Damos Dumoli Agusman
Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia

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Jurnal Bina Mulia Hukum Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Bina Mulia Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran

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ABSTRACTThe provisions in Article 11 of the Constitution of 1945 and Laws of the International Treaties generally requires the "consent" of the House of Representatives (DPR) in the making and ratification of the treaty. The difference between the two is that the rules referred to in Article 11 of Constitution of 1945 does not specifically mention the form of approval, while the Laws of the International Treaties requires that the ratification of a treaty is done by Act or by Presidential Decree. The big difference in the process of ratification of the treaty to be applied in the national legal system of Indonesia, has been controversial, both among academics and practitioners, such as the theory of monism-dualism on International Law and National Law, the status of an international treaty into national laws of Indonesia, and the implementation of international agreements in Indonesia. This article is intended to explain the process of ratification of an international agreement, differences that occur, as well as the ratification of the treaty practice lasted this long.Keywords: international law, legislation, monism-dualism, treaties, ratificationABSTRAKKetentuan dalam Pasal 11 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dan Undang-Undang Perjanjian Internasional secara umum mensyaratkan adanya “persetujuan” dari Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) dalam pembuatan maupun pengesahan perjanjian internasional. Perbedaan antara kedua aturan dimaksud adalah bahwa dalam Pasal 11 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 tidak secara khusus mensyaratkan bentuk dari persetujuan dimaksud, sementara Undang-Undang Perjanjian Internasional mensyaratkan bahwa pengesahan perjanjian internasional dilakukan dengan Undang-Undang atau Keputusan Presiden. Adanya perbedaan tentang proses pengesahan perjanjian internasional untuk dapat diberlakukan dalam sistem hukum nasional Indonesia, akhirnya telah menimbulkan perdebatan, baik di kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi, antara lain teori monisme-dualisme tentang Hukum Internasional dan Hukum Nasional, status suatu perjanjian internasional dalam hukum nasional Indonesia, maupun implementasi dari perjanjian internasional di Indonesia. Artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan proses pengesahan suatu perjanjian internasional, perbedaan pandangan yang terjadi, serta praktik pengesahan perjanjian internasional yang berlangsung selama ini.Kata Kunci: hukum internasional, legislasi, monisme-dualisme, perjanjian internasional, ratifikasiDOI :  https://doi.org/10.23920/jbmh.v1n1.8 
The Courts and Treaties: Indonesia’s Perspective Agusman, Damos Dumoli
Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol 1, No 1 (2017): PJIL Volume 1, Number 1, January 2017
Publisher : Padjadjaran Journal of International Law

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AbstractThis article discusses the enforceability of treaties under Indonesian legal system. The purpose of this article is to explore and provide answers to the following questions: (i) whether or not international law may be directly invoked and enforceable under domestic legal system (ii) how and to what extent Indonesian courts are using international law especially the treaties. In providing analysis to the above questions, this article discusses the notion of courts and judicial competence and judicial attitude towards treaties. This article suggests that there is no doubt that the courts may apply treaty provisions to the case at hand without and by virtue of national legislations. However, the attitude of the courts towards treaties as demonstrated in a number of cases above does not reveal any clear indication on the question of the status of treaties under domestic law especially with regard to the method on how the legal system incorporates treaties under domestic law. The Court decision has therefore not yet contributed to the attempt for seeking a legal determination of the domestic status of a treaty as well as the mode for granting its domestic validity.Keywords: domestic validity, Indonesian perspective, monism and dualism, status of treaties, treaty practices.AbstrakArtikel ini membahas mengenai pemberlakuan perjanjian internasional dalam sistem hukum Indonesia. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini: (i) apakah hukum internasional dapat secara langsung dijadikan rujukan dan berlaku dalam sistem hukum domestik; (ii) bagaimana dan sampai mana pengadilan Indonesia menggunakan hukum internasional khususnya perjanjian internasional. Dalam memberikan analisis terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas, artikel ini membahas perihal pengadilan dengan kompetensi yudisialnya, dan perilaku yudisial terhadap perjanjian internasional. Artikel ini berkesimpulan bahwa pengadilan dapat menerapkan langsung perjanjian internasional terhadap perkara. Namun demikian praktik pengadilan dalam beberapa perkara yang terkait dengan perjanjian internasional belum memberikan indikasi yang jelas tentang kedudukan hukum perjanjian. Putusan Pengadilan oleh karena itu belum berkontribusi dalam upaya untuk mencari determinasi hukum terkait status domestik dari suatu perjanjian internasional dan cara pemberlakuan suatu perjanjian internasional dalam hukum domestik.Kata kunci: monisme dan dualisme, praktek perjanjian internasional, perspektif Indonesia, status perjanjian internasional, validitas domestik.
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of UNCLOS Legal Perspective: The Natuna Case Agusman, Damos Dumoli; Fatihah, Citra Yuda Nur
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The 25th Anniversary of UNCLOS was commemorated in early February in Jakarta, just one month after the Chinese fishing vessels and coast guard entered the Indonesia’s EEZ and exploited its natural resources. From the Indonesian side, this China’s encounter has indeed violated the Indonesia’s sovereign rights over its EEZ as well as the breach of Indonesia’s sovereignty by undermining and intervening in Indonesia’s right under international law in exercising legal enforcement in its own jurisdiction. Moreover, the Indonesian government has consistently and persistently rejected the nine-dash line claims by sending official protests through diplomatic notes. The protest also exerts Indonesia’s firm and clear position that Indonesia is not a claimant state to either the sovereignty or territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and therefore will not engage in any negotiation. Furthermore, Indonesia would never recognize the nine-dash line claim since it does not have a legal basis recognized by international law. In contrast, the Indonesia’s sovereign rights are guaranteed by the UNCLOS, as the Indonesia’s EEZ had been acknowledged and registered under the UNCLOS. At the same time, Indonesia will be increasing the frequency of patrols in Natuna waters, and fisheries activities as it is Indonesia’s rights. This Article attempts to identify and describe the Writers’ views over the Natuna case from the legal perspective. The responses of the Indonesian government against the claim are also briefly discussed.
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Since The Permanent Court of Arbitration issued its award on 12 July 2016 it have raised many controvertion. Almost all Submissions are decided in favour of the Philippines. The Award, as expected by many scholars, is not intended to solve the core dispute of the South China Sea ‘what maritime features belong to whom’, since the very nature of this kind of dispute is not under the Tribunal competence. The sovereignty over disputed features shall be left to the claimant States for the resolution. Nevertheless, the Tribunal Award has not only clarified the dispute but also partially solve the core dispute. The legal clarification is expected to contribute to future negotiations among the claimant States concerning the core (sovereignty) dispute. This Article attempts to identify and describe what has been changed by the Tribunal Rulings and what has been solved. The implication of the Ruling on Indonesia’s legal interest is also briefly discuss.
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article examines the concepts of self executing treaties and non-self executing treaties. These two concepts are inadvertently related to the dualist and monist theory of international law. They also relate to the question of direct applicability and municipal validity of treaties. This article will show that non-self executing treaties are not always analogous with the concept of dualism under international law. Likewise, treaties might presumably be self executing even in dualist states. It is therefore imperative to acquire an understanding of these two concepts by discerning and analysing them. Such understanding will provide clarity to the question of dualist transformation theory in regards to the municipal validity of treaties. berita politik nasional terkini aims to explore these two concepts, in particular their main ideas, how they relate and attempt to affect the theoretical problem of monism versus dualism with regards to treaties. This article traces the origins of the concept of self-executing treaties by examining it under American law and the European Union legal order as well as relevant decisions by international courts. This Article will then move to examine various scholars suggestion to establish criteria for non-self executing treaties
Status Hukum Perjanjian Internasional dalam Hukum Nasional RI Tinjauan dari Perspektif Praktek Indonesia Agusman, Damos Dumoli
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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It is always interesting to compare between academic analysis and practical matter in implementing treaties in Indonesia. This article tries to overview treaties and its relevant affairs from practical perspective which of course will enrich the discussion of treaty implementation and pinpoint what aspects should be further scruitnized.
Is the International Seabed Regime of the LOSC 1982 an Objective Regime Valid Erga Omnes? (Reviewing the Legal Status of Seabed from the Perspective of the Law of Treaties) Agusman, Damos Dumoli
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The paper discusses the relation between international law and domestic law in the context of Indonesia. The paper examines Indonesia’s viewpoints on international law by analysing the various stages in Indonesia’s history from its independence through the present times. The attitude of Indonesia toward international law since its independence as a sovereign state has been changing progressively, from hostility to friendly. berita terupdate saat ini in Indonesia, therefore, should shape its domestic legal system in such manner where international law acquires a proper legal status under it. It appears that the Indonesian legal system is not yet being developed into such direction.