uses adescriptive approach to collect accurate data and information as a guide in designing achildren’s storybook both in conveying information in the form of stories, with the designmethod using illustrations with the schematic stage, which is a chart term referring tothe forms that made repeatedly. Through watercolor illustrations and the use of Chaka& Chiki’s character approach as the main store, this book is expected to attract readinginterest aged 5-9 years and as a medium for information on knowledge about pets,especially birds, through book information media with watercolor style illustrations.Keywords: lovebird, illustration, children’s book, book designAbstrakKajian Rancangan Buku Cerita Anak “Chaka & Chiki: Mengenal Lovebird”.Bagi masyarakat Indonesia, memelihara hewan peliharaan merupakan suatu kebiasaanyang tidak pernah surut. Saat pandemi berlangsung, seluruh aktivitas di luar rumahdialihkan menjadi di rumah sehingga masyarakat mengisi waktu luang dengan kegiatanyang positif. Lovebird merupakan salah satu jenis burung peliharaan yang sedangdigemari maupun untuk dilombakan dan dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat. Selain suarakicauan yang merdu dan indah, warna bulunya yang berhasil membuat mata masyarakatlangsung tertuju padanya. Perancangan karya berupa buku cerita anak yang bertujuanuntuk memberikan informasi mengenai lovebird serta meningkatkan kesadaranmembaca terutama anak-anak yang berusia 5-9 tahun yang dikategorikan ke dalamusia masa pertumbuhan akan pentingnya memelihara hewan peliharaan khususnyalovebird untuk menumbuhkan simulasi aktif berupa rasa kasih sayang serta memilikitanggung jawab tinggi sebagai bekal saat beranjak dewasa, apalagi saat ini masihrendahnya tingkat literasi masyarakat Indonesia dibandingkan dengan negara-negaralainnya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untukmengumpulkan data dan informasi akurat sebagai panduan dalam merancang sebuahbuku cerita anak baik dalam penyampaian infromasi dalam bentuk cerita, denganmetode perancangan menggunakan ilustrasi dengan tahap bagan (schematic stage) yangmengacu pada bentuk-bentuk yang diciptakan secara berulang-ulang. Lewat ilustrasi watercolor dan penggunaan pendekatan karakter Chaka & Chiki sebagai toko utama,buku ini diharapkan dapat menarik minat baca anak usia 5-9 tahun dan sebagai mediainformasi edukasi pengetahuan seputar hewan peliharaan khususnya burung lovebirdsekaligus sebagai wujud pelestarian hobi memelihara lovebird melalui media informasibuku dengan gaya ilustrasi watercolor.Kata kunci: lovebird, ilustrasi, buku anak, desain buku
Titik Imaji Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Titik Imaji
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/.v5i2.3333


Advances in digital technology have an influence on the world of photography, many general public have started to study photography as an embodiment of hobbies and creative expressions. Expression photography is an expression of the soul that prioritizes the expression of one's personal identity which will be expressed in a work of pure art. That photography is able to stand as a work of art because of the expression of meaning and part of the expression of work that is done by humans in this case as a photographer. Art photography is a photo that is a reflection of the soul, emotions of the photographer. Of course, the research emphasizes that it is important to express in your work but don't forget to apply a conceptual mindset and at least apply methods in the creation of photographic works as a basis for thinking so that the work can be strong in message and meaning. One genre of photography that can realize an expression is Water Drop photography using the freeze photography technique. The form of visual references as ideas in a visual water drop will resemble the imagination of the photographer in conveying a message to the audience, this is one of the beauty of the graphic art of water drop photography. Starting from the development of ideas that are trying to appear in the form of visual photography based on water splash photography references in previous research conducted by Syafriyandi in a study entitled SENSATION OF COLOR SPLASH IN EXPRESSION PHOTOGRAPHY WORKS. This research concludes that water drop photography is not only the embodiment of artistic expression, but can be explored into a beautiful form of graphic art that is desired as an embodiment of ideas and can even be arranged from the placement of composition as an emphasis on photography.
Titik Imaji Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Titik Imaji
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/.v6i1.3721


The progress of the world of photography in Indonesia has not only made photography a hobby, even photography has become a hobby that can produce both commercially and with prestige. Producing photographic works is not enough just to take a photo framing of an object in a sense (feeling), but an appropriate method is needed so that photography enthusiasts can practice it. This research focuses on the analysis of photographic composition through the study of composition according to "Brenda Tharp" in his book entitled Expressive Nature Photography, but what is interesting is that this research also examines the design composition. The development of photography in Indonesia, especially the works of a female photographer named Veronica Saver, really inspires novice photographers with her beautiful works to document many photos that have won prestigious awards. As one of the representatives of Indonesian photographers, Veronica Saver has succeeded in becoming one of the winners of GPA International Salon Photo 2021. This research will be carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner from several of Veronica Saver's photography works that have been published in GPA International Salon Photo 2021, the author wants to analyze to what extent the role of visual composition in photography as well as in visual design composition. It takes a study that can analyze this directly, which is expected to be a learning reference for beginner photographers in Indonesia.
BUKU DOKUMENTASI FOTOGRAFI “KELENTENG BOEN SAN BIO” Martinus Eko Prasetyo Kaparang; Shierly Everlin; Angelina Theresia Eva
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa April 2023
Publisher : Prahasta Publisher (manage by: DRPM Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v6i2.1197


The temple is a religious building which is a cultural heritage. Being a historical value of Chinese culture, the Temple is a place to honor the ancestors (ash house) and Gods and Goddesses with various kinds of typical Chinese ornaments as well as statues of Gods from Confucian beliefs complete with their distinctive weapons, an altar complete with a place to place incense for worship. Boen San Bio Temple was built in 1689 by Chinese traders. The purpose of designing this book is to introduce the wider community to the history of the construction of the Boen San Bio Temple, as well as to protect Chinese cultural heritage in Indonesia. This research uses descriptive and qualitative methods, research to find accurate information about the history, development, culture of the "Boen San Bio" temple building as well as factual and detailed architecture starting from the main part, to buildings on other sides such as the west side, east side, the north and south sides which maintain photography media to produce photography books in order to maintain one of the Chinese cultural heritage values ​​in Tangerang City in the form of the Boen San Bio Temple building. With the photography book, it is hoped that it will become documentation of introductory information about the Boen San Bio Temple for the first time in Indonesia.
Analisis Visual Dalam Fotografi Sejarah Kemerdekaan Indonesia Karya Alex dan Frans Mendur Martinus Eko Prasetyo Kaparang; William Sanjaya
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Bahasa Rupa Desember 2023
Publisher : Prahasta Publisher (manage by: DRPM Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v7i1.1357


Photojournalism can depict events that hold meaning. In Indonesia, the inception of photojournalism was led by Alex Mendur and Frans Mendur. Alex and Frans Mendur were photojournalists who captured images of events during the periods of independence, the New Order era, and the Reform era. Besides documenting these events, they also photographed the atmosphere and ordinary people after the independence period. This research aims to understand the role of composition in the photographic works of Alex and Frans Mendur and the extent to which composition was applied. To prove and understand this, the research is necessary. The theory used in this study is the photography composition theory proposed by Budhi Santoso. The research method employed is qualitative descriptive, utilizing the theories of Budhi Santoso and Paul Hill as analytical tools. Based on the analysis conducted, it is concluded that the photographic works of Alex and Frans Mendur employ various compositions. These compositions are used to guide the viewer's focus on specific parts of the image. Furthermore, these compositions highlight subjects such as heroic figures and landscapes, creating an impact within the images. This research is expected to serve as a reference in the field of basic journalistic photography, emphasizing the importance of applying visual composition in capturing a narrative moment, making it easier for the audience to understand and interpret the visual message being conveyed, a practice that dates back to the period of Indonesian Independence.
Titik Imaji Vol 7, No 1 (2024): JURNAL TITIK IMAJI
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/.v7i1.5168


Perubahan iklim dan peningkatan suhu global telah menjadi masalah yang mendesak bagi dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Emisi karbon berperan penting dalam perubahan iklim karena gas rumah kaca menahan panas di atmosfer dan menyebabkan pemanasan global. Akumulasi emisi karbon dioksida dan gas rumah kaca lainnya dalam atmosfer berdampak pada frekuensi bencana alam, peningkatan suhu global, perubahan cuaca yang ekstrem, naiknya permukaan laut, dan dampak ekologi yang serius. Meskipun banyak upaya  telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia dalam menurunkan emisi karbon, masih banyak masyarakat yang kurang menyadari urgensi masalah ini. Jakarta sebagai ibukota Indonesia, rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim akibat tingginya polusi yang dihasilkan dari transportasi berbahan bakar fosil. Kendaraan listrik dianggap dapat menjadi alternatif yang lebih bersih karena menggunakan energi terbarukan, tetapi masih kurang diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan penerimaan masyarakat terhadap dampak emisi karbon dan kendaraan listrik, diperlukan media informasi yang efektif dan menarik. Motion graphic merupakan salah satu media yang dapat menyampaikan informasi secara jelas dan atraktif. Maka, tujuan dibuatnya perancangan ini untuk menghasilkan rancangan berupa video informatif motion graphic sebagai media utama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, metode penelitia ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan menjelaskan secara lebih detail tentang permasalahan yang akan diteliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data dari observasi, studi pustaka, dan kuesioner untuk menangkap kebutuhan masyarakat terkait video informatif motion graphic. Metode perancangan pada penelitian ini menggunakan pipeline animation yang mencakup tahap praproduksi, produksi, dan pasca-produksi. Video animasi motion graphic dibuat dan gaya visual flat design dengan narasi yang disederhanakan agar dapat dimengerti oleh target audiens dengan pembahasan mengenai emisi karbon, dampak yang dihasilkan, dan alasan penggunaan kendaraan listrik sebagai solusi berupa keunggulan hingga dampak untuk masa depan. Perancangan video informatif motion graphic ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat mengenai emisi karbon dan penggunaan kendaraan listrik di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Motion graphic, Media Informasi, Emisi Karbon, Kendaraan Listrik