Indhar Wahyu Wira Harjo
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Konsolidasi Demokrasi Melalui Liga Santri Nusantara Indhar Wahyu Wira Harjo
Muqoddima Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi Vol 1 No 2 (2020): MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47776/MJPRS.001.02.06


The present study investigates the relation between civil society organization (CSO) and government in dealing with the attempts to strengthen democratic practice. The aim of the study is to illustrate that CSO and government has collaborated in democratic consolidation through sports development. The study implemented qualitative research method with the approach of critical discourse analysis. The result of the study revealed that Liga Santri Nusantara (LSN – Indonesian Students’ League) was a type of sport trainings for potential students in Indonesia. In addition, the football competition was also a means for Rabithah Ma’ahid Islamiah Nahdlatul Ulama (RMI NU) and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) to participate in democratic consolidation in Indonesia. LSN was a form of democratic consolidation in Indonesia that encompassed three key aspects. First, the consolidation took place on the aspect of participation in formulating the policy of how to manage the performance of LSN, the second was on the implementation of the policy, and the last was on the forming room for RMI NU’s and NU’s ideas. The democratic consolidation left some hurdles and challenges while there was a miscoordination and misadministration. The CSO participation in government’s development programs did not simply play a prominent role for the democratic consolidation. The participation that obeyed the regulations and authorities had a significant position that was way more important than any involvement that even weakened the practice of democracy in Indonesia.
Domination of Expert Agent in The Rural Development Programs Anif Fatma Chawa; Indhar Wahyu Wira Harjo
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Sodality
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.729 KB) | DOI: 10.22500/sodality.v6i1.21208


ABSTRACTThe study aims to examine the implementation of rural development programs. The study also shows an alternative model in how these programs could be conducted effectively. A case study approach were implemented to unveil the distribution of development programs organized by groups of farmers (Poktan) and the union of them (Gapoktan) in Sidoasri village, Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang. The result of the study reveals that Gapoktan Committee as the expert agent dominated the mechanism and distribution of programs. In contrast, Gapoktan members only received passively the development programs and were not able to participate and initiate a change on these mechanism. In order to distribute the programs effectively, a participative model is highly required. There should be an ongoing assistance so the farmers could participate in decision making processes continualy, from identifying problems, finding the solution to the problems, and monitoring as well as evaluating these programs. This model would be effective to achieve empowerment objective of the rural development programsKeywords: Gapoktan, Participation, Rural Development Programs, farmers and PoktanABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengeksplorasi pengelolaan bantuan Kementrian Pertanian yang diberikan kepada petani. Kajian tersebut dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk menggagas model pendampingan yang efektif dalam mengelola bantuan pertanian. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus diimplementasikan untuk menelaah pengelolaan bantuan pertanian yang diorganisir kelompok tani (Poktan) dan gabungan kelompok tani (Gapoktan) di Desa Sidoasri Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan Kabupaten Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan bantuan pertanian petani di Desa Sidoasri didominasi pengurus Gapoktan sebagai expert agent. Anggota Gapoktan hanya berperan sebagai pihak penerima bantuan saja dan tidak memiliki kemampuan atau kesempatan untuk menciptakan inisiatif untuk melakukan perubahan terhadap kebijakan pengelolaan bantuan yang diterapkan para pengurus. Kondisi ini menjadikan pengelolaan bantuan terpusat dan tidak tepat sasaran. Agar bantuan pertanian ini berjalan lebih efektif, maka model pengelolaan bantuan yang bersifat partisipatif menjadi penting dilakukan. Partisipasi anggota Gapoktan dalam model tersebut perlu ditopang pendampingan yang berkelanjutan supaya keterlibatan petani bersifat holistik dan konsisten. Pendampingan berkelanjutan diproyeksi mendorong anggota Gapoktan terlibat sejak tahap mengidentifikasi masalah, memunculkan alternatif pemecahan masalah, memutuskan solusi untuk mengatasi problematika hingga mengevaluasi solusi yang diimplementasikan. Pendampingan dengan model ini berpotensi meningkatkan partisipasi petani dalam penentuan kebijakan pengelolaan bantuan pertanian. Partisipasi inilah yang ditawarkan sebagai jalan keluar bagi perbaikan pengelolaan bantuan pertanian.Kata kunci: Gapoktan, partisipasi, pendampingan berkelanjutan, petani, dan Poktan
Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara Vol 5, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Sosiologi FISIP UNIB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (935.052 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/jsn.5.1.43-64
