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Finding Islam in Cinema: Islamic Films and the Identity of Indonesian Muslim Youths Hariyadi, H.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 51, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2013.512.443-473


This paper discusses Islamic films in Indonesia that have been a phenomenon since a decade. It is reported that Islamic films have been consciously produced to propagate Islamic lessons to the Muslim youths. The paper challenges the notion that young adults are passive recipients as proposed by some popular culture theorists. They did not merely become object of ideologies injected by filmmakers, and their responses were not an unquestioning acceptance. The research found that some Muslim youths have been ambiguous toward the emergence of Islamic films. Watching movie for Indonesian youths is an important way to construct identity, and they feel that there is a sense of religious ritual involved in film viewing, especially with Islamic messages. I argue that Islamic films help Indonesian young people to develop their own distinctive identity, being new sources of authority apart from parents, formal education, and friends. [Tulisan ini membahas film islami di Indonesia yang menjadi fenomena sejak satu dekade terakhir. Film-film islami sengaja dibuat untuk menyebarkan ajaran Islam dengan sasaran kalangan muda. Makalah ini menolak gagasan bahwa remaja adalah penerima pasif seperti yang diajukan oleh teori budaya popular. Mereka tidak hanya menjadi objek desakan ideologi pembuat film dan mereka juga tidak bisa menerimanya secara bulat. Sebagian pemuda muslim merasa ambigu menghadapi munculnya film-film Islam. Di sisi lain, menonton film menjadi media untuk membangun identitas diri dan dapat dirasakan sebagai bagian dari ritual agama, khususnya ketika menonton film yang mengandung pesan-pesan Islam. Dengan demikian, film Islam membantu pemuda Indonesia untuk mengembangkan identitas mereka sendiri dan menjadi sumber otoritas baru di luar orang tua, pendidikan formal, dan lingkungan pergaulan.]
Young People, Religion, and the Everyday Practice of Popular Culture: The Case of Urban Muslim Young People Hariyadi Hariyadi
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.334 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v16i1.10224


This article aims to reveal popular culture and religious practices of urban Muslim youth in everyday life. By utilizing interviews, focus group discussions, and participant observation to informants who are students in Jakarta and Bandung, especially the State University of Jakarta and Bandung Institute of Technology, this research showed that they had mixed views on popular culture, religion, and the relationship between them. On the one hand, they assume that the majority of popular culture has a negative impact toward religious practices. Popular culture reduced the time for someone to get closer to God. On the other hand, they cannot detach themselves from popular culture and consume it. In addition, they put religion as something that is not completely dogmatic but can be adjusted with the condition of individual believers, including young people. They can be said to be in the stage of knowing themselves and their religion, thus having the tendency to be moreĀ  open in accepting forms of popular culture that are not considered fully in accordance with their religious beliefs. Their consumption of popular culture and declaration of religion suggests that urban young people in Indonesia are aiming to be modern and pious at the same time. In doing so, urban Indonesian Muslim young people demonstrate that they do not exclusively belong to either Westernisation or Islamism; they are creating their own distinctive identity.
Pergeseran Makna Sesajen dalam Tradisi Sedekah Bumi di Desa Pekuncen, Kecamatan Jatilawang, Kabupaten Banyumas Sholikhul Ni'am; Elis Puspitasari; Hariyadi Hariyadi
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v4i1.7366


Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi untuk mencari jawaban tentang makna dari suatu fenomena. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pergeseran makna sesajen dalam tradisi sedekah bumi di Desa Pekuncen, Kecamatan Jatilawang, Kabupaten Banyumas. Hasil peenelitian menunjukkan bahwa sedekah bumi yang dilaksanakan di Desa Pekuncen tidak terlepas dari ritual sesajen yang dimaknai sebagai simbolisasi rasa syukur kepada Tuhan atas nikmat yang diberikan melalui alam dan seisinya. Sesajen yang digunakan dalam tradisi sedekah bumi tentunya memiliki beberapa komponen yang mengandung makna dan juga filosofi. Melalui penelitian ini terlihat bahwa sesajen dalam tradisi sedekah bumi mengalami pergeseran makna. Bagi sebagian masyarakat sesajen memiliki makna sebagai budaya yang diwariskan secara turun-temurun oleh nenek moyang, sehingga mereka melaksanakan sesajen semata-mata hanya melestarikan tradisi saja.
Analisis Bentuk dan Fungsi Sedekah Bumi di Desa Pekuncen, Kecamatan Jatilawang, Kabupaten Banyumas Sholikhul Ni'am; Elis Puspitasari; Hariyadi Hariyadi
Titian: Jurnal Ilmu Humaniora Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/titian.v7i2.28483


This research aims to analyze the form and function of earth almsgiving in Pekuncen Village, Jatilawang District, Banyumas Regency. This research includes qualitative research using a phenomenological model approach to find answers to a phenomenon. The findings show that it is not known when the earth almsgiving tradition was carried out in Pekuncen Village, because they carry it out based on instructions handed down by their ancestors. In its implementation, Pekuncen Village's earth almsgiving consists of several rituals which function as the most dominant symbols to show affection and gratitude to Allah SWT for the earth which has given life to the community. The ritual of giving alms to the earth is applied in several forms, namely pilgrimages, traditional ceremonies, offering rituals, and shadow puppet show entertainment. Earth alms has several functions, namely a religious function, an educational function, a togetherness function, a cultural preservation function, and an entertainment function Abstract Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk dan fungsi sedekah bumi di Desa Pekuncen, Kecamatan Jatilawang, Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan model fenomenologi untuk mencari jawaban dari suatu fenomena. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa tradisi sedekah bumi yang dilaksanakan di Desa Pekuncen tidak diketahui kapan awal mulanya, karena mereka melaksanakannya berdasarkan petunjuk yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang. Dalam pelaksanaannya, sedekah bumi Desa Pekuncen terdiri dari beberapa ritual yang berfungsi sebagai simbol yang paling dominan untuk menunjukkan rasa kasih sayang dan rasa syukur kepada Allah SWT atas bumi yang telah memberikan kehidupan bagi masyarakat. Ritual sedekah bumi tersebut diaplikasikan melalui beberapa bentuk yaitu ziarah, acara slametan, ritual sesajen, dan hiburan pertunjukan wayang kulit. Sedekah bumi memiliki beberapa fungsi yaitu sebagai fungsi religi, fungsi edukasi, fungsi kebersamaan, fungsi pelestarian budaya, dan fungsi hiburan.
Androgini pada Komunitas Cross-Dresser K-Pop Dance Cover Glacies Crew Fadhila Citra Permata; Hariyadi Hariyadi; Wiman Rizkidarajat; Arizal Mutahir
PADARINGAN (Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Antropologi) Vol 6, No 3 (2024): PADARINGAN : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi Antropologi
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/pn.v6i3.12382


The phenomenon of androgyny in Korean pop culture (Hallyu) has garnered significant attention in Indonesia, particularly within the K-Pop Dance Cover community, which evidently incorporates the androgynous trend into cross-cover activities or imitations of K-Pop idols through cross-dressing actions. This research aims to explore how Glacies Crew, a K-Pop Dance Cover cross-dresser community based in Malang, East Java, understands and interprets gender fluidity through the androgynous trend in its performative concept, specifically in the medium of cross-dressing. This study employs a descriptive qualitative method with deep interview data collection techniques, participatory observation, and document analysis. The selection of the Glacies Crew community as the research target is determined through purposive sampling. The research findings reveal that Glacies Crew members actively engage in androgynous performativity and express gender fluidity in their daily lives. Through preparation, practice, and performance processes, community members simultaneously adopt and internalize feminine and masculine characteristics, creating diverse and dynamic gender identities. The research findings also highlight the challenges faced by community members in negotiating their gender identities within a broader society. However, the support and solidarity within the community empower members to confront these challenges. This research contributes to academic discourse on gender fluidity and non-normative gender identities in the context of Indonesian popular culture. The study underscores the importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces for individuals and developing effective interventions to reduce stigma and discrimination against individuals with non-normative gender identities.