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Jurnal Kesehatan - STIKes Prima Nusantara Vol 12, No 3 (2021): JURNAL KESEHATAN
Publisher : STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35730/jk.v12i3.461


Latar Belakang Masalah: Hiperbilirubinemia merupakan gangguan kesehatan yang sering terjadi pada bayi prematur. Perawatan di rumah sakit memerlukan tingkat ketelitian yang tinggi. Kematian bayi karena hyperbilirubinemia termasuk kematian oleh sebab yang dapat dihindari. Angka kematian bayi dapat diurunkan bila dirawat oleh tenaga perawat yang kompeten.Tujuan : Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggali lebih dalam gambaran penilaian diri perawat terhadap kompetensi merawat bayi hiperbilirubinemia.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif pada 20 perawat perina yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuisener elektronik berisi pertanyaan terbuka.  Hasil: Hasil penelitian mendapatkan empat tema yaitu (1) merasa kompeten merawat bayi Hiperbilirubinemia karena berpengalaman dan telah mengikuti pelatihan bersertifikat, (2) merasa tidak kompeten merawat bayi hyperbilirubinemia karena kurang pengetahuan tentang hiperbilirubinemia,(3) membutuhkan pelatihan perawatan bayi hyperbilirubinemia (4) Merasa perlu dukungan peralatan yang memadai untuk mampu merawat bayi hiperbilirubinemia. Simpulan: Dibutuhkan pelatihan terstruktur dan berkelanjutan tentang perawatan bayi hiperbilirubinemia untuk meningkatkan kompetensi perawat.
Pengaruh Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Pemantau Pertumbuhan Anak Terhadap Praktik Mandiri Ibu Dalam Pemantauan Stunting Rokhaidah Rokhaidah; Herlina Herlina
Dunia Keperawatan Vol 9, No 1 (2021): MARCH 2021
Publisher : School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/dk.v9i1.9716


Children are the future of the nation who have the right to grow and develop properly. The problem of growth in children in Indonesia is still quite high. The prevalence of stunting in 2017 was 29.6%, far above the minimum limit set by WHO, which is 20%. One of the pillars of preventing stunting is warning and evaluation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of training on the use of child growth applications on mothers' independent practice in stunting monitoring. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a pre and post test control group design. The sample of this research is mothers who have children under five at Posyandu Arjuna, Baros Village, perhaps 60 people. The statistical test results with the Man Whitney analysis showed a p value of 0.007, which means that there is a limit between the independent practice of the control group and the intervention intervention during the post test so it can be ignored that the use of growth monitoring applications has a good effect on the independent practice of mothers in monitoring stunting. 
Indonesian Journal of Health Development Vol 1 No 1 (2019): IJHD
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu kesehatan UPN Veteran Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.583 KB) | DOI: 10.52021/ijhd.v1i1.6


Baby is a newborn individual creatures until up-to the age of 12 months-old. As a newborns, babies should be given breastfeeding by the mother because the babies whose fed on breastfeeding will healthier compared with babies that fed by formula milk. Exclusive breastfeeding is giving since the mother gived birth until the babies is 6 months-old and not getting additional food or others liquids such as formula milk, oranges and mineral water. The research aimed to find out the relationship between occupational status mothers with exclusive breastfeeding on babies. This research is a descriptive analytical study by using the Chi Square analysis on 49 respondents obtained with the method of purposive sampling. The results of this research showed there is no relationship between occupational status mothers with exclusive breastfeeding on babies (OR= 2,456 P Value 0,211 with alpha > 0,05). It is recommended for each family member, especially the husband to give a support and motivation to mother in giving exclusive breastfeeding to the babies.
Pengetahuan Ibu dan Dukungan Keluarga Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting Pada Balita Rokhaidah Rokhaidah; Riska Hidayattullah
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat : Media Komunikasi Komunitas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 14 No 3 (2022): JIKM Vol. 14, Edisi 3, Agustus 2022
Publisher : Public Health Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52022/jikm.v14i3.348


Abstrak Latar Belakang :Stunting atau biasa disebut tubuh pendek dapat diartikan sebagai kondisi dimana terjadi gangguan pertumbuhan pada anak dibawah usia 5 tahun akibat dari kurangnya asupan gizi terutama dalam seribu (1000) hari pertama kehidupan. Stunting dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor antara lain pengetahuan ibu dan dukungan keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu dan dukungan keluarga dengan upaya pencegahan stunting pada balita di Posyandu Anggrek 1 RW 06 Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur Metode : Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Cross Sectional dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan propotional stratified simpel random pada 96 sampel ibu balita. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri dari karakteristik responden ibu dan anak, pengetahuan ibu, dukungan keluarga dan upaya pencegahan stunting yang sudah dilakukan validitas dan reabilitas. Hasil : Uji analisis statistik didapatkan hasil terdapat hubungan pengetahuan ibu (P=0,004) dan dukungan keluarga (P=0,031) dengan upaya pencegahan stunting pada balita. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan ibu dan dukungan keluarga dengan upaya pencegahan stunting pada balita. Disarankan pemberian edukasi tentang stunting kepada ibu dan meningkatkan upaya dukungan keluarga dapat dilakukan sebagai bentuk upaya preventif kejadian stunting. Kata Kunci: Balita, Dukungan keluarga, Pencegahan stunting, Pengetahuan Abstract Background: Stunting or commonly called short body can be interpreted as a condition where there is a growth disorder in children under the age of 5 years due to lack of nutritional intake, especially in the first thousand (1000) days of life. Stunting can be influenced by various factors, including mother's knowledge and family support Methods: The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between mother's knowledge and family support with efforts to prevent stunting in toddlers at the Orchid 1 Posyandu, RW 06, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. The research design used was cross sectional and the sampling was done by proportional stratified simple random on 96 samples. Data collection using a questionnaire consisting of the characteristics of the respondents mother and child, mother's knowledge, family support and stunting prevention efforts that have been carried out validity and reliability. Results: The statistical analysis test showed that there was a relationship between mother's knowledge (P = 0.004) and family support (P = 0.031) with efforts to prevent stunting in toddlers. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that there was a significant relationship between mother's knowledge and family support and efforts to prevent stunting in toddlers. The author suggests the importance of providing education about stunting to mothers and increasing family support efforts to prevent stunting in toddlers. Keywords: Family support, Knowledge, Stunting prevention, Toddler
Training Of Trainer (TOT) Kader Posyandu untuk Generasi Bebas Stunting di Kelurahan Pasir Putih Sawangan-Depok Rokhaidah Rokhaidah; Lina Ayu Marcelina; Lima Florensia
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 7, No 4 (2024): Volume 7 No 4 2024
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v7i4.12773


ABSTRAK Pemerintah menetapkan stunting sebagai isu prioritas nasional dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2020-2024 dengan target penurunan yang signifikan dari kondisi 24,4% pada 2021 menjadi 14% pada 2024. Provinsi Jawa barat merupakan salah satu provinsi yang menjadi 12 provinsi prioritas stunting. Stunting merupakan masalah keluarga, maka intervensinya difokuskan pada keluarga khususnya keluarga 1000 HPK yang dilaksanakan di posyandu. Penurunan angka stunting dengan Intervensi sensitive untuk menangani penyebab tidak langsung dengan optimalisasi peran kader Kesehatan. Permasalahan mitra adalah belum dilakukannya Training of Trainer (ToT) kader Kesehatan untuk generasi bebas stunting. Solusi bagi masalah yang dihadapi mitra di kelurahan Pasir Putih kecamatan Sawangan-Depok adalah dengan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Dasar (PKM-D)  melalui kegiatan Training of Trainer (ToT) kader Posyandu untuk generasi bebas stunting yang dilaksanakan pada tangga 1-30 Juni 2023 dan diikuti oleh 13 orang kader Posyandu di Kelurahan Pasir Putih Sawangan Depok. Tujuan dari Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Dasar (PKM-D) ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, perilaku serta keterampilan praktis kader posyandu dalam berperan mencegah stunting. Metode pelaksanaan pelatihan berupa ceramah dan demontrasi. Kader posyandu diberikan materi mengenai pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak serta demontrasi dan redemontrasi cara pemeriksaan penyimpangan tumbuh kembang anak. Selanjutnya kader melakukan praktik pengukuran tumbuh kembang anak di posyandu masing-masing. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan kader dari rerata nilai pretest 70 meningkat pada saat post test dengan rerata nilai 89,5. Serta nilai rata-rata kader dalam keterampilan pemeriksaan tumbuh kembang anak adalah 71. Kesimpulan: Kegiatan ToT kader posyandu dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader dalam pemantauan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Kata Kunci: Kader, Posyandu, Stunting, Training Of Trainer   ABSTRACT The government has set stunting as a national priority issue in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) with a target of a significant reduction from 24.4% in 2021 to 14% in 2024. West Java Province is one of the 12 priority provinces stunting. Stunting is a family problem, so the intervention is focused on the family, especially the 1000 HPK families implemented at the Posyandu. Reducing stunting rates with sensitive interventions to deal with indirect causes by optimizing the role of health cadres. The partner's problem is that health cadre training of trainers (ToT) has not been carried out for a stunting-free generation. The solution to the problems faced by partners in the Pasir Putih sub-district, Sawangan-Depok sub-district is the Basic Community Partnership Program (PKM-D) through the Posyandu cadre Training of Trainer (ToT) activities for stunting-free generations which are held on June 1-30 2023 and are followed by by 13 Posyandu cadres in Pasir Putih Sub-District, Sawangan Depok. The aim of the Basic Community Partnership Program (PKM-D) is to increase knowledge, attitudes, behavior and practical skills of posyandu cadres in their role in preventing stunting. The training implementation method is in the form of lectures and demonstrations. Posyandu cadres were given material on child growth and development as well as demonstrations and demonstrations on how to check for irregularities in child growth and development. Furthermore, the cadres practice measuring the growth and development of children in their respective posyandu. There is an increase in the knowledge of cadres from an average pretest score of 70 to an increase in the post test with an average score of 89.5. As well as the average score of cadres in the skill of examining child growth and development is 71. Conclusion: ToT activities for psoyandu cadres can increase cadres' knowledge and skills in monitoring children's growth and development. Keywords: Cadres, Posyandu, Stunting, Training of Trainer