Sumino Sumino
Jurusan Kriya, Fakultas Seni Rupa, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

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CORAK Volume 1, No.1, Mei 2012
Publisher : CORAK

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This study to look at the changes the meaning of Singo Barong in the context of the past as understood by the public Cirebon in the present. In the time, the train experienced a period of transit which to change the context in which the material or object of art will have meaning. As a result of the frequent occurrence of changes in the context of the meanings are often subject to change. It is an art object in transition, experiencing a change of meaning as a result of changes in context. Change of meaning will evoke an emotional response when crossing cultural boundaries. Reading of documents or artifacts that are relevant necessary to achieve a deeper meaning and detail. Therefore anthropological perspective that links production and consumption of artifacts are not separated from the question of the culture, politics, religion and others. Borrowing the theory of "processual relativism" Svasek will bring an understanding of the art material in a different time and space. At least not with borrowed this theory will be obtained the values ​​behind the train characteristics. By finding the characteristics at a certain time and space will be acquired meaning, then what meaning it will be reviewed and compared. Such way of thinking is more easy to see the socio-cultural change at both the pattern of thought or social institutions Kasepuhan Cirebon palace. Singo Barong train its existence is equivalent to other objects stored in the Museum Kasepuhan Cirebon, such as gamelan, batik cloth, weapons, and so forth. Artifacts have the same weight value when used as a tool in the ritual. But the context has a different meaning, is associated with the constituent. From time to time, the meaning is changed, both in social and cultural areas. Religious meaning at the time of the kings was in power changed the fulfillment of the ritual or ceremonial, then change as the fulfillment of the economy and tourism. Keywords: Train Singo Barong, Svasek, Changes
Corak : Jurnal Seni Kriya Vol 10, No 2 (2021): NOVEMBER 2021
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v10i2.6412


The use of solid teak wood has always been the choice of casing manufacturers for communication technology tools. This type of teak wood has the requirements for durable class and maximum strength class. Other types of wood are considered less qualified, one type of wood is Mindi wood, whereas Mindi wood actually looks beautiful. In the digital era, various forms of manufacturing casings made of plastic are offered, of course, plastic materials have a negative impact on the environment and seem cheap. Wood is a solution for providing materials in the manufacture of environmentally friendly casings of exclusive value. In order to achieve an exclusive concept in the era of fashion trends, the right method is needed in its cultivation, so this design uses a method that includes several stages, including, a) Observation and analysis stage, b) The imagination stage consists of exploration and experimentation of techniques and materials. , c) The stage of developing the imagination which is focused on the maturation of the concept as a result of the evaluation of the problem, d) The stage of implementing the design decisions that are ready to be worked on. The above method is then called the method of creating Practice-Ied Research. The design achievements along with the current trend and fashion era emphasize the character and contemporary lifestyle, but will also display a sentimental character that seems nostalgic for the past. Tend to accentuate the ancient and exclusive impression that offers the uniqueness of the wood grain, this is often referred to as a retro style product.Penggunaan kayu untuk produk industri saat ini telah nyata mendukung peningkatan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) dari sektor non minyak. Hal demikian ditandai dengan maraknya beragam produk estetis ataupun fungsional oleh pelaku bisnis berbahan kayu. Sebagian besar para pelaku mengacu pada trend dan fashion yang mencerminkan karakter dan gaya hidup kekinian, tetapi jarang sekali menampilkan karakter sentimentil yang seolah-olah bernostalgia ke masa lalu. Penggunaan kayu jati solid kelas satu selalu menjadi pilihan sehingga mengabaikan kayu-kayu yang lain, padahal kayu Mindi justru tampak sifat lokalitasnya, sehingga cenderung menonjolkan kesan kuno dan eklusif yang menawarkan keunikan serat kayu.  Guna menuju pencapaian konsep kuno diperlukan sejumlah experiment dan metode yang tepat dalam penggarapannya, yakni: a) Tahap observasi dan analisis, b) Tahap imajinasi, c) Tahap pengembangan imajinasi, d) Tahap implementasi. Metode tersebut kemudian disebut dengan metode penciptaan Practice-Ied Research. Perancangan ini akan merealisasikan disain-disain kebaruan yang meliputi Commercial Casing untuk produk Information Technology. 
Corak : Jurnal Seni Kriya Vol 1, No 1 (2012): MEI 2012
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (800.492 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v1i1.2314


This study to look at the changes the meaning of Singo Barong in the context of the past asunderstood by the public Cirebon in the present. In the time, the train experienced a period oftransit which to change the context in which the material or object of art will have meaning.As a result of the frequent occurrence of changes in the context of the meanings are oftensubject to change. It is an art object in transition, experiencing a change of meaning as aresult of changes in context. Change of meaning will evoke an emotional response whencrossing cultural boundaries.Reading of documents or artifacts that are relevant necessary to achieve a deeper meaningand detail. Therefore anthropological perspective that links production and consumption ofartifacts are not separated from the question of the culture, politics, religion and others.Borrowing the theory of "processual relativism" Svasek will bring an understanding of the artmaterial in a different time and space. At least not with borrowed this theory will be obtainedthe values behind the train characteristics. By finding the characteristics at a certain time andspace will be acquired meaning, then what meaning it will be reviewed and compared. Suchway of thinking is more easy to see the socio-cultural change at both the pattern of thought orsocial institutions Kasepuhan Cirebon palace.Singo Barong train its existence is equivalent to other objects stored in the MuseumKasepuhan Cirebon, such as gamelan, batik cloth, weapons, and so forth. Artifacts have thesame weight value when used as a tool in the ritual. But the context has a different meaning,is associated with the constituent. From time to time, the meaning is changed, both in socialand cultural areas. Religious meaning at the time of the kings was in power changed thefulfillment of the ritual or ceremonial, then change as the fulfillment of the economy andtourism.Keywords: Train Singo Barong, Svasek, Changes
Magnetic Levitation Technology As An Object Floating Technique In Wooden Craft Sumino Sumino; Achmad Gilang Romadhon
Corak Vol 11, No 1 (2022): MAY 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i1.7510


Research and application of magnetic levitation have been expanded in electric motors, generators, radar monitoring systems, car-door central locks, and metal object towing devices. In the operation, the objects do not touch each other. The use of a magnet-based system that floats objects is called a levitation system. In earlier times, fine art had been comfortable with its structure. Consequently, it is not prepared to deal with electromagnetic technology systems. Magnetic levitation technology is the process of floating objects with a gravitational force that rejects or counteracts each other in a magnetic field. This research aims to provide innovations in applying magnetic levitation in designing fine artworks in Indonesia, mainly wooden crafts. The work was designed with eco-design methods. The magnetic levitation techniques have been widely applied in woodcraft art today. The process of floating objects in the air has the property of rejecting each other's components, while the use of permanent magnets sets the object's position stable. Wood material as an object medium is formed to resemble a flying bird stabilized by magnetic levitation techniques. This wooden crafts experiment featured objects spinning and hovering when exposed to the wind.