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Journal : Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Upaya Pencegahan Anak dari Pengaruh Minuman Keras Dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perlindungan Anak: Tinjauan Dudu Duswara M; Dani Durahman
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 19, No 2 (2019): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (383.897 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v19i2.689


The current rise in alcoholic trade, in small roadside stalls, even among them has been openly trading alcohol. This results in the ease with which people get liquor. Including the alcoholic trade which is not accompanied by knowledge of the type of alcoholic beverage itself. Many of them do not understand the type of alcohol they can drink or not. Circulation of liquor at this time has not been handled properly, due to the lack of law enforcement against liquor sellers, so that with the easy sale of liquor that is still running it results in children who participate in becoming consumers and consuming liquor so that it has a negative impact on child growth and development. The number of alcoholic parties is certainly not just happening, the ease of people getting liquor makes some people easily drink alcohol. If we look at a number of events, this alcoholic party is carried out by a group of elderly people to high school children who are only a dozen years old. This happens because people can buy liquor easily at convenience stores. The ease of access to liquor is then one of the factors supporting the many alcoholic party events in the community. Another supporting factor from the rise of alcoholic parties in the Cigending Village community is the circulation of illegal alcohol in the community. One of the behaviors of children who reach adolescence is to show their true identity to friends or the environment, with environmental behavior that is not good and is not well cared for by the family can be excessive. In general, teenagers want to be recognized and get special treatment. Negative relationships that influence the use of liquor among teenagers. Liquor can damage the development of child development so there is a need for efforts to protect children from the bad influence of hard miniman as an effort to implement Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. The task of controlling this is in accordance with what is mandated by the Food Law, where the National Police has the right and obligation to control illegal alcoholic drinks without permission in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Efforts to control illegal alcoholic beverages will greatly affect the decline in the incidence of alcoholic drinks because according to several events, people who carry out alcoholic drinks are usually from the lower middle class
Aspek Hukum dalam Penyelenggaraan Bisnis Perhotelan Hernawati RAS; Dani Durahman
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 20, No 3 (2020): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v20i3.1093


The development of the law as part of a national development known as law reform is carried out thoroughly and integratedly. The hospitality business is growing rapidly as the economy develops, within the restrictions on the scope of the Hotel's business, there is a legal device that regulates the permit and protection of consumers. Hospitality businesses that do not have amdal permits Environmental law enforcement can be done by sanctioning administrative sanctions. Administrative sanctions, settlement of environmental issues outside the court and even criminal sanctions have been stipulated in Law No. 32 of 2009. The aspect of protection to Hospitality Consumers must be in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 8 of 1999, hospitality business must provide legal certainty in providing protection to consumers where currently there are still many hotels that do not provide information about consumer rights and obligations and the development of social responsibility (social responsebility). 
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 16, No 2 (2016): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.048 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v16i2.9


The functionsand tasks ofthe national policeset upby article13of law No.2of 2002onthe police forcethat iskeeping thesecurityand orderof society,enforce the law,and provide protection,shelter, and serviceto the community.Froma series of tasksthat isone of the tasksthe policeenforce the law,police andlaw enforcement agenciesasauthorizedin the processof investigationthatiscentralor "Gates" in terms oflawenforcement,investigatorshavespecialauthoritycomparedto othermembers ofthe national policeasa law enforcementand may becategorizedas organizerof the Statein accordance withthe provisions of article27figuresand explanations oflawNo. 28of 1999about theorganizers ofa country thatis clean and freeofCorruption,CollusionandNepotism, soagainstinvestigatorswho commitperversion andiniquitycan be applied tospecificcriminal sanctionsoutside ofthe Criminal Code (LexSpecialists)i.e.criminal sanctionsfor corruption.In terms ofenforcement of thelawaninvestigatorsuedprofessional andhasa very highdue tointegrityin performingthe task ofinvestigatorsprone/ susceptibleof occurrenceofirregularitiesin the form ofpracticesof corruption,CollusionandNepotism.The condition ofhuman resourcesInvestigatorscurrentlyare stillmany who have notfollowed thevocational educationReserse, actingbased onexperience orhabitis notbased on thelegislationin force, andthe presence ofinterventionsupervisor/ leadershipso thather independencewas stillunquestionable.Irregularitiesare stillcarried out byinvestigatorsinclude:changing thearticle orevidencethatthere has been,to use theevidencetoprivateinterests,favorsin the casewhich is beingdealt with, abuse ofauthority,andwoulddo violence toimposerecognition, directingorinterventionagainst thewitnesses andexpert witnessesin givinginformationand stillthe presence ofthe personinvestigatorswho receivedbribes.Investigatorswho commitperversion andiniquitycan besubject toappropriatedisciplinary actionPPRINo. 2of 2003about disciplinary rulesmembers ofthe national police,the code of ethicsof the professionofsanctionsbased onRegulationNoAssistant.Pol7in 2006 aboutthe code of ethicsof the professionofPolicedansanksicriminalcorruptionin accordance witharticle 1paragraph (1)subc,and article5,article 6,article 11andarticle 12of law No.20of 2001aboutthe eradication ofcriminal acts ofcorruption.Keyword : sanctions,diversion