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Perencanaan Pendidikan Ala Nabi Kholilur Rahman
AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): Juni 2018

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Abstrak Kesuksesan memimpin suatu organisasi atau masyarakat tidak dapat terjadi begitu saja tanpa memiliki kemampuan memimpin diri sendiri (self leadership). Kesuksesan seseorang tidak akan lengkap tanpa memiliki kompetensi ini. Keberhasilan kepemimpinan Rasulullah di bidang pendidikan tidak terlepas dari kemampuan beliau dalam memimpin diri sendiri. Meskipun Rasulullah Saw dibimbing oleh wahyu dalam setiap gerak dan langkahnya, namun juga melakukan berbagai perencanaan yang matang demi tercapainya tujuan. Perencanaan adalah membuat suatu target yang akan dicapai atau diraih di masa depan. Terdapat beberapa ayat al Qur’an yang secara implisit sebenarnya mengandung anjuran bagi umat Islam untuk memperhatikan perencanaan, misalnya: QS. An Nisa (4): 71, QS. Al Anfal (8): 60, QS. Yusuf (12): 47-49, dan QS. Al Kahfi (18): 94-95. Perencanaan pendidikan yang diaplikasikan oleh Rasulullah Saw tampak dari beberapa peristiwa sejarah seperti: ketika mengidentifikasi masalah ketika ber-khalwat di gua Hira, pemilihan rumah al-Arqam sebagai lembaga pendidikan, perencanaan hijrah ke Habasyah, pemilihan dua Umar; perencanaan hijrah ke Madinah, perumusan kebijakan di Madinah, mempersaudarakan Muhajirin dan Anshar, perumusan Piagam Madinah, dan persetujuan Perjanjian Hudaibiyah. Kata Kunci: Rasulullah, Perencanaan, Pendidikan
Inovasi Pendidikan Keahlian Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Berbasis Pesantren di Kabupaten Banyuwangi Kholilur Rahman
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1042.378 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jpai.2018.6.2.225-252


This paperwork analyzes innovation in education by High Vocational School (SMK) under pesantren institution in Banyuwangi Regency. Within the framework of cultural and micro poliotics of school theory, power (politics) is able to optimize innovation planning rather than it is within approaches of cultural, striuctural, or rationale of institutional leaders. Innovation in terms of quality of vocational education is highly supported by professional teachers and their experience beackground in education. Further, in terms of student outcomes and public relations with workplaces, leadership and interrelation of kiai’s power and pesantren become crusial factor enhancing edeucational innovation in vocational school under pesantren.
INOVASI MANAJERIAL KEPALA SMK BERBASIS PESANTREN (Studi Multi Kasus SMK Pesantren di Banyuwangi) Kholilur Rahman
Jurnal Ilmiah Ar-Risalah: Media Ke-Islaman, Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam Vol 13 No 2 (2015): (OKTOBER 2015)

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This preliminary study aims to identify, describe and analyze innovation-based head of vocational schools as well as their implications, particularly with regard to managerial innovation. Reality later showed the proliferation of schools in Banyuwangi establish formal educational institutions, particularly vocational schools (SMK). Though conceptually management, between schools and vocational embracing the concept of different management. Management schools tend to be centralized, while the vocational school as a formal educational institution adheres desentralitik management system. Thus, it does require changes in the system, both organizationally and managerially. One side of the Head of SMK should be able to secure the values uniquely pesantren as the "owner" SMK. On the other hand, the Head of SMK demanded to carry out government policy as a regulator. If between the school and the government have the same concept, the heads SMK implement its stay in the school's policy, but if the government mandates between schools and different policies, then this is where the head of CMS is required to find the concept of managerial innovation for the continuation of its stakeholders
Jurnal Ilmiah Ar-Risalah: Media Ke-Islaman, Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam Vol 12 No 2 (2014): (Oktober 2014)

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Tulisan ini berangkat dari dasar pemikiran banyaknyaproblem ekonomi dan pendidikan yang dialamimasyarakat Indonesia khususnya Umat Islam.Kemampuannya sering dipandang sebelah mata olehsebagian kalangan, karena kemampuannya yangdianggap tidak representatif apabila dibanding denganjumlah penganutnya dalam membangun kekuatanekonomi dan kemajuan dibidang pendidikan. Secararepsentatif.keberadaan umat islam di “identik” dengankemiskinan, keterbelakangan dan level negatif lainnya.Pada bagian lain, keradaan Islam sebagai agama tidakhanya melahirkan konsep ritual semata, tetapi hadirsebagai sistem nilai yang dapat mewarnai perilakuumatnya ke arah khidupan yang lebih baik. Melalui susdutpandang ini, zakat -khususnya zakat profesi- memilikipotensi strategis yang layak dikembangkan menjadi salahsatu instrumen pemerataan pendapatan umat islamdilndonesia. Upaya pengenatasan kemiskinan sebenarnyatelah banyak dilakukan oleh pemerintah, terutama dengankeluaranya paket kebijakan UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2004Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, yang salah satumaksudnya adalah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraanmayarakat daerah yang dimekarkan. Namu setelah dievaluasi, ternyata paket tersebut hanya mampumelahirkan “pemerataan” kemiskinan, atau “migrasikemiskinan” dari daerah induk ke daerah pemakaranMengingat umat islam di Indonesia merupakan pendudukmayoritas, maka merupakan sebuah keniscayaan apabilapotensi yang dimiliki kita kembangkan untuk kepentinganpihak lain yang lebih membutuhkan. Potensi yang lebihberpeluang untuk dikembangkan adalah zakat sebagaibagian integral dari norma keberaagamaan umat islam.
Kepemimpinan Pendidikan : Kekuasaan, Politik dan Etika dalam Mengembangkan Budaya Mutu Kholilur Rahman
Jurnal Ilmiah Ar-Risalah: Media Ke-Islaman, Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam Vol 15 No 1 (2017): (APRIL 2017)

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In the Organization of at least need two individuals are related, then it takes one person acting as a leader. Educational leaders in carrying out tasks and implement its vision and mission in need of power (power). By having the power, the leader obtains an instrument to affect the behavior of followers. Leaders should not just assess his conduct themselves so that they can understand how they affect the behavior of other people, but also a leader should be willing and able to assess their positions and how to use the power. Power as part of the inhern leadership is closely linked with ethics. In the implementation of power and leadership are certainly going the process of communication and interaction between multiple people within an organization. In the process, the leader will use the power in all its aspects. Leaders can use their powers for good or evil, as well as the values and code of ethics. A leader may be the one deciding factor of how these leaders use a variety of power sources that are available to bring the institution with quality services.
Perkembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Kholilur Rahman
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna : Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 2 No 1 (2018): (Februari 2018)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

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This research was conducted to describe the history of Islamic educational institutions on the journey in the history of Indonesia through a long and tiring struggle. In the colonial era, various ways were done as a frontal effort from The Netherlands to stop the Islamic education that developed in some Islamic educational institutions which at that time was formed by pesantren and madrasah.Then on its development result to the dichotomy of educational institutions in Indonesia.Then on its development resulted in the dichotomy of educational institutions in Indonesia.This research uses literature method, which is a technique of collecting data through scientific literacy on the development of Islamic education institutions in Indonesia with the aim of revealing the travel side of Islamic institutions.So the results of this study can be useful to be a study of institutions of education.The result of this research is that many Netherlands colonial efforts to stop the educational process of Islamic education institutions under the pesantren and madrasah system.These efforts include the establishment of Priesnterraden, a strict supervision of educational processions in Islamic educational institutions; then published Teacher's Ordinance and Wild School Ordinance, as well as other efforts discussed in this study.
Madani : Journal of Social Sciences and Social Science Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : Madani : Journal of Social Sciences and Social Science Education

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Character education in schools, both formal and non-formal, especially inMadrasas, is considered important. However, its implementation has not been fullyrealized in the field. The aim of this research is to determine the application ofcharacter education in history learning. This research uses a qualitative methodwith a descriptive approach, the data collection techniques used by researchers inthis research are observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques usingdomain data analysis. The research results show that character education has beenimplemented by history teachers. The implementation of character education inhistory learning at school aims to shape student character. Among the character values listed include love for Allah SWT, discipline, mutualcooperation.
Re-Examining The Construction Of Unnamed Hire Purchase Contracts For Motor Vehicles And Their Relationship With Leasing Edison Donauli Simbolon; Samuel Dharma Putra Nainggolan; Markus Suryoutomo; Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan; Kholilur Rahman
Socio Legal and Islamic Law Vol 1 No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya

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The agreement is the right of every person to enter into an agreement, but entering into an agreement must see the rules or provisions governing the agreement so that the agreement is valid. The lease-purchase agreement is a creation of practice based on the principle of freedom of contract. Freedom of contract is not purely as free as possible, there are limitations in carrying out or making contracts. One of the limitations of the principle of freedom of contract is Article 18 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, which lists several things that cannot be done in a contract. As a result, if this is done, the contract is null and void by law. Many lease agreements nowadays are agreements made unilaterally by the seller, which should have been made by both parties, what determines everything is that the seller and the consumer just have to agree and comply. This weak consumer position and cause many losses. It is this weak position that is exploited by the seller by imposing several things in the articles of the agreement such as taking back the unit if it does not pay without taking into account the payment made by the consumer beforehand. This research is a normative legal research that uses a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and case approach that aims to find out the re-examination of motor vehicle lease-purchase agreement construction