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Journal : TIMPALAJA: Architecture Student Journal

Kawasan Taman Baca Rekreatif Pendekatan Pada Arsitektur Hijau di Kota Palopo Supyan, Ahmad Hunain; Sahabuddin, Wasilah; Alfiah, Alfiah
TIMPALAJA : Architecture Student Journals Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): December
Publisher : The Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Alauddin Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/timpalaja.v2i2a3


Abstrak_ Kota Palopo adalah sebuah kota di provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. Kota Palopo memiliki jumlah penduduk sekitar 176.907 jiwa. Berdasarkan kuesioner peneliti menurut 55 responden usia 15-64 tahun, menunjukkan bahwa minat baca di Kota Palopo sangat rendah, masyarakat Kota Palopo tertarik dan memilih untuk menonton TV 61,8% dibandingkan membaca 38,2%. Masalah yang pertama, minimnya fasilitas seperti kelengkapan buku. Kedua, aktivitas membaca tidak terealisasi dengan baik. Ketiga, pesatnya generasi digital.Maka dari itu, perlunya pengembangan fasilitas baca bagi masyarakat salah satunya Taman Baca Kota Palopo. Taman Baca yang ada di Kota Palopo terletak di jalan Andi Djemma Kota Palopo memiliki luas lahan + 3.185 m2. Peneliti bermaksud merancang Taman Baca menjadi suatu Kawasan. Kawasan menurut UU No. 26 Tahun 2007 adalah suatu wilayah yang menjadi fungsi utama lindung atau budidaya, dalam hal ini yang dimaksud budidaya minat baca di Kota Palopo. Salah satu hal yang juga mempengaruhi indikator keberhasilan pembangunan Taman Baca untuk menarik minat baca publik, dilihat dari segi arsitektur melalui pendekatan desain. Dalam perencanaan dan perancangan Desain Taman Baca di Kota Palopo, peneliti menggunakan konsep Arsitektur Hijau. Pengambilan konsep berdasarkan salah satu agenda utama Pemerintah yaitu pembangunan Ruang Terbuka Hijau publik, yang menjadikan salah satu prioritas pembangunan di Kota Palopo.Kata kunci: Taman Baca; Rekreatif; Arsitektur Hijau; Kota Palopo. Abstract _ Palopo City is a city in the province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Palopo City has a population of around 176,907 people. Based on the researchers' questionnaire According to 55 respondents aged 15-64 years, showing interest in reading in Palopo City is very low, Palopo City people are interested and choose to watch TV 61.8% compared to reading 38.2%. The first problem, the lack of facilities such as completeness of books. Second, reading activity is not well realized. Third, the rapid generation of digital. So from that, the need for the development of reading facilities for the community is wrong Park Library in Palopo City. Park Library in Palopo City is located on Andi Djemma Street, Palopo City has a land area of + 3,185 m2. Read more about Park Library. Regions based on Law no. 26 of 2007 is the area that is the main place of protection or cultivation, in this case, which encourages reading interest in the City of Palopo. One of the things that also influences the development indicators of  Park Library to attract public reading interest, in terms of architecture through accessing design. In planning and designing the Reading Garden Design in Palopo City, researchers used the concept of Green Architecture. Taking the concept based on one of the Government's main agendas is the development of a community's Green Open Space, which makes one of the development priorities in Palopo City. Keywords: Park Library; Recreation; Green Architecture; Palopo City.
Redesain Stadion Nasional La Patau di Kabupaten Bone Iqbal, Nur; Sahabuddin, Wasilah; Alfiah, Alfiah
TIMPALAJA : Architecture Student Journals Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : The Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Alauddin Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/timpalaja.v4i1a7


Abstract_ Bone Regency is one of the regencies in South Sulawesi which has a community with a high interest in football, coupled with the existence of a professional football club and registered as a member of the second caste of the Indonesian League, namely PERSIBO which is headquartered in a stadium located in Bone Regency. or known as the La Patau stadium, it should be necessary to revamp and improve the facilities and quality of the stadium both physically, in function, and in future prospects as a place for sports education, recreation and business in Bone district. La Patau Stadium is a stadium located in Maccanang, Tanete Riattang sub-district, Bone district, South Sulawesi province. La Patau Bone Stadium is a stadium built by the Government of Bone Regency in 2006 with a capacity of around 4000-5000 spectators. Seeing the current condition of the stadium where the number of stands capacity is not up to standard, the number of parking available in the stadium is not directly proportional to the capacity of the audience, there is no available parking for the player and official team buses, and there are still many supporting facilities that are not available so it should be redesigned. to La Patau Stadium on the basis of consideration of making changes or additions and structuring the interior and exterior of the building, with the increase in the audience stands, the number of rooms or facilities will also increase as needed so that this stadium meets the standards set by the Asian and international football associations Keywords: Stadium, Lapatau, Bone Regency
Penerapan Arsitektur Vernakular Dalam Perancangan Kawasan Wisata Adat Kerajaan Bulutana Di Malino Gowa Melati Indira Adininggar; Sahabuddin, Wasilah; Amin, Burhanuddin
TIMPALAJA : Architecture Student Journals Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : The Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Alauddin Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/timpalaja.v5i1a7


The diversity of ethnic groups, customs and cultures, as well as natural beauty make Indonesia a country that has a lot of potential for tourist objects and attractions that are second to none compared to any other country in the world. From Sabang to Merauke along the equator from Miangas Island to Rote Island, it is integrated into the administrative area of ​​34 provinces inhabited by hundreds of ethnic groups. The tourism sector is increasingly strengthened by traditional wealth to its natural beauty. The customary area of ​​the Bulutana Kingdom has great potential for wide-open tourism development. Institutions and indigenous peoples who still exist are the main factors in developing the Bulutana Traditional Tourism Area as an established traditional environment. The design of the Indigenous Tourism Area uses a vernacular architectural approach, a vernacular architectural approach is used in the design because it can create harmony with the existing area both in terms of technique and the use of local materials. Additionally responsive to climate, site, and environment. It is hoped that the atmosphere of the past can be revived in the Bulutana Kingdom Traditional Tourism Area. So that it can become an area that is visited not only with the aim of taking a vacation but can add knowledge about culture and customs that have been lost.