Much Azam
Laboratorium Optoelektronika dan Laser, Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA Undip

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BERKALA FISIKA Vol 22, No 1 (2019): Berkala Fisika Vol. 22 No. 1 Tahun 2019

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In this study the quality of olive oil which has been degraded due to heating has been tested using the electro-optical transmission polarization method. The light source used was a laser pointer with λ = 650 nm. The degradation of the quality of olive oil was measured to be based on changes in the electro-optical polarization angle, while changes in the composition of fatty acids were tested using Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS). The results showed that the polarization angle increases in second order polynomial on the increase in voltage and linearly on the heating duration in the sample which showed a decrease in the quality of homogeneous olive oil. Assuming that the polarization change is a linear combination of the main fatty acids from olive oil, it is obtained that C19:2 and C19:0 fatty acids are the most contributing to oil quality, that is, the reduction in oil quality is indicated by increasing polarization which is accompanied by an increase in C19:0 fatty acids and a reduction in C19:2 fatty acids. Whereas specifically for electro-optical polarization, in addition to C19:2 and C19:0 fatty acids, C19:1 also appears which slightly increases polarization by increasing the fatty acid. This method can be developed further for investigation into other vegetable oils, as well as evaluating halal oil due to contamination of lard.Keywords: Electro-optical polarization, olive oil, fatty acid composition, change inpolarization angle
Studi Efek Elektrooptis Pada Minyak Goreng Widyastuti, Nina; Azam, Much; Firdausi, K. Sofjan
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 12, No 2 (2009): Berkala Fisika

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The aim of this research is to study differences between fresh palm oil and heated palm oil in the external static electric field. The external electric field used at this research was resulted from two parallel plates of 5 × 3 cm, separated by 2.5 cm and applied by high voltage from 0 to 11 kV. Light sources used here were red laser pointer (= 650 nm) and green laser pointer (= 532 nm) to measure change of polarization angle. The heated oil used here was fresh oil that was heated in circa 16 minutes. The results indicate that fresh oil has less average gradient of electro optic polarization (h) than heated oil, both of 650 nm and 532 nm. Theh’s value is measured more significant for = 532 nm than= 650 nm, and moreover can be used to measure the quality of oils based on fresh or polluted oil.        Keywords: palm oil, electrooptic, polarization.
Pengaruh Kenaikan Suhu Cairan Developer Terhadap Densitas Radiograf Septiadi, Jujun; Anam, Choirul; Azam, Much
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 11, No 3 (2008): Berkala Fisika

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This aim of the research is to obtain an optimal developer temperature. The increase of dilution temperature of developer to radiograph density has been measured. The Research is conducted with measuring radiograph density with a certain exposure factor and materials and varies temperature among 170 C – 320 C.  The result indicates that the higher of temperature is the greater of its density value. The optimal temperature obtained at spanning temperature among 200 C – 230 C.   Key words: The dilution temperature of developer, density of radiograph, optimal temperature
Pengaruh Teknik Tegangan Tinggi Terhadap Entrasce Skin Exposure( ESE ) dan Laju Paparan Radiasi Hambur Pada Pemeriksaan Abdomen Dhahryan, Dhahryan; Setia Budi, Wahyu; Azam, Much
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 11, No 3 (2008): Berkala Fisika

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The measurement for influence of high voltage technique to Entrance Skin Exposure and is Rate of Scattered Radiation Exposure on abdomen inspection has been conducted. The ESE measurement is conducted using Electrometer and is calculated by semi empirical method, while in measurement of rate of scattered radiation exposure using survey meter at a distance of 100 cm from the object by varying data intake points and its direction of detector. The result indicates that the usage of high voltage technique yields absorbent dose of 124 mrad and radiation exposure of 339 mR. It is lower than the standard value of absorbent dose of 322.7 mrad and radiation  exposure of 130,5 mR. The result of measurement is higher than calculation. In measurement of exposure of scattered radiation rate with detector position faced to object, on right side of cathode, it yields 1.03mR/hour with standard voltage and 0.32 mR/hour with high voltage technique. While in measuring  exposure of scattered radiation rate and back-scattered obtained result on A’ and C’ (close to anoda and side of object) and A” and C” nearly same, with highest value of 1 mR/hour and 0.93 mR/hour at standard tube voltage and at high kV technique obtained lower value of 0.29mR/hour and 0.25mR/hour.
PENGEMBANGAN KARAKTERISTIK OPTIS PADA LARUTAN PERAK KOLOID MENGGUNAKAN METODE ELEKTRO-OPTIS Tiwiyaningsih, Tiwiyaningsih; Rahmawati, Aidah; Nurhasanah, Wahidatun Dewi; Richardina, Very; Khumaeni, Ali; Firdausi, Ketut Sofjan; Sugito, Heri; Soesanto, Qidir Maulana Binu; Azam, Much
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 23, No 1 (2020): Berkala Fisika

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In this paper we present a new development of optical properties on colloidal silver solutions using electro-optics effect. Samples of silver nanoparticles (NPP) were obtained by ablation method and then diluted in water to obtain various concentrations. To obtain optical characteristics of colloidal silver solutions through the electro-optical effect, the changes in the polarization of light was measured as the sample was applied by high external potential difference. The light source used was laser pointer with  = 650 nm. The results show that the colloidal silver solution shows non-linear active optical properties with increasing concentration and at a concentration of 4.6 ppm maximum natural polarization occurs. In the case of electro-optics, a voltage increase results in electro-optical contributions which correspond to the effects of non-linear polarization due to high electric fields. However, at 8 kV the maximum polarization appears also at a concentration of 4.6 ppm, which is the same as the natural polarization at that concentration. The study of colloidal silver solutions is very interesting to be further developed by electro-optical methods, because challenges and unanswered phenomena can contribute or alternative perspectives in understanding the interaction of light with matter, especially colloidal silver solutions, and the like.
ELECTROOPTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF COLLOIDAL SILVER SOLUTIONS USING TRANSVERSE ELECTROMAGNETIC MODE OF INCOMING LIGHT Firdausi, K. Sofjan; Setyoningrum, Aqilatul F.D.; Tiwiyaningsih, Tiwiyaningsih; Rahmawati, Aidah; Richardina, Very; Khumaeni, Ali; Sugito, Heri; Soesanto, Qidir M.B; Azam, Much
BERKALA FISIKA Vol 23, No 3 (2020): Berkala Fisika

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In this paper, we demonstrated new electro-optics characteristics of silver nanoparticle solution (NPP) using  linear  light  polarization.  The  electro-optical  properties  of  NPP  solution  were  obtained  by measuring changes in the polarization of light in the transverse electromagnetic (TEM) mode, in which the  source  light  is  made  linearly  polarized  at  0˚  and  90Ëšto  the  axis  of  polarizer.  NPP  samples  were obtained by laser ablation method and electro-optical properties were obtained through high voltage DC 0-9 kV with light source from green laser pointer (532 nm). The results showed that colloidal silver solution  in water  at  an angle  mode  of  0Ëš,  strongly  suspected  to  show  active  Plasmon  resonance at a concentration area of 3-5 ppm, with a peak of polarization at a concentration of 4.6 ppm. In the 90Ëš mode, it is assumed that the colloidal silver solution is resonant inactive, the change in polarization is caused  only  by  a  combination  of  natural  polarization  and  electro-optical  polarization.  The  study  of changes in the polarization of light through electro-optical effects on silver solutions is very interesting to  be developed  further  using other  particles,  because  it  can provide  a  more  comprehensive  answer. This method also contributes science to the new  perspective of understanding the interaction of light with matter, especially colloidal silver solutions, and the like.Keywords: Light polarization, electro-optics effect, colloidal silver solutionÂ