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LINGUISTICA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : State University of Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jalu.v1i2.692


Abstract One aim of this article is to show through a concrete example how illocutionary acts used in One Piece comic. The illustrative example is taken from the utterances of One Piece comic. Central to the analysis proper form of utterances in One Piece comic that contain of illocutionary acts; i.e. representative, directive, commissive, expressive, declarative. 90 utterances were interpreted by actor, and it was found that the use of iilocutionary acts.   Keywords: Comic One Piece, Luffy’s Utterances, Illocutionary Acts
ILLOCUTIONARY ACT IN KARATE KID’S MOVIE Eva Inriani Rajagukguk; Bachtiar Bachtiar
LINGUISTICA Vol 3, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : State University of Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jalu.v3i4.1811


ABSTRACT The study deals with the types of illocutionary act usedin Karate Kid’s Movie. The objectives of the study were to discover the dominant illocutionary act and to implicate for the use dominant illocutionary act in movie. The data were the transcript of Dre Parker’s utterances which were downloaded from internet.This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The findings showed that there were 220 utterances which contained 4 types of illocutionary act. Dre Parker tended to use the representative (54, 55%), directive (34, 50%), expressive (8, 18%),and commissive (2, 72%). The most dominant type of illocutionary act was representativebecause he mainly used the statement of arguing, asserting, informing and describing. Keyword :  illocutionary act, types of illocutionary act, movie
Desain dan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Persediaan Menggunakan Metode Perpetual Rata-Rata Bergerak Imas Mufti; Deny Martha; Bachtiar Bachtiar
Jurnal Digit Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia (CIC) Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51920/jd.v1i2.1


AbstrakSeiring dengan perkembangan zaman, teknologi terutama komputer berkembang pesat. Antara lain dalam hal kegiatan Akuntansi yang saat ini telah menggunakan komputer sebagai sarana pengolahan dan penyimpanan data. Salah satu kegiatan tersebut dalam hal persediaan barang dagangan. Persediaan secara rekaman akan memakan waktu lama, tidak efektif, dan efisien. Alih-alih rekaman oleh sistem komputer  sangat membantu untuk menghasilkan informasi dengan cepat, akurat, dan mudah. Dalam penelitian ini, maka akan dibuat sebuah perangkat lunak untuk menerapkan sistem yang didasarkan pada persediaan barang dagangan komputer dengan menggunakan sistem perpetual metode rata-rata bergerak. Penerapan sistem persediaan barang dagangan menunjukkan bahwa proses perekaman berbasis komputer lebih efektif daripada menggunakan metode manual dengan mencatat persediaan bahan buku manual. Untuk sistem dengan membangun ini, dapat meningkatkan strategi sistem manajemen persediaan barang dagangan yang lebih baik untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan oleh manajemen.Kata Kunci : Persediaan barang, Sistem Perpetual, Metode rata-rata bergerak
Analisis Generic Strategy Model Michael Porter Pada PT. Cahaya Murni Borneo Timur Untuk Menentukan Pilihan Strategi Di Balikpapan Syahril H; Bachtiar Bachtiar
JEMI is managed and published by the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Kutai Kartanegara University. Institutional legality is reflected in the ISSN number: 1411-9560 published by LIPI in 2003 as a manifestation of the comm Vol 16 No 2 (2016)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.495 KB) | DOI: 10.53640/jemi.v16i2.222


The manufacture industry is one of the industries that produce springbad, furniture and its elements. The number of competitors with their product differentiation as well as the government policy to be the cause of this rivalry. PT. Cahaya Murni Borneo Timur is one of the companies that compete in this industry, so companies should create a strategy to win the competition in the market. The method used is a qualitative research method with data collection techniques with a purposive sample. This study aimed to analyze the competitive environment and the industry's best options strategies on PT. Cahaya Murni Borneo Timur using Generic Strategy from Michael E. Porter.Keywords: Competitive Strategy, industry competition environment, the choice of the best strategy, Generic Strategy Analysis.
Hubungan antara Kekuatan Otot Lengan dan Fleksibilitas Pergelangan Tangan terhadap Ketepatan Servis Long Forehand di Ekstrakurikuler Bulutangkis SMA Negeri 1 Kota Sukabumi Tahun 2018 Nurjamilah Barakat; Firman Maulana; Bachtiar Bachtiar
utile: Jurnal Kependidikan Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): utile: Jurnal Kependidikan
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37150/jut.v4i1.241


This study aims to determine the arm muscle strength, wrist flexibility, and know their contribution to the accuracy of long forehand service precision. The type of this research uses servey. The population of this research is 30 people, the sample is taken by total sampling. Arm muscle strength data obtained from push up, wrist flexibility data obtained from test goniometer, the long forehand service precision data obtained from long serve test. Data were analyzed by using correlation techniques and contribution (r2 x 100%) with significance level α 0,05. Data analisis of the arm muscle strength was obralned rscore = 0,543 and rtable = 0,374. Its contribution to the accuracy of long forehand service precision is 29,48%. Data analysis of wrist flexibility was obralned rscore = 0,559 and rtable = 0,374. Its contribution to the accuracy of wrist flexibility is 31,24%. Analysis of arm muscle strength data and wrist flexibility joint together contributed 44,35% to the accuracy of long forehand service precision.
KIAT MEMBENTUK PERATURAN DESA YANG BAIK Susanto Susanto; Beli Isnaeni; Bachtiar Bachtiar; Dian Eka Prastiwi; Tato Setiawan
Publisher : Universiitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.324 KB) | DOI: 10.32493/.v1i1.9829


ABSTRACT The Village Regulation is stipulated by the Village Head after being discussed and agreed upon with the Village Consultative Body which is a legal and policy framework in the administration of Village Government and Village Development. The stipulation of Village Regulations is a description of the various powers that the Village has with reference to the provisions of higher laws and regulations. So that as a legal product, the Village Regulation must not conflict with higher regulations and may not harm the public interest. One of the reasons for the promulgation of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages is the recognition that villages have rights of origin and traditional rights in regulating and managing the interests of the local community and playing a role in realizing the ideals of independence based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This is because the recognition of the village as an autonomous region makes the village have a major role in managing, empowering and advancing the available resources, both natural and human resources. So that in the end they are able to move the wheels of development which must be accompanied by an awareness of the understanding of the spirit of autonomy for all village residents and the capacity of the apparatus as well as the community in understanding governance. Village / Traditional Village Institutions, namely Village / Traditional Village Government institutions consisting of Village / Traditional Village Governments and Village / Traditional Village Consultative Bodies, Village Community Institutions, and traditional institutions. The Village / Traditional Village Head or what is referred to by any other name is the head of the Village / Traditional Village Administration who leads the administration of the Village Government. The Village / Traditional Village Head or what is referred to by any other name has an important role in his position as an extension of the state close to the community and as a community leader. Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi is the vision of all tertiary institutions in Indonesia which consists of education and teaching, research and development, and community service. As an effort to realize this vision, the Pamulang University Master of Law study program by involving lecturers and students has held Community Service in the form of providing technical guidance to village heads and the Kalimati Village Consultative Body, Adiwerna District in drafting village regulations to be carried out in Kalimati village, Adiwerna District, Tegal Regency.  Keywords: Technical Guidance, and Village Regulations ABSTRAK Peraturan Desa ditetapkan oleh Kepala Desa setelah dibahas dan disepakati bersama Badan Permusyawaratan Desa merupakan kerangka hukum dan kebijakan dalam penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa dan Pembangunan Desa. Penetapan Peraturan Desa merupakan penjabaran atas berbagai kewenangan yang dimiliki Desa mengacu pada ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. Sehingga sebagai sebuah produk hukum, Peraturan Desa tidak boleh bertentangan dengan peraturan yang lebih tinggi dan tidak boleh merugikan kepentingan umum. Salah satu daru alasan di buatnya Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa adalah pengakuan bahwa Desa memiliki hak asal usul dan hak tradisional dalam mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat setempat dan berperan mewujudkan cita-cita kemerdekaan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 Hal ini disebabkan karena dengan diakuinya desa sebagai sebuah daerah otonom menjadikan desa memiliki peran utama dalam mengelola, memberdayakan dan memajukan sumber daya yang tersedia, baik sumber daya alam maupun sumber daya manusia. Sehingga pada akhirnya mampu menggerakkan roda pembangunan yang harus diiringi kesadaran akan pemahaman spirit otonomi bagi seluruh penggerak warga desa dan kapasitas perangkat juga masyarakat dalam memahami tata kelola pemerintahan. Kelembagaan Desa/Desa Adat, yaitu lembaga Pemerintahan Desa/Desa Adat yang terdiri atas Pemerintah Desa/Desa Adat dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa/Desa Adat, Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa, dan lembaga adat. Kepala Desa/Desa Adat atau yang disebut dengan nama lain merupakan kepala Pemerintahan Desa/Desa Adat yang memimpin penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa. Kepala Desa/Desa Adat atau yang disebut dengan nama lain mempunyai peran penting dalam kedudukannya sebagai kepanjangan tangan negara yang dekat dengan masyarakat dan sebagai pemimpin masyarakat. Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi merupakan visi dari seluruh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang terdiri dari pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian dan pengembangan, serta pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Sebagai upaya untuk mewujudkan visi tersebut, Program studi Magister Hukum Universitas Pamulang dengan melibatkan Dosen dan para Mahasiswa telah mengadakan Pengabdian Masyarakat dalam bentuk memberikan Bimbingan teknis kepada kepala desa dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa Kalimati, Kecamatan Adiwerna dalam penyusunan Peraturan desa yang akan dilakukan di desa Kalimati, Kecamatan Adiwerna, Kabupaten Tegal. Kata Kunci: Bimbingan Teknis, dan Peraturan Desa
Pengajaran Pendidikan Jasmani dan Covid-19 : Menyelidiki Persepsi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Jasmani Terhadap Blended Learning Suria Wikarta Dimadja; Firman Septiadi; Wening Nugraheni; Bachtiar Bachtiar; Edi Setiawan; Zsolt Németh
Jurnal Pendidikan Olah Raga Vol 12, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga
Publisher : IKIP PGRI Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31571/jpo.v12i1.5214


Pandemi covid-19 telah mengubah pendidikan di seluruh dunia. Setelah beberapa waktu pandemi, pembelajaran campuran yang menggabungkan pembelajaran jarak jauh dan tatap muka menjadi alternatif pembelajaran dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran penuh secara online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali persepsi mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani tentang potensi, kelebihan dan kekurangan model pembelajaran campuran atau blended learning. Sebuah survei online digunakan untuk melihat pandangan 135 mahasiswa pendidikan jasmani tentang blended learning. Teknik analisis data menggunakan IBM SPSS versi 25.0, dengan populasinya mahasiswa pendidikan Jasmani dan sampelnya itu menggunakan total sampling. Temuan utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran campuran atau blended learning ini mengaggap bahwa pembelajaran campuran lebih memperburuk hubungan sosial dan membebankan guru pendidikan jasmani dikarenakan guru pendidikan jasmani pada masa pandemi ini harus bisa menggunakan berbagai media untuk pembelajaran secara online. Dan juga dalam pembelajaran campuran atau blended learning ini, keterbatasan sarana teknologi bagi siswa sangat berpengaruh terhadap pembelajaran. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menganalisis tentang pembelajaran campuran atau blended learning dalam pendidikan jasmani.
Enhancing Distance Learning: A Framework for E-Learning Strategy and Assessment at Universitas Terbuka Indonesia Dwi Putranto Riau; Erlambang Budi Darmanto; Bachtiar Bachtiar
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v7i2.6886


Due to the diverse educational backgrounds and digital skills of students in both undergraduate and graduate programs at Universitas Terbuka, there is a need to optimize the institution's e-learning program. This study aims to find out the concept of the implementation of e-learning strategies for the students of Universitas Terbuka and the evaluation process of the e-learning conducted in the distance learning mode. This research used descriptive qualitative research, employing two research instruments: semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Ten graduate students who have two years’ experience with the Universitas Terbuka e-learning activities were invited in the semi-structure interviews. Data analysis follows the interactive analysis model and SWOT Analysis. These stages collectively yield strategies for implementing e-learning learning and the evaluation of e-learning learning. The results of this study show that the e-learning implemented in Universitas Terbuka has greatly helped the students to follow the UT learning process effectively and has greatly improved the overall e-learning experience for the students. The findings from this research also show that diverse learning resources are able to cater the various learning styles and preferences, as well as enhancing student engagement and understanding. Some recommendations in relation to the implementation of e-learning are provided.