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Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Rehabilitasi Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Rehabilitasi
Publisher : Universitas Widya Husada Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.117 KB) | DOI: 10.33660/jfrwhs.v4i1.105


Gangguan umum muskuloskeletal yang terjadi pada guru adalah nyeri leher dan nyeri punggung bawah yang disebabkan duduk atau bekerja pada posisi statis sehingga memicu terjadinya cedera tertarik berulang. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan oleh Prodi Fisioterapi UKI untuk meminimalkan risiko tersebut pada para pegawai Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 10 Cawang sebagai mitra pada program ini. Metode yang akan dilakukan pada kegiatan ini adalah dengan memberikan edukasi berupa penyuluhan, pemeriksaan ketidaknyamanan, dan memberikan penanganan mandiri berupa peregangan mandiri yang diajarkan kepada guru dan dapat dilakukan secara mandiri. Kegiatan pemeriksaan umum dilakukan dengan mengisikan kuisioner. Penanganan yang diberikan adalah edukasi melalui penyuluhan dan memberikan buku panduan peregangan. Pegawai yang mengikuti penyuluhan berjumlah 29 orang. Pada pemeriksaan awal didapati 16 orang mengalami nyeri leher dan 18 orang mengalami nyeri punggung bawah. Setelah dua bulan, didapati penuruan jumlah kejadian nyeri leher dan punggung bawah sebanyak 8 orang. Sebanyak 27 dari 29 mengaku mendapat manfaat melalui program pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan. Dengan pelaksanaan penyuluhan peregangan mandiri disimpulkan terdapat penurunan prevalensi kejadian nyeri leher dan nyeri punggung bawah pada pegawai SMKN 10 Cawang.
Pemeriksaan Kondisi Gerak dan Fungsi dan Penanganan Fisioterapi Pada Lansia di Gereja Bethel Indonesia Jemaat Danau Bogor James Wilson Hasoloan Manik; Beriman Rahmansyah; Lucky Anggiat; Weeke Budhyanti; Novlinda Susy A Manurung; Rosintan M Napitupulu; Citra Puspa Juwita; Maksimus Bisa; Lisnaini -
JURNAL Comunità Servizio : Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, terkhusus bidang Teknologi, Kewirausahaan dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Univesitas Kristen Indonesia

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Abstrak Kondisi gerak dan fungsi lansia merupakan salah satu kondisi kesehatan yang menunjang aktivitas lansia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam rangka mengupayakanpeningkatan kesejahteraan lansia maka Pengurus Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI) Danau Bogor Raya dan program studi fisioterapi fakultas vokasi Universitas Kristen Indonesiamelaksanakan kerja sama dalam bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakatpada tanggal 15 Maret 2019 di GBI Bogor. Hasil dari pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa keluhan paling banyak terjadi pada gangguan sendi dan otot pada bagian pinggang dengan diikuti keluhan padapernafasan dan saraf.Kegiatan pemeriksaan umum dilakukan dengan mengukurtekanan darah, denyut nadi dan anamnesa serta dilanjutkan dengan memberikan terapis melalui modalitas terapi sinar infra merah, terapi ultrasonik, terapi latihan, terapi manual, terapi pijat, terapi stimulasi elektris dan latihan di rumah. Kegiatanterapis menerapi satu oranglansia dengan satu terapis. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini juga memberikan intervensi fisioterapi yang tepat dan homeprogram yang dapat dilakukan lansia setelah dirumah. Sebagian besar lansia mau mengikuti program pengabdian masyarakat ini, sehingga manfaat dari pemeriksaan dan intervensi fisioterapi dapat memberi manfaat yang baik pada masyarakat. Kata Kunci: lansia, fisioterapi, gerak, fungsi. Abstract The condition of movement and body function of elderly people were one of the most supporting factors in activity of daily living. In the purpose of improving the wellnessof elderly in Gereja Betel Indonesia (GBI), the committee of GBI and Program Studi Fisioterapi UKI made collaborationin community service for the elderly on 15 March 2019. The result of the community service revealed thatthe elderly have some problems of joints and muscle, especially in lower back, also with some problemsin respiratoryand neurology. The activitieswere general health screening with measuring the blood pressure, pulse rate and physical and function anamnesis and continuedto physiotherapy treatment using modalities like infrared rays, ultrasound therapy, exercise therapy, manual therapy, massage therapy, electrical stimulation and home exercise. The therapists treatthe elderly personally.This community service provides intervention based problem of elderly with home program that they can do at home. Almost all elderly want to join this community service, so the impact of assessment and physiotherapy intervention can give good effects to the community. Keywords : Elderly, physiotherapy, movement, function
Jurnal Pro-Life Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): Juli
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/jpvol6Iss2pp102


Since 2007, Indonesia has been declaring war with malnutrition which are roots of health problems. Research was conducted to found out nutritional status distribution of Akfis UKI students as a preliminary research to evaluate and improving their health status. Research conducted as qualitative descriptive of height, weight and body mass index of 127 persons. Research shown that of Akfis UKI students found 29.9% were stunted; 10.22% obesity; 5% overweight; 19.66% wasted and 3.14% severely wasted. Body mass index’ data correlated with vital signs data of the same students, which are 1.81% hypotension student; 8.17% prehypertension; 3.62% hypertension, dan 21% tachycardia. Correlation of nutritional and vital sign status is 0.11. Therefore, no correlation between body mass index and vital signs. Keywords : body mass index, obesity, wasted
Jurnal Dinamika Pendidikan Vol. 13 No. 3 (2020): November
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51212/jdp.v13i3.1532


Subject Physiology is one with low passing rate in Diploma of Physiotherapy Program of Universitas Kristen Indonesia, causing 10% of students not graduated on time. At the 2015 curriculum update, an evaluation was conducted on the Physiology course, and starting in the 2016 academic year, development based on curriculum evaluation results was carried out. The development was carried out in stages, specifically designed for the purposes of the Physiotherapy Diploma Study Program. Today, the teaching materials has been completed and may be accessed by students online. As a result, passing rate of this course is 100%, more students have scores above 80, and student satisfaction is increasing.
INSPIREE: Indonesian Sport Innovation Review Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): May
Publisher : INSPIREE & DPE Universitas Pahlawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53905/inspiree.v2i2.42


The  purpose  of  the study. Arthritis of the joint and hypertension are two conditions that the elderly are prone to face. Both of these conditions affect the movement and function of the human body. The Physiotherapy study program considers it important to continue to provide service to the elderly community in Kelurahan Cawang, which is a fostered area of the Fakultas Vokasi. Materials and methods. Program socialization with health education videos for the elderly exercises for arthritis pain and hypertension were options to continue providing community service during a pandemic. Empowerment of public health agents and families is also carried out to disseminate information about the health of the elderly in terms of hypertension and arthritis pain which are prepared by lecturers of the physiotherapy study program. Results. With the health educational video, the elderly still pay attention to their health even though they are not as effective as usual. Conclusions. As the conclusion, the elderly still felt helped and were enthusiastic about participating in the health educational videos provided by the lecturers.
Model Prediksi Unsur Iklim Terhadap Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Provinsi Jawa Barat Citra Puspa Juwita; Lucky Anggiat; Weeke Budhyanti
Jurnal Untuk Masyarakat Sehat (JUKMAS) Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Untuk Masyarakat Sehat (JUKMAS)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Respati Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52643/jukmas.v4i2.1023


Angka case fatality rate (CFR) dari kasus demam berdarah dengue yang terjadi di Provinsi Jawa Barat pada tahun 2018 adalah 0,56. Penanganan untuk menekankan angka CFR kasus DBD setiap tahunnya menjadi program rutin yang terus diupayakan tetapi tampaknya belum dapat menekankan angka kematian tersebut. Unsur iklim yang meliputi curah hujan, suhu, kelembaban, kecepatan angin, dan lamanya penyinaran matahari dapat mempengaruhi kasus DBD. Data iklim yang tersedia online dapat menjadi early warning system melalui model prediksi jumlah kasus DBD. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan model prediksi unsur iklim terhadap jumlah kasus DBD di Provinsi Jawa Barat tahun 2010-2019. Melalui desain penelitian observasi dan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan uji analisis korelasi Spearmen Rho menunjukkan hasil bahwa kelembaban rata-rata berkorelasi positif kuat dan bermakna (r=0,64; p<0,01), lamanya penyinaran matahari berkorelasi negatif cukup kuat dan bermakna (r= -0.43; p< 0,01), dan kecepatan angin rata-rata berkorelasi positif sangat lemah dan tidak bermakna (r=0,1; p>0,05) terhadap jumlah kasus DBD. Model prediksi yang tepat dengan analisis regresi berganda yaitu DBD=-9548.071+133.005*kelembaban rata-rata+177.887*kecepatan angin rata-rata. Hasil model prediksi dapat dipakai Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat untuk mendapatkan angka kasus DBD, dimana ketika didapat angka kasus yang tinggi maka pada satu bulan kedepan dapat siap siaga untuk memberikan pertolongan yang cepat guna mengurangi angka CFR. 
Nutritional Intake of Children in Kebon Pala East Jakarta Lisnaini Lisnaini; Weeke Budhyanti; Meliana Chandra
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v17i1.6512


Background: A mother is the main nutrition provider of an Indonesian family. Their own health profiles and situations may affect their abilities to provide proper nutrition. In this research, we try to find mothers in Kebon Pala profile, and the nutrition taken by their children; Method: This quantitative descriptive study was conducted by using a self-administered questionnaire which has been responded to by 94 mothers in Kebon Pala. This research was conducted from October 2021-April 2022. Results: 61.54% child takes 3 times carb intake a day, but unlike the national nutritional guidelines, only 20% take anima-based protein 3 times a day, only 34.83% take plant-based protein 3 times a day, and only 33.33% take vegetable 3 times a day. This minimal variation of plate filling happened, even though 49.44% child never complained about the food available and 55.56% child never complained about vegetables/fruit on their plate. Conclusion: Children in Kebon Pala did not eat balanced nutrition meals, and most of them have eating difficulties (fussy eaters).