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Globalisasi:Intervensi kekuatan politik dan ekonomi dalam pembentukan hukum dan pengusahaan migas di Indonesia -, Sugiaryo -
refleksi hukum Refleksi Hukum
Publisher : refleksi hukum

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Abstract The relation of international economical and politic in globalization era is indeed very closely. Both of them have casual inter influencing and dynamic in their natures. Big and strong countries are much more provide their influences, seven frequently insisting on their intention using varied premises. The frequently proposed premised are in relation with human being rights. Conversely, small countries, developing countries and politically and economically weak countries are much more depending on global level. The oil and gas law establishment in Indonesia, United Stated through USAID, in cooperation with Indonesian governmental officers with the involvement of NGO, universities and media provide funds to arrange draft of Oil and gas acts year of 2000. The draft  of oil and gas Acts there after had stipulated to be the Acts No. 22/2001. In this Acts, there are orders from United States especially in Article 28 verse 2 in which confirming that prices of fuel and oil and also earth gas is delegated to health and fair business competition mechanism. For such importance, for it can be successful, then there also emerging a policy that each debt from IMF, World Bank and ADB had conditioned that the debtor must implement privatization, deregulation and fuel and oil subsidy cancellation to follow the market price. Although the acts No. 22/2001 had been stipulated, but in the implementation, specifically for article 28 verse 2 and 3, they have been experience obstruction due to Pertamina Unions had proposed accuasation to the court of Constitution on the violation of such acts with the article 33 of 1945 Constitution. And in the trial result by the Court of Constitution, the article 28 verse 2 and 3 had cancelled and having no legal authorization. The cancellation of the article by the Court of Constitution, in fact, is not giving obstruction for the United States wish to hold intervention because they keep try in substituting a new term, that is the term market price which by the Court of Constitution had been banned is replaced with the term economical price. It is shown from the governmental policy in 2005, 2007 and 2009 which stated the price increment on oil and fuel, especially subsidized premium. And if in last 1 December 2008 the price decreased. And decreased in 15 December 2008, they were due to the decrement of world oil price. Keywords : Globalization, intervention, political and economical power, law establishment and oil and gas business.
Kajian Regulasi Hukum Pidana Dalam Menangani Kejahatan Teknologi Informasi -, Sugiaryo -
serambi hukum Vol 4, No 2 (2010): serambi hukum
Publisher : serambi hukum

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Abstract The development of information technology, besides having positive impact, it also has negative ones. The positive impact is the trend on technological development with all human creativity forms and the negative one is the emerging crime modus in Cyber world. The existing instruments of positive crime code (KUHP) still has difficulties in handle the development of IT crime , especially in relation with system or evidential means ( article 184 KUHAP verse 1 character c which still has not been acknowledging computer data as the evident due to digital in nature). Additionally, there are several articles which are inappropriate to be implemented in IT crime, that is fine which are very light ( can be replaced with jail ) in IT crimes which can result in huge financial loss, even it can paralyze networking system. The emerging of the acts No. 11/2008 on electronic  information and transaction is expected to be able in providing secured, fair feeling and law authorization for the user and provider of informational technology and also able to overcome information technology crimes. Keywords: Regulation policy, crime code, information technology crimes .
Kejahatan di Bidang Perbankan dan lemahnya Pengawasan Bank -, Sugiaryo -
probank Vol 19, No 16 (2011): ProBank
Publisher : probank

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ABSTRACT The loose Bank supervision keeps the potency of crime in banking field to exits. Crime in banking field does harm a lot of people, because basically most of wealth managed by bank belongs to people. Effective supervision strategy that can be applied to minimalize crime in Banking such as: (1). In making regulation and policy must be oriented on observation result, involving experts and oriented on the market, (2). Bank supervision must be oriented on the risk and intensify and effectify supervision, (3). The role of Bank of Indonesia must be supervisor and sanction giver, (4). Law upholding must be srived for consistently and consequently so that it is able to minimalize moral hazard, (5). Supervision organization structure must be dynamic and oriented on the team work development, (6). Quality of supervision Human Resource must be on the basic of special skill. Keyword: crime, banking, bank supervision
Ratifikasi hak asasi manusia internasional dan ketaatan suatu negara dalam praktek -, Sugiaryo -
Widya Wacana: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 7, No 1 (2011): Widya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33061/ww.v7i1.473


AbstrakSebuah negara yang telah mengikatkan diri dengan cara meratifikasi perjanjian hak asasi manusia internasional, pada hakekatnya memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk memperbaiki praktek hak asasi manusia di negara yang bersangkutan. Namun demikian, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa negara yang telah melakukan ratifikasi terhadap perjanjian hak asasi manusia internasional tidak memiliki dampak positif secara langsung dan signifikan terhadap ketaatan negara dalam praktik hak asasi manusia, bahkan memiliki dampak negatif yang signifikan berkaitan dengan meningkatnya perilaku yang represif terhadap warganegaranya. Bagi negara yang warganegaranya menjadi anggota organisasi internasional non pemerintah akan lebih mungkin melindungi hak - hak warga negaranya dengan melalui sosialisasi dan intervensi kepada para pemimpin pemerintahan.Kata Kunci: ratifikasi hak asasi manusia internasional, ketaatan suatu negara dalam praktek hak asasi manusia
Hubungan antara ilmu dan filsafat -, Sugiaryo -
Widya Wacana: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 7, No 3 (2011): Widya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33061/ww.v7i3.472


AbstrakTugas ilmu adalah mempelajari gejala - gejala sosial melalui observasi dan eksperimen. Keinginan melakukan observasi dan eksperimen dapat di dorong oleh keinginannya untuk membuktikan hasil pemikiran filsafat yang cenderung spekulatif dalam bentuk ilmu yang praktis. Baik ilmu maupun filsafat, sama - sama mencari kebenaran. Kebenaran ilmu dibatasi hanya pada sepanjang pengalaman dan sepanjang pemikiran. Sedangkan filsafat menghendaki pengetahuan yang komprehensif, yakni luas, yang umum dan yang universal. Perbedaannya adalah bahwa ilmu bersifat posterior, kesimpulannya di tarik setelah melakukan pengujian - pengujian secara berulang - ulang. Sedangkan filsafat bersifat preori, kesimpulannya di tarik tanpa pengujian, sebab filsafat tidak mengharuskan adanya data empirik yang dimiliki oleh ilmu.Kata Kunci : Ilmu, filsafat, hubungan antara ilmu dengan filsafat
Penerapan pendidikan karakter di perguruan tinggi -, Sugiaryo -
Widya Wacana: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 6, No 3 (2010): Widya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33061/ww.v6i3.474


AbstractCharacter education is a value education, nature education, moral education, and character education aimed to develop the learner ability to provide good-bad decision, maintaining good things and ralizing virtue in daily life sincerely. Imperatively, university is one of character educational sites which interpreting nation`s character through three pillars of educational Three-deeds of University, they are education, research and public service, or through high educational unit of cultural development which reflected in daily activities in varied behavior constructs. Activities in educational sector includes curricular, cocurricular and also extracurricular. In curricular activity (in class,both real or virtual), the implementation of character education is implemented by holding an integrated approach on all subjects ( embedded approach). In co-curricular activity, they are out of class activities or out of related website directly on the subject matters, it must frequently held, such like activities in laboratories, studios, and also in public. While the extracurricular activity, they are educational unit activity with general in nature and not directly related with subject, such like talent, interest and creative innovative development activities. In research activity, the implementationof character education is held by the lecturer and or students by obeying the norms or rules /academic ethnics according to autonomous scientific principles. Public service is implemented by following institutional, scientific-deeds, deed-scientific, cooperation, sustainability, educative and development principles.Keyword : Implementation, character education, university
Pengeseran Kekuasaan Legislatif sebelum dan Setelah Amandemen UUD Negara RI 1945 Dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan -, Sugiaryo -
Exsplorasi Vol 23, No 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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Kemerdekaan dan Kemandirian Mahkamah Agung dan Mahkamah Konstitusi Dalam Kekuasan Kehakiman -, Sugiaryo -
Joglo Vol 23, No 1 (2011): Joglo
Publisher : Joglo

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ABSTRACT Universal principles of judiciary authority freedom covers such as personal independence, substantive independence, internal independence and institution independence as well. As it`s seen from normative dimension the freedom and independence of supreme court and constitution court as the ruler of judiciary authority in Indonesia has been in line with the universal principles of judiciary authority. As it`s seen from empirical dimension, freedom and independence of supreme court and constitution court as the ruler of judiciary authority hasn`t be done consistenthy. Keywords : freedom and independence of supreme court and constitution court, judiciary authority.
Pengeseran Kekuasaan Legislatif sebelum dan Setelah Amandemen UUD Negara RI 1945 Dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Sugiaryo - -
Exsplorasi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Eksplorasi
Publisher : Eksplorasi

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Kemerdekaan dan Kemandirian Mahkamah Agung dan Mahkamah Konstitusi Dalam Kekuasan Kehakiman Sugiaryo - -
Joglo Vol. 23 No. 1 (2011): Joglo
Publisher : Joglo

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ABSTRACT Universal principles of judiciary authority freedom covers such as personal independence, substantive independence, internal independence and institution independence as well. As it`s seen from normative dimension the freedom and independence of supreme court and constitution court as the ruler of judiciary authority in Indonesia has been in line with the universal principles of judiciary authority. As it`s seen from empirical dimension, freedom and independence of supreme court and constitution court as the ruler of judiciary authority hasn`t be done consistenthy. Keywords : freedom and independence of supreme court and constitution court, judiciary authority.