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Indonesian EFL teachers’ content conceptualization and course organization: A portray of text-based teaching Triastuti, Anita; Riazi, Mehdi
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 9, No 3 (2020): Vol. 9, No. 3, January 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v9i3.23202


Frequent changes of Indonesian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) national curriculum have transformed EFL teachers’ role from that of serving merely as curriculum transmitters into curriculum adapters. Accordingly, this study intended to explore how a group of Indonesian EFL teachers conceptualize content and course organization as guided by the Indonesian national EFL curriculum. A qualitative multiple-case study (Miles, Huberman, Saldana, 2014; Stake, 2006; Yin, 2014) was employed to collect and analyze data. Purposive within- and cross-case sampling techniques were used to select six EFL teachers; three experienced and three inexperienced teachers of public junior high schools in the Special Territory of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sources of data included instructional curriculum design assessments and pre-lesson semi-structured interviews. Analysis of the data revealed these teachers’ content conceptualization focuses on blending texts and English language skills that characterize the implementation of text-based teaching in the Indonesian EFL context. Results of the data analysis for course organization showed teachers’ insufficient understanding of the selected organizing principles for teaching texts. Such understanding led to inconsistency between theory and practice. The findings of the study shed light on a misconception about implementing text-based teaching. Implications of the study address the need to equip Indonesian EFL teachers with both the conceptual and practical knowledge of implementing the methodology of text-based teaching.
Rhetorical styles of Introduction in English language teaching (ELT) research articles Rochma, Anis Firdatul; Triastuti, Anita; Ashadi, A.
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 10, No 2 (2020): Vol. 10, No. 2, September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v10i2.28593


Research articles have been considered as the primary media of knowledge production. Nevertheless, for some undergraduate students, writing a research article can be a challenging task since they need to be aware of its rhetorical styles. Even though previous studies have been conducted to reveal the rhetorical styles of scientific papers, yet tend to focus more on research articles obtained from well-established journals. Hence, this study aims to reveal the rhetorical styles and draw the rhetoric pattern from the introduction section of 73 research articles written by the undergraduate students of English Language Education (ELE) at a state university in Yogyakarta. This is a qualitative investigation whose data were collected by random sampling technique and went through Safnil’s (2013) four analysis stages. As the primary framework for analysis, the modified CARS (Create a Research Space) model (Swales Feak, 2004) was adopted. The results show that Step 2: Making topic generalization in Move 1 and Step 1B: Indicating a gap in Move 2 are the obligatory steps in writing the introduction section. Nevertheless, the results reveal that mostly undergraduate research papers lack 1 step in Move 1, 2 steps in Move 2, and 3 steps in Move 3. The omission of steps in the CARS model by these student-authors seems to happen due to two major factors, namely the scarcity of control over the writing process and linguistic resources, hence suggesting pedagogical implications for academic writing courses.
In-Service EFL Teachers’ Reflections on Their Instructional Practices: A Study in Indonesian Instructional Context Irvan Effendi; Anita Triastuti
Eralingua: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Asing dan Sastra Vol 6, No 1 (2022): ERALINGUA
Publisher : Makassar State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/eralingua.v6i1.23534


Abstract. Reflective teaching is a means to improve teacher professionalism. By applying reflective teaching, teachers can not only find out their strengths and weaknesses during teaching, but also re-examine their principles and beliefs. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which in-service EFL teachers understand the concept of reflective teaching, the reflection strategies they apply, and the obstacles that might hinder them in reflecting. This research is categorized as a descriptive-qualitative study which involved six junior high school in-service EFL teachers from four districts in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study administered 3 data collection techniques, which are in-depth interviews, stimulated recall, and close-ended questionnaires as the data triangulation. The findings indicated that of the six participants, only two had heard or knew about the term reflective teaching. However, they have integrated reflection to their teaching practice and showed their ability to reflect within the level of dialogic reflection. Descriptive writing as the lowest level serves as their point of departure before they came to the higher levels (descriptive reflection and dialogic reflection). There was no evidence to show that the participants had reached the highest level of reflection, which is critical reflection. Further examination found that there were two major issues that hindered participants from reflecting, i.e. their lack of knowledge about the concepts and strategies of reflective teaching and a heavy number of administrative workload which reduced their reflection time.Keywords: Reflective Teaching, EFL, Reflective Practice, Reflection
EFL Teachers' Experiences During the Pandemic: Stories From Rural Area in Tungkal Ilir District Pahrozi Ahmad; Anita Triastuti
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education) IJEE (INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH EDUCATION)| VOL. 8 | NO.2 | 2021
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ijee.v8i2.22409


ABSTRACTThis article explores the implementation of online learning by English teachers in the age of the coronavirus pandemic in the Tungkal Ilir district, West Tanjung Jabung Regency. This article examines two research questions: (1) How do EFL teachers describe their practices and perceptions of online learning during the pandemic, and (2) What challenges EFL teachers face while implementing online learning during the pandemic. In this small-scale qualitative study, three English teachers took part. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather information. The result revealed that teachers in remote areas used social media and digital platforms to carry out their online teaching. On the other hand, these teachers had some issues incorporating online learning. The problems can be divided into two categories: (a) unfamiliarity with the platforms and (b) inability to respond to students quickly. In addition, some suggestions are also given for further researchers to conduct a similar study. ABSTRAKArtikel ini membahas tentang implementasi pembelajaran online oleh guru bahasa Inggris di era pandemi virus corona di kecamatan Tungkal Ilir, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat. Artikel ini membahas dua pertanyaan penelitian: (1) Bagaimana guru EFL menggambarkan praktik dan persepsi mereka tentang pembelajaran online selama pandemi, dan (2) Apa tantangan yang dihadapi guru EFL saat menerapkan pembelajaran online selama pandemi. Tiga guru Bahasa Inggris diambil sebagai responden dalam studi kualitatif skala kecil ini.  Wawancara semi terstruktur digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru di daerah terpencil telah menggunakan media sosial dan platform digital untuk melaksanakan pengajaran online mereka. Disisi lain, guru memiliki beberapa masalah dalam penerapan pembelajaran online. Masalah dapat dibagi menjadi dua kategori: (a) ketidaktahuan dengan platform dan (b) ketidakmampuan untuk merespon siswa dengan cepat. Selain itu, beberapa saran juga diberikan bagi peneliti selanjutnya untuk melakukan penelitian serupa.
Diksi Vol 12, No 1: DIKSI JANUARI 2005
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (19857.775 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/diksi.v12i1.7006


Evaluation of English language materials: One junior high school in Yogyakarta Godlove Elioth Kiswaga; Anita Triastuti
LingTera Vol 5, No 2: October 2018
Publisher : Department of Applied Linguistics, Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (367.104 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/lt.v5i2.22317


Teaching language in this global era demands mostly the creativity of the teachers, this is because in 21th century, students need to be critical thinkers, creative, communicative and collaborative. Therefore, the creativity of the teacher is manifested by evaluating    the multiple resources and adapting or adopting them based on the contextualized learning situation including individual differences, styles and learners needs. It is also essential for the teacher to integrate the four macro skills in teaching language in order to make the students more communicative and collaborative. Hence, this paper presents the evaluation of the language teaching resources before and during applying them to the classroom contexts. The data were collected by document review, classroom observation and interview with the secondary school teacher. The data were analyzed qualitatively through interactive model. There is variation of the results based on the techniques of data collection. The interview    shows that theoretically the teacher is creative to make the materials for students. Meanwhile, the observation and document review findings show that there is a need of improvement on the way to evaluate and use the English materials based on the context. Finally, we suggest that the theoretical knowledge from interview should be implemented practically in class and in evaluating the textbooks in order to adopt or adapt by adding or removing some materials to make English textbooks match with students contexts.
The Relationship between Learners’ Starting Age in Learning Second Language and Their Choice of Language Learning Strategies (LLS) Dian Palupi; Anita Triastuti; Laser Romios
Eralingua: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Asing dan Sastra Vol 5, No 2 (2021): ERALINGUA
Publisher : Makassar State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/eralingua.v5i2.18272


Abstract. Age and the choice of language learning strategies (LLS) have similarities with the relationship between the aspects of individual differences, social factor, and the LLS itself. This study aimed to investigate whether and how the learners’ starting age in second language learning affects their choice of LLS. 94 ESL learners of two age-based groups were involved in this study. A translated version of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) version 7.0 proposed by Oxford and an interview guideline were used in data collection. Such version covers 50 statements designed for the learners of English as a second and foreign language. The SILL identified the learners’ strategy by asking them to give a response to a series of strategy statements. The data were then analyzed through inferential statistics. The results of the study revealed that learners’ starting age in second language learning affects their choice of LLS due to their different goals in learning English. The early-starting learners generally learn English to communicate properly while the late-starting learners do the same for specific purposes, such as for working and for studying abroad. Keywords: Starting Age, Language Learning Strategies, Second Language Acquisition
Voicing the challenges of ESP teaching: Lessons from ESP in non-English departments Luluk Iswati; Anita Triastuti
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.149 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v8i1.17301


Along with the growing practice of teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in non-English departments of tertiary education, it is essential to investigate the challenges faced by ESP teachers. It can be a basis for proposing policies for the improvement of ESP practice. This study was driven by the fact that ESP classes in non-English departments are allocated limited credit hours, and the teachers are generally General English teachers with no experience and training in teaching ESP. Thus, this study attempted to investigate the fundamental challenges faced by ESP teachers in one state and four private higher education institutions. The data of this qualitative study were obtained through interviews with five ESP teachers. The interview questions were mainly concerned with the knowledgeability and competence in teaching related to subject-specific contexts, adequacy of ESP training, needs analysis, and classroom condition. The findings reveal that the evident challenges encountered by ESP teachers were: lacking knowledge on students’ field of study, lacking of ESP training, lacking of proper needs analysis, large classes, and various learners’ English competencies. The findings of this study suggest that policymakers (stakeholders) should pay more attention to the practice of ESP teaching, especially in non-English departments, by reforming policy in order to minimize the problems faced by ESP teachers and to improve the practice of ESP teaching.
Indonesian EFL students’ perceptions of effective non-native English teachers Ummi Zurrahmi; Anita Triastuti
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 9, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.872 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v9i1.21720


Effective non-native English teachers (NNETs) are essential to facilitate students to develop their English mastery. However, while students are directly affected by teachers’ instructions, they have been limitedly involved in teacher education and development research. The current study aims to explore the qualities of effective non-native English teachers (NNETs) from students’ perspectives in Tanjungpinang, Indonesia. This study was mixed-method research specifically an explanatory sequential design. In the quantitative phase, 380 students were selected using cluster sampling techniques. Meanwhile, in the qualitative phase, six students were purposely selected based on their English proficiency levels and gender. The instruments used were a questionnaire adapted from Park and Lee (2006) and an interview guide. To analyze the questionnaire data, descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were employed. MANOVA test was run to seek significant differences by students’ gender and English proficiency levels. Meanwhile, the qualitative data were coded to identify the emerging patterns. The results show that the qualities concerning teachers’ socio-affective skills gained the highest mean scores compared to those concerning teachers’ subject matter knowledge and pedagogical skills. This study also confirms that there was a significant difference among students in perceiving effective NNETs by English proficiency levels. This study is expected to help various stakeholders to improve pre and in-service EFL teacher education and development in Indonesia.
Online Communicative Speaking Tasks to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skills Shafira Adhelia; Anita Triastuti
IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/ijeltal.v7i2.1365


This study aimed to know whether the use of online communicative speaking tasks can enhance the speaking skills of the ninth graders of a private junior high school in Mungkid, the Province of Central Java, and how well their speaking skills improved. This research was action research that was divided into four stages. Those were reconnaissance, plan, action and observation, and reflection. The research involved 24 students in 9A class of a private junior high school in the academic year of 2022/ 2023. The research was done in two cycles, consisting of eight meetings. The data of the research were collected through quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were from speaking tests and questionnaires. Meanwhile, the qualitative data were obtained from interviews and observation. The quantitative data were analyzed by comparing students' mean scores that were gained from students' speaking performance pre-test and post-test. The qualitative data analysis employed Miles, Huberman & Saldana's (2014) interactive model that consists of data condensation, data display, and drawing and verifying conclusions. The research findings showed that using online communicative speaking tasks effectively enhanced students’ speaking skills and engagement. The result of the post-test showed that there were consistent improvements in students' mean scores in pre-cycle (10.48), cycle I (13.69), and cycle II (18.50). The total improvement from pre-cycle to cycle II was 8.02 points. It indicated that the students had improved in some aspects of speaking skills.