M. Zulfa Aulia
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jambi

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Relevansi Bagian Warisan Sepertiga untuk Ayah dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam Aulia, M. Zulfa
Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 26, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Kontekstualita: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan

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This paper proposes the legal argumentation about legal basis of a father’s shares in the family inheritence (waris) as ratified in the Indonesia’s Compilation of Islamic Law. Using Islamic Law theoretical framework, it challenges the popular misconception that is expressed in the compilation that a mother and children have one-third shares after father’s shares was given. Under this mode of thought, it is assumed that father’s and male family member’s shares are bigger that that of mother’s and female family member’s. In fact, it argues that the shares for all members of the family are the same: one-third.
Masalah-Masalah Hukum Vol 49, No 4 (2020): MASALAH-MASALAH HUKUM
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mmh.49.4.2020.420-431


Hukum tentang hak cipta memungkinkan seorang pencipta untuk mengontrol dan memonopoli eksploitasi penggunaan ciptaannya dalam bentuk pengumuman dan perbanyakannya. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi sekaligus menjelaskan, dalam hal ciptaan itu berupa lagu daerah dalam hal ini lagu daerah Kerinci, bagaimanakah pencipta memaknai hak cipta dan eksploitasi suatu ciptaan. Tulisan ini berasal dari penelitian hukum empiris, dengan analisis terutama pada data primer berupa hasil wawancara dengan pencipta lagu daerah Kerinci. Tulisan ini menunjukkan, hak cipta bagi pencipta lagu daerah Kerinci dipahami tidak selalu tentang hak dan eksploitasi ekonomi, melainkan lebih pada kepuasan, pengakuan, dan kontribusi yang diberikannya kepada masyarakat dan daerah. Karena itu, sekalipun sangat terbatas kalaupun ada keuntungan ekonomi yang diperoleh, pencipta mendapatkan kebanggaan tersendiri.
Perlindungan Hukum Ekspresi Kreatif Manusia: Telaah terhadap Perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual dan Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional M. Zulfa Aulia
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 14 No. 3 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

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The discourse on the protection of the intellectual property rights (HKI) and the expression of traditional culture, is actually a discourse on the legal protection towards  the expression of human’s creativity.  Both  of the intellectual property rights (HKI) and the expression of traditional culture are  a form of the expression of human’s creativity, with only the difference between them is in the novelty. It is understood therefore, that there is dialectical relation between them on the legal protection towards  the expression of human’s creativity. In such dialectical relation, the legal protection should also be addressed  to the traditional culture, not merely on nowadays human creativity.
Politik Hukum Pembentukan UU Paten di Indonesia: Industrialisasi, Liberalisasi, dan Harmonisasi M. Zulfa Aulia
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 22 No. 2: APRIL 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol22.iss2.art3


Patent protection in Indonesia still leaves various problems, both in terms of practical level (implementation) and conceptual level (public acceptance). This study aims to investigate the problematic patent protection from the point of governing law, in this case it is due to the reasons underlying its formation. This is a normative research with a political approach. The legal materials used in the form of the treatise of the trial establishment of patent law, Law No. 6 In 1989, Law No. 13 of 1997 and Law No. 14 of 2001 on Patents. Secondary legal materials in the form of articles that accompany or responded to the formation of the law, and the materials that explain the situation when the law was formed. It comes up with a conclusion that the establishment of the Patent Act is originally intended to encourage industrialization in the country, but in fact is more highly affected by the desire to keep abreast of political and international trade, especially that of developed countries, more adjusted to the substance of the Act by the International Agreement (TRIPs), and create better (foreign) investment climate. The assimilation of domestic-foreign interest more or less would affect the acceptance and implementation of patent protection leading to stumbling blocks as seen today.
Hukum Progresif dari Satjipto Rahardjo: Riwayat, Urgensi, dan Relevansi M. Zulfa Aulia
Undang: Jurnal Hukum Vol 1 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (158.845 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/ujh.1.1.159-185


This article attempts at discussing the so called Hukum Progresif (the Progressive Law), a legal thought indtroduced by Satjipto Rahardjo. The idea was beckgrounded with the concerns about the macro application of law in Indonesia, including after the 1998 reforms, which seemed to have failed to meet its ideal direction, namely to make people prosper and happy. What happens with law-enforcement is a downturn and decline, among others seen in the judicial mafia, commercialization, and commodification of the law. To overcome such circumstances, according to Satjipto Rahardjo with hukum progresif, the punishment method must dare to break out of conventional ways and the status quo. The legal texts that have been prioritized should be regarded as being destined for humans and humanity. Law actors must dare to interpret legal texts by freeing themselves from the logic of the law alone, making the leap, so that problems in a dynamic society can be answered and resolved by “containers of static law”. This article shows that the hukum progresif can be a panacea in solving corruptive legal problems due to the limitations and attachments of legal texts, with the requirements of law actors behaving well. However, the mention of hukum progresif in the judgment or the determination of the law of a particular case is also very vulnerable to cause its own problems because it can be pinned speakers arbitrarily to identify the punishment which (as long as it is) out of the text of the law. Abstrak Artikel ini mendiskusikan Hukum Progresif, sebuah gagasan atau pemikiran hukum yang diperkenalkan Satjipto Rahardjo. Gagasan tersebut bermula dari keprihatinan terhadap kehidupan berhukum secara makro di Indonesia termasuk setelah reformasi 1998 yang tidak beranjak ke arah yang ideal, yaitu menyejahterakan dan membahagiakan rakyatnya. Apa yang terjadi dengan kehidupan berhukum justru suatu keterpurukan dan kemunduruan, antara lain terlihat pada mafia peradilan, komersialisasi, dan komodifikasi hukum. Untuk mengatasi keadaan demikian, menurut Satjipto Rahardjo dengan hukum progresifnya, maka berhukum harus berani keluar dari cara-cara konvensional dan status quo. Teks hukum yang selama ini didewakan harus dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang diperuntukkan untuk manusia dan kemanusiaan. Para pelaku atau aktor hukum harus berani menafsirkan teks hukum dengan membebaskan diri dari logika hukum semata, melakukan lompatan, agar persoalan di masyarakat yang bergerak secara dinamis dapat dijawab dan diselesaikan dengan “wadah hukum yang statis”. Artikel ini menunjukkan, hukum progresif bisa menjawab persoalan hukum yang karut-marut disebabkan keterbatasan dan keterikatan teks hukum, dengan catatan para aktor hukumnya berperilaku baik. Namun begitu, labelisasi berhukum sebagai hukum progresif rentan menimbulkan persoalan tersendiri disebabkan bisa disematkan penuturnya secara mudah dan sembarangan untuk mengidentifikasi putusan atau penetapan hukum kasus tertentu yang (asalkan saja) keluar dari teks hukum.
Hukum Pembangunan dari Mochtar Kusuma-atmadja: Mengarahkan Pembangunan atau Mengabdi pada Pembangunan? M. Zulfa Aulia
Undang: Jurnal Hukum Vol 1 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.715 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/ujh.1.2.363-392


This article discusses Hukum Pembangunan (the Law of Development), a legal thought from Mochtar Kusuma-atmadja. The concept of hukum pembangunaan was beckgrounded with the concern about the role of law that showed malaise in a developing society. In order for the law to have a contribution in development, the law is not sufficiently functioned to maintain the orderliness of people’s lives, a conservative function, but also must be empowered to direct change and development in order. Thus the law can be a tool of social engineering. To carry out such functions, hukum pembangunan encourages the need to legal guidance which includes legal reform in the legal field that is neutral in terms of culture and religion, and legal education directed at improving technical and professional capabilities. This article shows that hukum pembangunan is a legal thought that is practically urgent in the face of increasingly complex social changes and an ongoing development agenda, and therefore will be relevant at all times. However, the unclearly criteria about what changes or developments need to be supported by law, while the character of the legal product is determined by the ongoing political constellation, causes the projection of hukum pembangunan to be easily trapped in the wills of development or power, rather than merely directing development. Abstrak Artikel ini membahas hukum pembangunan, sebuah pemikiran hukum dari Mochtar Kusuma-atmadja. Konsep hukum pembangunan bermula dari keprihatinan Sang Tokoh terhadap peranan hukum yang menunjukkan kelesuan dalam masyarakat yang sedang membangun. Agar punya kontribusi dalam pembangunan, maka hukum tidak cukup difungsikan sebatas menjaga ketertiban kehidupan masyarakat, suatu fungsi yang konservatif, melainkan juga harus diberdayakan untuk mengarahkan perubahan dan pembangunan supaya berlangsung secara teratur dan tertib. Hukum dengan begitu dapat menjadi alat atau sarana dalam pembangunan. Untuk menjalankan fungsi demikian, hukum pembangunan mendorong perlu dilakukannya pembinaan hukum nasional yang meliputi antara lain pembaruan hukum pada bidang yang netral dari segi kebudayaan dan keagamaan, serta pendidikan hukum yang diarahkan pada peningkatan kemampuan teknis dan profesional. Artikel ini menunjukkan, hukum pembangunan merupakan pemikiran hukum yang secara praksis penting dalam menghadapi berbagai perubahan sosial yang semakin kompleks dan agenda pembangunan yang terus berlangsung, dan karenanya akan relevan dalam setiap masa. Namun demikian, ketidakjelasan kriteria perubahan atau pembangunan seperti apa yang perlu didukung dengan bersaranakan hukum, sementara di sisi lain karakter produk hukum itu dipengaruhi oleh konstelasi politik yang tengah berlangsung, menyebabkan proyeksi hukum pembangunan bisa dan mudah terjebak pada kehendak-kehendak pembangunan atau kekuasaan, dan bukan sekadar mengarahkan pembangunan.
Friedrich Carl von Savigny tentang Hukum: Hukum sebagai Manifestasi Jiwa Bangsa M. Zulfa Aulia
Undang: Jurnal Hukum Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.427 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/ujh.3.1.201-236


Friedrich Carl von Savigny was a legal figure with high reputation. He was recognized as a figure and the founder of the school of historical jurisprudence. This article attempts to discuss what he meant by law, how his thoughts about law began, and how these thought might have urgency and relevant to the present context. This article shows, Savigny’s thought about law stems from his reflection on the development of law in civilized nations, that law grows naturally in society and is not deliberately made by certain (political) forces. Law is a part of social life that can be observed in the form of people’s behavior and consciousness, as well as language and manners. It and other social aspects are united which arises from and reflects the spirit of the people (volksgeist) as well. Savigny’s thoughts are urgent in a holistically placing law in society and building laws that have a continuity in the past, present, and future. Such thoughts become relevant in the current legal development of a country which tends to have a global-universal character, so that national law is reflected, harmonized, and colored by the spirit of the people. Abstrak Friedrich Carl von Savigny merupakan tokoh hukum dengan reputasi yang tinggi. Ia dikenali sebagai tokoh sekaligus pendiri aliran hukum sejarah (historical jurisprudence). Dalam artikel ini dibahas apa yang dimaksud olehnya sebagai hukum, bagaimanakah pemikirannya tentang hukum bermula, dan, dalam konteks sekarang, bagaimana urgensi dan relevansinya. Artikel ini menunjukkan, pemikiran Savigny tentang hukum bermula dari refleksinya tentang perkembangan hukum pada bangsa-bangsa yang beradab, bahwa hukum itu tumbuh secara alamiah di masyarakat dan tidak dibuat secara sengaja oleh kekuatan (politik) tertentu. Hukum merupakan bagian dari kehidupan sosial yang dapat dilihat dalam wujud perilaku dan kesadaran masyarakat, seperti halnya bahasa dan tata krama. Hukum beserta aspek sosial lainnya itu merupakan satu kesatuan, yang muncul dan sekaligus mencerminkan jiwa rakyat atau bangsa (volksgeist). Pemikiran Savigny ini penting dalam mendudukkan hukum secara holistik di masyarakat dan membangun hukum yang memiliki kesinambungan masa lalu, kini, dan mendatang. Pemikiran demikian menjadi relevan dalam pembangunan hukum suatu negara saat ini yang cenderung berkarakter global-universal, agar dalam hukum nasional tetap tercermin, selaras, dan punya warna jiwa bangsa.
The Use of Progressive Law Phrase in Constitutional Court Decisions: Context, Meaning, and Implication: Penggunaan Frasa Hukum Progresif dalam Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi: Konteks, Makna, dan Implikasi Muhammad Zulfa Aulia; Bimo Fajar Hantoro; Wawan Sanjaya; Mahrus Ali
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol. 20 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31078/jk3034


As an influential legal idea, Satjipto Rahardjo’s progressive law has colored various legal discourses and practices in Indonesia. Court decisions, as legal texts that record and summarize the trial process, also show that litigants, experts, and court judges often use this legal idea. This research will examine how progressive legal phrases are used in court decisions and whether the users have considered their underlying assumptions, pillars, or principles. This research is limited to Constitutional Court decisions in law review cases. The use of progressive legal phrases is generally accompanied by several progressive legal assumptions proposed by Satjipto Rahardjo. However, these are selected and used partially according to the needs and interests of their users, and thus can have bias implications when compared and examined comprehensively based on other assumptions or pillars.