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Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta

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The increasing population growth has caused the population's need for housing facilities to increase. The development of housing facilities will increase the need for building materials. The solution to resolve this issue is by working up the use of local resources to raise the production of necessary building materials. One of the building materials in this research is the concrete brick that is a relatively cheap and strong building block. Fiberglass is an industrial material for construction as part of the waterproofing that has a value of strength, economy, and flexibility in its use. Since it is known for its usefulness values, so the author conducted a study with the addition of fibreglass as a replacement of fine aggregate in the bricks to work on the volume weight and compressive strength. The research indicates that the addition of fiberglass was 0%, 2.5%, 5% & 7.5% in the concrete block with the volume weight values were 2208 kg/m3, 2149.037 kg/m3, 2130.568 kg/m3 & 2125.63 kg/m3. The value of volume weight on the addition of fibreglass to the concrete brick showed a smaller volume weight value than the normal brick. The research indicates that the addition of fiberglass is 0%, 2.5%, 5% & 7.5% in the brick with the average compressive strength values were 436.025 kg/cm2, 236.805 kg/cm2, 230.176 kg/cm2 & 289.129 kg/cm2. The average compressive strength in the addition of fiberglass to the concrete brick was smaller than the normal brick..
Challenges of Developing a Logistics Hub Case Study: Batu Ampar Port Petrus Haryanto Wibowo; Al Husni
Journal of Civil Engineering and Planning (JCEP) Vol 2 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Sipil Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/jcep.v2i2.6286


Batam as a region with leading sectors of marine, tourism, industry, fisheries and Batu Ampar as Main Port has the potential to be developed. One of the main centers of activity is large ports and international airports that have the potential to become national and international-scale economic gateways for logistics hubs. The aim of this research was to determine The Challenges of developing a logstics hub in Batu Ampar Port. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach and secondary data from the Batam port office and the Human Settlements and Spatial Planning Office. The results of this research are there are some challenges from the aspects of Geography, Infrastructure, Connectivity, Transportation costs and time, Trade movement requirements, Shipping dependability, Transport and trade regulations. Poor logistics performance is a major obstacle to trade growth in most cities in Indonesia. In this case there is an international shipping port but does not yet have adequate facilities and infrastructure to become a logistics hub.
Evaluasi Perhitungan Struktur Proyek Kaliban School 5 Lantai dengan Etabs Rion Rifaldo; Petrus Haryanto Wibowo
Journal of Civil Engineering and Planning (JCEP) Vol 2 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Sipil Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/jcep.v2i2.734


Structural planning that is not in accordance with regulations and theories can result in construction failure. As for one of the factors that influence planning errors is to take into account the burden on the building. The aim of this study is to evaluate the level of structural strength at Kaliban School and also to design solutions for structural strengthening. This study has 5 stages namely, structural design modeling, loading analysis, structural analysis, design, and design control. Structural analysis used ETABS application assistance and manual calculations in accordance with PPIUG, 1983; SNI 1727, 2013; SNI 2847, 2013. The results of ETABS analysis show that the structure of the Kaliban School plan is not resilient so it needs to be re-planned with ETABS method. For existing structures, it is necessary to strengthen the structure because the condition of the building is in the construction phase. The redesigning is done by changing the dimensions of the structural components, calculating the number of reinforcement and add joist to reducing the span of the floor plate. Structural reinforcement was done by adding joists (WF steel profiles 400 x 200 x 8 x 13 BJ 37) to reduce the floor plate span and calculate of BJ 37 steel plate requirements for structural components based on the necessary load from the ETABS analysis results.
Analisa terhadap Penerapan Timeframe pada Perumahan Winner Flower House Punggur Edrick Ottoh Wijaya; Petrus Haryanto Wibowo; Usmanul Hayadi Umar
Journal of Civil Engineering and Planning (JCEP) Vol 3 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Sipil Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/jcep.v3i1.1251


This research will discuss about Winner Flower housing development The house which will later function as a residence, shop and apartment, and has facilities such as a club house and a swimming pool. This study aims to estimate the time for material procurement based on the time schedule for the construction project of the Punggur Flower House Winner. The method used to determine the estimated time is the conventional method, where the scheduling process is the scheduling process where the measurements are taken, in planning meetings, in measuring, and making scheduling times more regular and systematic. This research will discuss about Winner Flower housing development The house which will later function as a residence, shop and apartment, and has facilities such as a club house and a swimming pool. The estimated work plan for this project is 52 weeks and the realization of this project is 52 weeks. Thus it can be concluded that the processing time until the completion of the work is not delayed.
Bahaya Narkoba Bagi Generasi Muda Ade Jaya Saputra; Petrus Haryanto Wibowo; Tohmas Saputra; Yehezkiel Immanuel; Gabriel Immanuel; Rahmat Hermawan; M. Alfi Wahyudi
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): The 4th National Conference of Community Service Project 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/nacospro.v4i1.6977


Salah satu permasalahan pada generasi muda saat ini adalah penyalahgunaan Narkoba. Pada zaman sekarang ini, banyak ditemukan barang-barang berbahaya tersebut beredar di Indonesia. Berdasarkan survei Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), sekitar 90% penyalahguna narkoba adalah dari kalangan pelajar atau mahasiswa. Untuk itu, sebagai salah satu upaya menjauhkan pengaruh narkoba dari generasi muda Indonesia adalah dengan memberikan pengetahuan sejak dini. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan melaksanakan program sosialisasi serta penggunaan modul yang akan dibagikan kepada Panti Asuhan An-Nuur. Sebagian besar penduduk Panti Asuhan An-Nuur merupakan kalangan remaja dan anak-anak yang berstatus sebagai pelajar sehingga membutuhkan pemahaman mengenai dampak dan bahaya penggunaan Narkoba. Sosialisasi ini dapat memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan sebagai bekal generasi muda untuk menjauhkan diri dari pengaruh Narkoba di kehidupannya yang akan datang.
Sosialisasi Pencegahan Sikap Radikalisme Dan Rasisme Terhadap Peserta Didik Sman 20 Batam Ade Jaya Saputra; Petrus Haryanto Wibowo; Azzhara Amanda; Fabiola Frederica Rafaellin; Tria Resinta; Pebri Gery Valentine; Raja Muhammad Fadhilah
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): The 4th National Conference of Community Service Project 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/nacospro.v4i1.6979


Salah satu kewajiban negara sebagai amanat Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia tahun 1945 adalah “……melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesi…..”. Hingga saat ini aksi teror radikalisme masih menjadi masalah yang terus berulang. Sasaran aksi radikalisme adalah: timbulnya konflik pada masyarakat, polemik vertikal/horizontal, menimbulkan reaksi brutal, dan menjadikan media propaganda. Tulisan ini di buat untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui strategi pencegahan dalam rangka membrantas tindak pidana radikalisme maupun terorisme. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan program sosialisasi dan berupa tulisan jurnal. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan agar generasi muda lebih peduli terhadap masalah sosial. Program ini dijalankan berdasarkan progam UIB Goes to SMAN 20 Batam.