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The social stratification of the Madurese society and its implications on the usage of Bhasa Madhura Lukman Fajariyah
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/sml.v3i2.7371


This paper explored the life of social stratification of the Madurese society and the usage of Bhasa Madhura (Madurese language) by using two theories, namely Talcott Parsons’ structural functionalism theory and stratification theory by Paul B. Horton. The research method used in this research was a qualitative descriptive method. The authors based this research on literature review and empirical data by observation and interviews. Through data analysis, the author uncovered several findings. First, the social stratification styles of the Madurese society in the context of status, class, and occupation was divided into three types, namely the levels of the oreng kenek, pongghaba, and parjaji communities. Second, the social stratification styles from religious context were divided into six types, including keyae, ajji, modin, bindharah, santre, and banne santre. Third, the usage of Bhasa Madhura in the Madurese social stratification was divided into different honorifics, from the highest and most polite honorific to the lowest or impolite honorific. Besides that, the usage of abhasa (enggi bunten) styles and ta’abhasa (enja’-iye) styles also occur in some aspects of Madurese conditional and contextual life. The findings of this study could be used to advise the preservation of Bhasa Madhura in the social stratification realm.
Ontologi Eksistensialisme: Antara Religiusitas dan Non-Religiusitas : (Studi Pemikiran Mulla Shadra dan Jean Paul Sartre) Lukman Fajariyah
WARAQAT : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Waraqat: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (P3M) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam As-Sunnah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51590/waraqat.v6i1.132


The discussion on the field of ontology in philosophical studies always has its own uniqueness. Ontology as a science that discusses the nature of all things stimulates humans to always think and reflect so that in the long span of ontology studies many figures will play a role in that field. Characters who contribute to thinking about nature have their own characteristics. This is represented by figures Mulla Sadra and Jean Paul Sartre. This paper intends to explore the thoughts of Mulla Shadra and Jean Paul Sartre regarding ontology studies by using a comparative approach, where researchers compare or compare the two thoughts of these figures in revealing differences and similarities. The research method used in this paper is a qualitative-descriptive method to clearly describe the object. The findings in this paper are; First, Sadra's existential ontology emphasizes more on the aspect of religiosity in which all the existences in the universe are small parts of God's existence, meaning that all existence depends on its source, namely God. Meanwhile, Secondly, Sartre's existential ontology places more emphasis on human freedom as the main actor in life. According to him, the existence of humans with their freedom is absolute without interference from God (non-religious/atheist), even humans create their own functions and goals.
ORASI: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 11, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/orasi.v11i2.6965


Televisi merupakan salah satu media massa yang dapat menyampaikan informasi dengan jangkauan yang luas baik nasional maupun internasional. Suguhan program atau acara yang disajikan oleh berbagai stasiun atau channel sangatlah bervariasi, mulai dari program-program umum seperti sinetron, komedi, berita sampai pada program-program yang Islami. Salah satu channel yang menyuguhkan program Islami yaitu Indosiar. Masifikasi program Islami mulai tampak sejak menjelangnya bulan ramadhan sampai berakhirnya bulan ramadhan, di mana Indosiar merupakan representasi channel TV yang menyuguhkan program Islami seperti acara “Ramadhan di rumah saja”. Makalah ini mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi praktik-diskursif resitasi Alquran (segmen Indonesia Mengaji) dalam acara “Ramadhan di rumah saja” oleh channel Indosiar. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada karya Inaya Rakhmani tentang dakwahtainment. Melalui praktik resitasi Alquran, para artis dangdut mengekpresikan kesalehannya dan menyampaikan pesan-pesan Islami. Popularitas artis tersebut menjadi faktor utama untuk menarik konsumen dengan mempertahankan daya tarik pribadinya dan tentunya memperhatikan penyampaian konten Islami. Fenomena tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan komersialisasi televisi mampu mengkolaborasi antara format penyiaran televisi dengan konten-konten Islami.
Inklusivitas Masjid Sebagai Perekat Sosial: Studi Kasus pada Masjid Ash-Shiddiiqi Demangan Kidul Yogyakarta Lukman Fajariyah
SANGKéP: Jurnal Kajian Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Islam Raja Ampat, Kultivasi Budaya dan Dakwah Virtual di Indonesia
Publisher : Asosiasi Sosiologi Agama Indonesia (ASAGI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.367 KB) | DOI: 10.20414/sangkep.v3i1.1674


In the history of Islamic civilization, the mosque is a center of worship and a place for social interaction. Based on this phenomenon, this paper tries to explore the role and function of the Ash-Shiddiiqi Mosque in social life. The social unity bound by the Ash-Shiddiiqi Mosque aims to strengthen the social relations of the community members in the Demangan Kidul neighborhood of Yogyakarta in order to realize an inclusive mosque. The method used in this study is a qualitative-descriptive method using the sociology approach of Emile Durkheim's theory of solidarity. This theory of solidarity becomes an analytical tool to reveal the role and function of the Ash-Shiddiiqi Mosque in an effort to strengthen individual relationships with other individuals in the Demangan Kidul Yogyakarta environment. The findings resulting from this research that; First, the Ash-Shiddiiqi Mosque is a place of worship that has a role and social social function such as the existence of a TPA (Taman Pendidikan Alquran) educational institution as a supporting facility in providing access to non-formal education to the community. Routine programs for pilgrims and the surrounding community are in the form of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly activities. Secondly, the inclusiveness of the Ash-Shiddiiqi Mosque in involving citizens in each of its programs which aims to strengthen social relations.
Studi Analisis Kontrastif Padanan Peribahasa Arab dan Inggris Perspektif Hermeneutika Budaya Lukman Fajariyah
Diwan: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/diwan.v13i2.711


This paper discusses the equivalent of Arabic proverbs and English proverbs through a study of contrastive analysis. Contrastive analysis is a method that plays an important role in linguistic analysis whether it is a comparison between two or more languages to explore similarities and differences between the two languages. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study using a hermeneutic and cultural communicative approach. The author uses this hermeneutic approach to find the meaning of the interpretation of the Arabic proverbial text and the English proverb. Meanwhile, the communicative culture approach is used as an attempt to translate the meanings of symbols of two or more cultures that are reflected in the literary text, then the two are contrasted. The implicit cultural value can be found in the communication process through the terms found in the translation and equivalent of the proverb text, which can be in harmony with the original meaning of the two. The findings in this study are that the application of contrastive analysis has shown the equivalent and appropriate meaning and function represented by Arabic and English proverbs about patience, determination, indiscipline, youth, and truth. So this analysis has implications for understanding communication in social life.