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Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Vol 1 No 01 (2012): January 2012
Publisher : UII

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Intense competition from synthetic fibers has affected the production of natural fibers all over the world. Of the total global fiber production of 50,88 million tones, according to annual report available for the year 2007 natural fiber contributed about 57%. This share came down further 52% in 2008 and since 2009 increases significantly. Empowerment of social economic program must be able to conduct public economy which based at country town. These programs must be able to achieve seven goals, such as net export income and rising public income; founding industrial structure based on the strength of small-medium enterprises; founding the foundation of economic transition to industrial age by developing forces of agro-industrial and agribusiness; achieving global competitive advantage by increasing productivity; innovation; and effective (appropriate technology) dissemination; increasing quality(global standards); creating high economic activity and keep sustainable quality environment. Natural fiber (pineapple leaf) industry is one of Indonesia is industrial sector which was identified having the ability to achieve these goals. Several reasons are pointed out, such as that Indonesia has greatest agro-fiber planted areas the for example pineapple, agave(sisal),ramie, kenaf and henemp, so that for the future Indonesia will get 10% natural fiber production share in the world. So that the National Natural Fiber Industry has strategic position and high prospect will be developed at the future. This paper present discuss and describe to support The Indonesian Natural Fiber Industry Development Program, such as mapping Natural Fiber Development areas based on the potency of natural fiber (agro-fiber) production and planted area; analysis of industrial scales, structure of industrial development and feasibility study. Finally, this paper describe state industry of natural fiber development strategy and stated strategy recommendation to stakeholders. Keywords: agro-fiber, empowering, natural fiber industry, appropriate technology, pineapple
Potensi Tapioka Sebagai Agen Biosizing Pada Benang Kapas Asmanto Subagyo; Tuasikal Mohammad Amin
Dinamika Kerajinan dan Batik: Majalah Ilmiah Vol 32, No 1 (2015): Dinamika Kerajinan dan Batik
Publisher : Balai Besar Kerajinan dan Batik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22322/dkb.v32i1.2641


ABSTRAKProses penganjian (sizing) adalah proses melapis benang-benang yang akan ditenun dengan campuran  bahan kimia tertentu agar benang-benang tersebut menjadi tahan terhadap abrasi dan mampu  ditenun  dengan baik sesuai dengan hasil yang diharapkan. Benang kapas mudah putus saat ditenun, sehingga diperlukan sizing untuk meningkatkan weaveability. Tapioka berpotensi menjadi agen biosizing yang  lebih ramah lingkungan serta ekonomis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi kanji pada nomor benang kapas Ne 50, Ne 32, Ne 21 ,Ne 20, Ne10 dan Ne 7 serta mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik benang kapas, sehingga dapat ditentukan nilai optimalisasi penggunaan tapioka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan perlakuan penganjian variasi konsentrasi kanji yaitu 10 g/l, 20 g/l, 30 g/l, 40 g/l dan 50 g/l pada beberapa nomor benang kapas, pasta pati yang terbentuk diukur viskositasnya. Evaluasi benang yang telah mengalami proses sizing berupa kadar kanji terserap, kuat tarik benang dan elongasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sizing benang kapas dengan kanji konsentrasi 20 g/l menghasilkan kuat tarik yang paling optimum pada benang bernomor Ne 50, Ne 32 dan Ne 21 dengan nilai viskositas 36,33 cP. Sedangkan pada benang Ne 20, Ne 10 dan Ne 7, penganjian benang dengan konsentrasi 30 g/l menghasilkan kuat tarik yang paling optimum dengan nilai viskositas 66,83 cP. Variasi konsentrasi kanji mempengaruhi kadar kanji terserap dan kuat tarik benang, nilai elongasi benang secara umum tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan setelah benang mengalami sizing. Kata kunci: sizing, tapioka, benang kapas, kanji, kain ABSTRACTSizing is the process of coating the yarn that will be woven with particular chemical treatment in order to make the yarn become resistant to abrasion and has good weave ability. Cotton yarn is easily broken when woven, so sizing is required to improve the weave ability. Tapioca potentially becomes biosizing agent that is more environmentally friendly and economical. The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of tapioca which gave optimal characteristics on Ne 50, Ne 32, Ne21, Ne 20, Ne 10 and Ne 7 cotton yarns, and to know the effect of concentration of starch in sizing process on characteristics of cotton yarns. In this research, some numbers of cotton yarn were sized with different variation of starch concentration. The variations were 10 g/l, 20 g/l, 30 g/l, 40 g/l and 50 g/l, viscosities of the gelatinized starch was measured. Absorption levels, tensile strength and elongation from sized cotton yarns were analyzed. The result showed that sizing with starch concentration of 20 g/l gave the optimum tensile strength on Ne 50, Ne 32 and Ne 21 cotton yarn with value of viscosity was 36,33  cP. On Ne 20, Ne 10 and Ne 7 cotton yarn, sizing with starch concentration of 30 g/l gave the optimum tensile strength with value of viscosity was 66,83 cP. Variations in the concentration of starch have significant effect on starch absorption and tensile strength, elongation do not have significant relation on sized yarn. Keywords: Biosizing, tapioca, cotton yarn, starch, woven
Tanaman Rami sebagai Bahan Baku Tekstil Alternatif dan Kemungkinan Pengembangannya di Indonesia Asmanto Subagyo
Unisia No. 15: Tahun XIII Triwulan IV 1992
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v0i15.5296


Indonesia Cotton Situation after Deregulation Efforts Asmanto Subagyo
Unisia No. 20: Tahun XIII Triwulan IV 1993
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.v0i20.5356

