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Peramalan Stock Barang Dagangan Menggunakan Metode Single Exponential Smoothing Saiful Nur Budiman
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jtmi.v7i2.6727


Forecasting can be used in any field which requires a prediction of the existence of data in the future. Forecasting can be applied of them to help budget sales for the next period. Time series data obtained from sales data during a certain period of sales of a product can be used as the basis for forecasting. Excessive restocking of goods is not good for a store, because there is a possibility that the purchased goods will not sell well in the future. There needs to be a good control process for restocking goods, one of which can be used is to use a prediction of merchandise restocks using single exponential smoothing (SES). There are two kinds of sales data used, namely Koi Rice with a size of 5 kg and Bimoli Oil with a size of 900 ml. From the results of the SES calculation, a good alpha value for forecasting 5kg Koi Rice is 0.46. While the alpha value for 900ml Bimoli Oil is 0.704. The alpha value is obtained from the calculation of the smallest MSE value. The prediction results show that in the next period (15-30 September 2021) there will be a decrease in the number of sales of goods from the two products, so that shop owners can reduce their shopping allotment.
Pemanfaatan Barang Bekas Menjadi Barang Bermanfaat Bagi Masyarakat di Masa Pandemi Sri Lestanti; Saiful Nur Budiman
Dedication : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM IKIP Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31537/dedication.v6i1.660


Barang bekas diantaranya botol minuman bekas, koran-koran bekas, kain bekas dan sampah plastik bekas seperti kantong plastik kresek. Diantara barang bekas tersebut maka barang bekas plastiklah yang sangat sulit untuk dimusnahkan begitu saja sehingga diperlukan proses 3R (reduce, reuse, recyle). Pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga ataupun barang bekas adalah kegiatan yang sistematis, menyeluruh dan berkesinambungan yang meliputi pengurangan dan penanganan sampah rumah tangga. Pada saat sekarang atau dimasa pandemi ini kegiatan daur ulang bisa dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan barang bekas menjadi barang yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi bahkan dalam proses pemasaran juga memiliki harga yang cukup tinggi. Tujuan utama dari tim pelaksana pengabdian kepada masyarakat kali ini adalah untuk mendorong tumbuh kembangnya sektor UKM di desa Wonorejo, Kecamatan Talun, Kabupaten Blitar dengan memanfaatkan barang-barang bekas menjadi barang yang berguna dan bernilai eknomis dengan membuat hasta karya ataupun alat hand sanitizer otomatis dari sampah plastik bekas dan kayu bekas bangunan.
Sistem Pakar Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Hama Dan Penyakit Tanaman Bonsai Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining Ismiya Nurhayati; Sri Lestanti; Saiful Nur Budiman
Jurnal Algoritme Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Algoritme
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Multi Data Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35957/algoritme.v3i1.3343


This study aims to build an expert system that can help determine quickly what pests or diseases attack bonsai plants based on symptoms that appear, especially in Blitar Nursery. Not only types of pests or diseases, this system also informs how to handle plants that are attacked by pests or diseases and how to prevent them. The method used in this study is the forward chaining method, the tracking process of this method is from symptom data, then matches the data with the IF part of the IF-THEN rule, if it is in accordance with the existing rules, then the rule will be executed to get a conclusion. This expert system was built using Bootstrap and the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language with the Sublime Text text editor. Testing this expert system using black box and beta testing to IT experts and experts. The results of black box testing are 97.22% and beta test results are 85.2%, the conclusion that the system is feasible to use and can provide a diagnosis of pests or diseases in bonsai plants based on the symptoms given.
Antivirus : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika Vol 16 No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Balitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35457/antivirus.v16i2.2474


Many competitors and the impact of covid-19 caused sales of boba drinks to be erratic. This creates problems for Boba Tresnatea drink sellers because they cannot know that Boba drinks will increase or decrease in sales in the future. To prepare for this, forecasting is necessary. One method that can be used for forecasting is Single Exponential Smoothing (SES). SES was chosen because it is good for short-term forecasting. SES can be used to forecast or predict something in the future by utilizing data from the past, to help make decisions in the future so as to minimize existing risks. Forecasting results for August 2022 with an alpha of 0.8 is 388 cups and 0.9 is 390 cups. The results of the MAD test with an alpha of 0.8 is 40.09180147 and an alpha of 0.9 is 39.12510214. MAPE with an alpha value of 0.8 is 11.95645923 and an alpha value of 0.9 is 11.63512324. The best used alpha value is 0.9. The results of SES forecasting in this case are categorized as good because based on the feasibility index the value of 10% to 20% is declared good.
Antivirus : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika Vol 16 No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Balitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35457/antivirus.v16i2.2508


Gesture recognition is a part of artificial intelligence in the field of computer vision. With gesture recognition, the computer is able to understand the movements captured on the camera/webcam. The benefits of gesture recognition are many, one of which is what researchers are doing regarding hand-tracking gesture recognition of the human right-hand finger to adjust the volume control on a computer or laptop. Based on this background, this research is intended to apply machine learning developed from the OpenCV and MediaPipe libraries to carry out the process of training and testing finger gestures as gestures to control one of the functions in Windows, one of which is volume control. This process uses the OpenCV Library and MediaPipe because they are capable of multiprocessing with real-time data, so the gesture identification process is faster and more accurate. When the camera/webcam captures the frame of the movement of the human's right-hand finger gesture, an augmentation process is carried out and the provision of keypoint localization landmarks is carried out for each knuckle. In this study, only the fingertip landmarks and index finger landmarks were recognized. Machine learning will perform calculations from the distance between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the forefinger which is used to determine changes in the volume of the sound. From the test results of nine trials with different finger poses, 88.89% was obtained. One of the test results failed to read finger movement gestures, due to the landmark position of the tip of the index finger which was closed with the other fingers.
Pemanfaatan Barang Bekas Menjadi Barang Bermanfaat Bagi Masyarakat di Masa Pandemi Sri Lestanti; Saiful Nur Budiman
Dedication : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31537/dedication.v6i1.660


Barang bekas diantaranya botol minuman bekas, koran-koran bekas, kain bekas dan sampah plastik bekas seperti kantong plastik kresek. Diantara barang bekas tersebut maka barang bekas plastiklah yang sangat sulit untuk dimusnahkan begitu saja sehingga diperlukan proses 3R (reduce, reuse, recyle). Pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga ataupun barang bekas adalah kegiatan yang sistematis, menyeluruh dan berkesinambungan yang meliputi pengurangan dan penanganan sampah rumah tangga. Pada saat sekarang atau dimasa pandemi ini kegiatan daur ulang bisa dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan barang bekas menjadi barang yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi bahkan dalam proses pemasaran juga memiliki harga yang cukup tinggi. Tujuan utama dari tim pelaksana pengabdian kepada masyarakat kali ini adalah untuk mendorong tumbuh kembangnya sektor UKM di desa Wonorejo, Kecamatan Talun, Kabupaten Blitar dengan memanfaatkan barang-barang bekas menjadi barang yang berguna dan bernilai eknomis dengan membuat hasta karya ataupun alat hand sanitizer otomatis dari sampah plastik bekas dan kayu bekas bangunan.
SIBI (Sistem Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia) berbasis Machine Learning dan Computer Vision untuk Membantu Komunikasi Tuna Rungu dan Tuna Wicara Saiful Nur Budiman; Sri Lestanti; Haris Yuana; Beta Nurul Awwalin
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika Vol 9, No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jtmi.v9i2.10993


The Indonesian Sign Language System (SIBI) is used to translate sign language into text or speech. SIBI helps improve communication between people using sign language and those who do not understand it. Unlike commonly used languages, SIBI sign language is less known to most people due to a lack of interest. To address this, an artificial intelligence-based application was developed, focusing on deep learning to recognize SIBI sign language hand movements in real-time. The model was created with 20 epochs, a batch size of 16, and a learning rate of 0.001. It consists of 13 layers, with the ReLU activation function used for the input layer, while the output layer uses Sigmoid. The ADAM optimizer was used to expedite the model creation process. The image dataset used had a size of 300x300 pixels. In the classification testing of the SIBI alphabet results in this study, it was tested using distance tests. The distance between the webcam and the SIBI language speaker was divided into two categories: 40 cm and 60 cm. For a 40-cm distance, an accuracy of 87.50% was obtained, and for a 60-cm distance, an accuracy of 79.17% was achieved. One limitation of this study is that two alphabets, J and Z, were not included in the dataset. This is because recognition of these two alphabets requires not only finger pattern recognition but also recognition of their gesture patterns.