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IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Volume.6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/ihtiyath.v6i2.5269


IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT BASED ON SHARIA Abstract Purpose: This study aims to analyze the implementation and operational management of Sharia-based practices in Sharia laundry service businesses in Langsa City. Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative research with descriptive analysis is employed to examine the practices of Arransha Sharia laundry services. The study evaluates whether the operational management aligns with Sharia standards and identifies areas where improvement is needed. Findings: The research reveals that Arransha Sharia laundry services generally meet standard operating procedures, yet operational management falls short of Sharia-based principles. Negligence accountability remains a concern. In terms of thaharah (purification), the laundry fulfills Sharia elements by using holy water, segregating impure and non-impure clothes, and employing Sharia-compliant purification methods. Research limitations/implications: The study acknowledges limitations, particularly in operational management. Recommendations include revising Sharia-based Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for better alignment with Sharia standards. The laundry owners are advised to enhance their operational management, fostering confidence among the clientele. Practical implications: For Sharia laundry businesses to thrive, improvements in Sharia-based operational management are essential. The findings emphasize the need for laundry owners to revise SOPs, ensuring adherence to Sharia standards. The study also suggests government intervention with specific regulations for Sharia laundry services, given the Muslim-majority population in Langsa City. Keywords: Implementation, Sharia-Based Operational Management, Sharia Laundry Services. PENERAPAN DAN PENGELOLAAN OPERASIONAL BERDASARKAN SYARIAH Abstrak Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan dan manajemen operasional praktik berbasis Syariah pada usaha jasa laundry Syariah di Kota Langsa. Desain / metodologi / pendekatan: Penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk menguji praktik layanan binatu Arransha Sharia. Studi ini mengevaluasi apakah manajemen operasional sejalan dengan standar Syariah dan mengidentifikasi bidang-bidang di mana perbaikan diperlukan. Temuan: Penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa layanan laundry Arransha Syariah umumnya memenuhi prosedur operasi standar, namun manajemen operasional tidak memenuhi prinsip-prinsip berbasis Syariah. Akuntabilitas kelalaian tetap menjadi perhatian. Dalam hal thaharah (pemurnian), cucian memenuhi unsur-unsur Syariah dengan menggunakan air suci, memisahkan pakaian yang tidak murni dan tidak murni, dan menggunakan metode pemurnian yang sesuai dengan Syariah. Keterbatasan / implikasi penelitian: Studi ini mengakui keterbatasan, khususnya dalam manajemen operasional. Rekomendasi tersebut antara lain merevisi Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) berbasis Syariah agar lebih selaras dengan standar Syariah. Pemilik laundry disarankan untuk meningkatkan manajemen operasional mereka, menumbuhkan kepercayaan di antara pelanggan. Implikasi praktis: Agar bisnis laundry Syariah dapat berkembang, perbaikan dalam manajemen operasional berbasis Syariah sangat penting. Temuan ini menekankan perlunya pemilik laundry untuk merevisi SOP, memastikan kepatuhan terhadap standar syariah. Studi ini juga menyarankan intervensi pemerintah dengan peraturan khusus untuk layanan laundry Syariah, mengingat populasi mayoritas Muslim di Kota Langsa. Kata kunci: Implementasi, Manajemen Operasional Berbasis Syariah, Jasa Laundry Syariah.
Strategi Bisnis Kuliner Aceh: Transformasi Identitas Islami Melalui Inovasi Dan Komodifikasi agustinar, Agustinar; Sumarni, Mutia; Mufida, Laila
Al - Muamalat: Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah Vol 8 No 2 (2023): Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/muamalat.v8i2.7428


Abstract The aim of this research is to examine Aceh's culinary business strategy which emphasizes commodification and innovation in order to transform Islamic identity. Aceh's rich culinary heritage reflects the varied and diverse Islamic values that make it the home of Mecca. This study looks at how innovative menus, presentation and customer experience are used by Acehnese food companies to project a strong Islamic identity. This research methodology is qualitative with a descriptive analysis approach including direct observation of industrial operations, literature review, interviews with industry professionals in the culinary arts field, and documentation. The findings of this research show how creative culinary entrepreneurs in Aceh are actively implementing new ideas in preparing and serving food in a way that respects Islamic principles. In addition, the use of branding, MPU Aceh's halal certification, and the provision of places of worship all contribute to the commodification of Islamic identity and are important components of business strategy. The results of this research are that this change in Islamic identity is increasing the gastronomic appeal of Aceh, both among local people and visitors. This business plan is expected to uphold and preserve Aceh's Islamic culinary heritage and have a positive impact on regional economic growth. These results provide in-depth information for the growth of culinary businesses based on Islamic identity in a similar context. Keywords: Commodification of Identity, Business Strategy, Acehnese Culinary
Analysis Of Public Perceptions of Online Zakat Payments Through the Bank Syariah Indonesia Mobile Application Zuliani, Rafiza; Bayduri, Intan; Agustinar, Agustinar; Kamal, Safwan; Kumalahayati, Nur
Journal of Contemporary Applied Islamic Philanthropy Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): JCAIP
Publisher : Nuban Jagadhita Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62265/jcaip.v2i1.56


Purpose: This study aims to determine the online zakat payment procedures in the Bank Syariah Indonesia Mobile application and public perceptions and constraints related to online zakat payments through the Bank Syariah Indonesia Mobile application. Methodology: The method used is a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The informants in this study were the people of Gampong Meutia, Langsa Kota District. Findings: The results of the study show that public perceptions regarding online zakat payments through the Bank Syariah Indonesia Mobile application tend to lack trust and do not believe in the clarity of zakat distribution later and the public believes that direct zakat payments are far more effective because they can know the mustahik, in contrast to online zakat payments where the muzakki does not know for sure about the mustahik who will receive the zakat. However, it is different from the perception of the people who have used the BSI Mobile application in paying their zakat, where based on the experience they have, the perception created is that there is convenience from the BSI Mobile application in making zakat payments without having to provide a special time in fulfilling these Muslim obligations.