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Journal : Jurnal Agrotek UMMat

Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 8, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v8i1.5973


Brownies are chocolate cakes that are very popular and liked by almost everyone. The main raw material of processing brownies is flour which until now is still imported. The addition of mocaf and moringa leaf flour can to reduce flour use and increase organoleptic of brownies. The aim of this study was to find out the effect of substitution of wheat flour, mocaf and moringa leaf flour on organoleptic brownies. The method that used in this experiment is a Complete Random Design (CRD) with one factor that was substitution of flour, mocaf and moringa leaf flour whose treatment is A0 (Flour 50% : Mocaf 50%: Moringa leave flour 0%/control), A1 (Flour 47,5% : Mocaf 47,5% : Moringa leave flour 5%), A2 (Flour 45% : Mocaf 45% : Moringa leave flour 10%), A3 (Flour 42,5% : Mocaf 42,5% : Moringa leave flour 15%), A4 (Flour 40% : Mocaf 40% : Moringa leave flour 20%), dan A5 (Flour 37,5% : Mocaf 37,5% : Moringa leave flour 25%). The data of the research were analyzed using Analysis of Varience at level 5% and tested continued using Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference Test (Tukey’s HSD) at the same level if there was a real difference. The results showed that substitution of flour, mocaf and moringa leaf flour on brownies has a real effect on organoleptics in hedonic test on color, texture and taste as well as organoleptic scoring on color, aroma, texture and taste, but has no effect on hedonic test in aroma. For the quality of organoleptic brownies it is known that the best treatment on hedonic tests of texture and taste parameters produced by treatment A1 (Flour 47,5% : Mocaf 47,5% : Moringa leave flour 5%) with likes criteria and for scoring tests are produced by the same treatment on aroma, texture and taste parameters with their respective criteria that are typical brownies, moist and sweet taste. The best treatment on color scoring tests is produced by treatment A5 (Flour 37,5% : Mocaf 37,5% : Moringa leave flour 25%) whith criteria are brown.
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 5, No 1 (2018): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (390.637 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/agrotek.v5i1.237


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung pisang, tepung kacang tunggak dan tepung daun kelor terhadap kandungan mineral kalsium (Ca) dan natrium (Na) pada MP-ASI biskuit bayi. MP-ASI biskuit bayi dibuat dengan 6 perlakuan yaitu PTK1-PTK6. Hasil analisa akan dibandingkan dengan SNI MP-ASI biskuit bayi (01-7111.2-2005). Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa adanya perbedaan yang signifikan pada MP-ASI biskuit bayi (kandungan mineral kalsium dan natrium). Dari hasil analisa mineral diketahui bahwa untuk natrium dihasilkan biskuit yang memenuhi standar mutu SNI. Perlakuan PTK1 (100% tepung pisang) menghasilkan  kandungan natrium tertinggi yaitu 151,3 mg/100 g dan diikuti dengan PTK5 (Tepung pisang kepok 60%, tepung daun kelor 15%, tepung kacang tunggak 25%). Untuk mineral kalsium tidak memenuhi standar SNI.This study aims to determine the effect of adding banana flour, cowpea flour and flour of moringa to calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) mineral contents on MP-ASI baby biscuit. MP-ASI baby biscuits made with 6 treatments namely PTK1-PTK6. The results of the analysis will be compared with Indonesian National Standard (SNI) MP-ASI baby biscuit (01-7111.2-2005). From the results of the research note that there are significant differences in the baby's biscuit ASI-biscuits (calcium and sodium mineral content). From the results of mineral analysis, it is known that for sodium biscuits are produced that meet SNI quality standards. The PTK1 (100% banana flour) treatment resulted in the highest sodium content of 151.3 mg / 100 g and followed by PTK5 (60% pure banana flour, 15% moringa flour, 25% cow flour). For calcium minerals do not meet SNI standards.
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 8, No 2 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v8i2.5221


This research aimed to determine the effect of concentration and soaking time in calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) on the quality of plantain chips (Musa paradisiaca formatypica). The method that used in this study was complete randomized design (CRD) with a double factors that was concentration of calcium hydroxide (1%, 5% and 10%) and soaking time (10, 20 and 30 minutes), with treatment are KP1 (1% : 10 minutes), KP2 (5% : 10 minutes), KP3 (10% : 10 minutes), KP4 (1% : 20 minutes), KP5 (5% : 20 minutes), KP6 (10% : 20 minutes), KP7 (1% : 30 minutes), KP8 (5% : 30 minutes) and KP9 (10% : 30 minutes). The data of the research were analyzed using Analysis of Variance at level 5% and tested continued using the test of Least Significant Different (LSD) at the same level if there was a real difference. The results showed that the concentration and soaking time in calcium hydroxide had a real effect on chemical qualities (water, ash, fat, and zinc/Zn) and organoleptic (taste, color, aroma, and texture) of plantain chips. In zinc content for all instruments are suitable with standard (SNI No. 01-4315-1996) for banana chips, while for moisture, ash, and fat content, not all treatments are suitable with the standard. In organoleptic parameters for taste, color, and aroma, panelists preferred treatment of KP1 (concentration of calcium hydroxide 1% and soaking time of 10 minutes) for best result, while for texture the treatment of KP9 (concentration of calcium hydroxide 10% and soaking time 30 minutes) produces the best quality based from panelist choice.
Chemical quality of red beans instant drink (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with added red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum) Suburi Rahman; Afe Dwiani
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 10, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Agrotek Ummat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v10i2.14194


Drinks in the form of powder or flour which dissolve easily in hot or cold water, do not precipitate, and are quickly and easily served are known as instant drinks. Instant drinks are made from natural ingredients, including red beans and red ginger. This study aims to determine the effect of adding red ginger to the chemical quality of instant drinks. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used in this study. The treatment in this study was the addition of red ginger to red bean instant drink with 5 treatments, namely M1 (100g red beans: 5g red ginger), M2 (100g red beans: 10g red ginger), M3 (100g red beans: 15g red ginger), M4 (100g red beans: 20g red ginger), and M5 (100g red beans: 25g red ginger). Each treatment was repeated 4 times to obtain 20 replicates. The research stages include: making red bean juice and red ginger juice, mixing red bean juice and red ginger juice according to the treatment for making instant drinks and evaluating the chemical quality of instant drinks. Based on the results of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Honest Differential Follow-up Test (BNJ 5%), it is known that the addition of red ginger has a significant effect on the chemical quality (water content, pH and antioxidant content) of instant drinks.  All chemical qualities tested met SNI standards for instant beverages with moisture content values ranging from 3.73% - 4.56%, pH between 6.52 - 6.96 and antioxidant levels between 82.66% - 94.24%.
Organoleptic quality of vegetable floss made from papaya and sweet potato Afe Dwiani; Narita Amni Rosadi
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 10, No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v10i2.14189


Meat floss is a food that is usually consumed as a side dish for rice. Currently, floss products are not only made from animal materials but can also use vegetable ingredients such as papaya. Papaya is an ingredient that is widely found as well as sweet potatoes and also the addition of sweet potatoes can improve organoleptic properties. This study aims to determine the organoleptic quality properties of vegetable shredded made from papaya and sweet potato. In this study using a completely randomized design (CRD), namely the formula of papaya and sweet potato, the treatment consisted of B1, namely papaya 30% and sweet potato 70%; B2, papaya 40% and sweet potato 60%; B3, papaya 50% and sweet potato 50%; B4, papaya 60% and sweet potato 40% and B5, papaya 70% and sweet potato 30%. Data analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 16. The organoleptic test results showed that the formula of papaya and sweet potato did not significantly affect the color, texture and taste parameters of both hedonic and scoring tests. Hedonic organoleptic test results of vegetable shredded made from sweet potato and papaya specifications of color, taste and texture with each criterion is like. The results of the vegetable shredded scoring test with the criteria of yellow color, crispy texture and no papaya flavor. Based on the results of hedonic organoleptic tests and scoring, the best/selected treatment is B5 (papaya 70% and sweet potato 30%).
Formulation of moringa leaf powder (Moringa oleifera) and red ginger powder (Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum) on the chemical characteristics of herbal drink Suburi Rahman; Afe Dwiani; Nurmiati Nurmiati; Firmansyah Firmansyah
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 11, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Agrotek Ummat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v11i1.20510


Herbal drinks are one of the most popular drinks for consumption because of health benefits. Herbal drinks are drinks that made from plants (dry form) such as flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, rhizomes, leaves and so on. Moringa leaves are plants whose leaf parts are often processed into herbal drinks. The high antioxidant in moringa leaves can improve the function of herbal drinks, but moringa leaves has an unpleasant aroma. Therefore, red ginger is used to improve the sensory and chemical quality of herbal drink. The purpose of this study was to obtain the best proportion of the main ingredients on the chemical quality of herbal drink products. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), with 7 treatments of material proportions, namely JK0 (Moringa leaf powder 0%: red ginger powder 100%), JK1 (Moringa leaf powder 15%: red ginger powder 85%), JK2 (Moringa leaf powder 35%: 65% red ginger powder), JK3 (50% moringa leaf powder: 50% red ginger powder), JK4 (65% moringa leaf powder: 35% red ginger powder), JK5 (85% moringa leaf powder: 15% red ginger powder) and JK6 (100% moringa leaf powder: 0% red ginger powder). Each treatment was repeated 3 times and 21 experimental units were obtained. Based on the results of the analysis of variance and Tukey's further test (5%), it is known that the proportion of moringa leaf powder and red ginger powder produces a significant effect on chemical quality (water content, pH and antioxidant activity) in herbal drink. The best treatment for the proportion of moringa leaf powder and red ginger powder was produced by JK5 (85% moringa leaf powder: 15% red ginger powder) with chemical quality, like water content of 4.56% (suitable SNI 4324-2014), pH with a value of 5.16 and antioxidant activity with a value of 65.96%.